SkiJoring Utah Liability Release Form By signing this waiver and release form PARTICIPANTS (undersigned participants or undersigned parent or guardian) agrees and fully understands the following: 1. I fully understand that engaging in the sport of skijoring is a dangerous and unpredictable activity, which could result in personal injury and/or death. 2. I verify that I am physically able to participate in this event. I agree that all the decisions I make and the actions I take are my own. I further agree that I will pay for any and all medical expenses, which may occur as a result of injury to myself by participating in this event. 3. I understand that horseback riding, racing and skiing and/or snowboarding behind a horse will expose me to above normal health risks. I agree to assume and accept the dangers that occur in the activity of horseback riding, skiing, snowboarding, racing and/or skiing and/or snowboarding behind a horse. 4. I waive and release for myself, my heirs, executors, and administrators all rights or claims for damage which I may have now or in the future against SkiJoring Utah LLC, Sponsors, Land Owners, Race Directors, Volunteers, Spectators, Municipalities, States, any and all City, County and State Agency’s, Partners, Employees, and Servants from all claims for personal injuries, including death, and damages to property, real or personal, caused by or arising out of my involvement in this event. 5. I fully understand I am responsible for the health and safety of the horse. I waive and release all rights or claims in case of injury and/or death of the horse. I also understand I am fully responsible for any expenses incurred if the horse is injured or for any actions, the horse may take causing injury or damage to humans, livestock or property. 6. I irrevocably grant to SkiJoring Utah LLC, race organizers, and media representatives the right to use my name, image, likeness, voice and biography for any purpose, including, without limitation, in connection with the distribution, advertising, promotion, commercial tie-in or other ancillary exploitation of the Events, and any entertainment programming related thereto, in whole or in part, in all media and by all means now known or hereafter devised and in all languages, throughout the universe in perpetuity. 7. Good sportsmanship is required at the SkiJoring Utah event. SkiJoring Utah officials may disqualify any person or team they deem is acting in an unsportsmanlike manner at any time including, but not limited to registration, awards ceremonies, etc. If you are disqualified you will surrender your entry fees as well as forfeiting event winnings. 8. By signing below participants (Rider and Skier) have read and understand the release that accompanies this form and hereby releases SkiJoring Utah LLC and any other insured from any and all claims or liability which may arise from their participation in the competition. I have read and agree to all of the SkiJoring Utah Rules and Regulations. I Agree Today's Date: February 10, 2025