Don't forget to bring government issued photo ID with you to your appointment, its required! --------------------------------------------- I understand I will be pierced using appropriate instruments and techniques, and I acknowledge that infection is always possible as a result of obtaining a piercing. To ensure proper healing of my piercing, I agree to follow the directions given to me following my piercing procedure. I Agree Health History and Informed Consent The following conditions may increase health risks associated with receiving body art: - I am not pregnant or nursing. I do not have epilepsy, diabetes or hemophilia. I do not suffer from any heart conditions or take medications that thin the blood. I am not under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
I Agree - If I suffer from hepatitis, HIV or other communicable disease, I have the opportunity to inform the piercer of this fact.
I Agree - I do not suffer from medical or skin conditions such as, but not limited to: keloid or hypertrophic scarring, psoriasis at the site of the piercing or any open wounds or lesions at the site of the piercing.
I Agree - I have advised the piercer of any allergies to metals, pigments, latex, soaps, and medications. I acknowledge that it is not possible for the piercer to determine whether I might have an allergic reaction to the piercing or process involved in the piercing and further acknowledge that such a reaction is possible.
I Agree - 5. I have trustfully represented to the piercer that I am over the age of 18 years. I am not under the influence of drugs or alcohol. To my knowledge, I do not have any physical, mental, or medical impairment or disability which might affect my well-being as a direct or indirect result of my decision to have a piercing done at this time.
I Agree - I acknowledge that obtaining this piercing is my choice alone and will result in a permanent change to my appearance, and that no representation has been made to me as to the ability to restore the skin involved in this piercing to its pre-pierced condition.
I Agree - I understand that if I have had a herpetic outbreak in the past that the stress of this procedure may result in a herpetic flare-up.
I Agree - I do not have mitral valve prolapse or any other heart condition that requires antibiotics before dental work or any other medical procedure.
I Agree - I have eaten in the last 4 hours.
I Agree
By my signature below, I certify that if I give false information or produce false documentation stating my name and age to be other than correct, then I am liable for prosecution.
Date: February 10, 2025 Disclosure Statement - As with any invasive procedure, piercing may involve possible health risks. These risks may include: pain, bleeding, swelling, infection, scarring of the area, and nerve damage.
- Unsterile equipment and needles can spread infectious diseases; it is extremely important to be sure that all equipment is clean and sanitary before use.
- The Body Art practitioner should properly and thoroughly cleanse the area before the procedure, use sterile equipment, use sterile techniques, and provide information on the aftercare of the area receiving body art.
- Aftercare available at
- You may not be allowed to donate blood either temporarily or permanently. I have read and understood this disclosure statement.
Date: February 10, 2025 If there are any questions, complications, injury, or infection such as heat, redness, swelling, green or yellow discharge, or disease as a result of this body modification procedure, please notify your artist. This disclosure statement is as per the Northampton Board of Health 210 Main St. Room 8, Northampton MA 01060 (413) 587-1214