Our Purpose:
We want you, your friends and family to have lots of fun and laughter at Go Kids Play, when using facilities and equipment. To ensure that everyone enjoys a “safe” Play, we have a few safety requirements that we’d like you to know and understand.
How we want to keep YOU safe:
When you are exerting any physical activities like: jumping, climbing or bouncing (on play equipment) you may experience injuries (such as: twists, sprains, fractures, etc.). Therefore, we request that you (your friends and family) comply with the following requirements - to ensure everyone’s safety:
- CONSIDER other persons using equipment, particularly where such persons may be smaller/younger and/or inexperienced in using the play equipment;
- PARENTS TO SUPERVISE and MAINTAIN contact with person(s) in your care whilst at GKP premises;
- MINIMISE excessive “boisterous” behavior (particularly around small children);
- ONLY participate in play activities when fit and health and free from any injuries (both physical and mental);
- ONLY enter GKP premises when not affected or under the influence of any drugs or alcohol;
- DO NOT bring any sharp objects (or weapons) into the GKP premises; - OBEY all signage and ALL instructions (incl. emergency response) given by GKP staff
- MAINTAIN cleanliness in play areas and report to GKP staff any issues to be rectified; - FOLLOW all COVID-19 instructions & rules while visitings centre - ALLOW contact details for GKP updates & specials - SOCKS MUST BE WORN - USE waste bins for placement of waste material.
Legalities: - NO valuables or jewellery allowed on play equipment. - From time to time videos and photographs may be taken of the Go Kids Play premises and activities, with such images used for advertising/promotional purposes. Please advise staff if you would not like to participate.
- GKP acknowledges legal requirements for business operation (as below) and its Obligation to meet its duty of care to all clients, suppliers, visitors and staff of the GKP facility.
Note: We do not recommend children <4 years old to play on Inflatable equipment, however, should you wish your child to participate in this area, they must be fully accompanied and monitored.
I accept and acknowledge risks associated with the use of GKP play equipment, my responsibilities (and those of persons in my care) to comply with the above requirements and in doing so, waiver any legal claims against Go Kids Play as a result of play activities conducted by myself (and those persons in my care):
February 14, 2025