You must be at least 18 years of age to purchase Shotgun Ammunition. You must be at least 21 years of age to rent a Shotgun unless you are at least 18 years of age and have a valid hunting license, are active duty or reserves in the armed forces, are honorably discharged from the armed forces, or are active law enforcement you will be able to rent a Shotgun. You must have a valid form of photo identification. ANYONE SUSPECTED OF BEING UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF ANY SUBSTANCE, WHETHER LEGAL OR NOT, PRIOR TO SHOOTING WILL BE ASKED TO LEAVE PREMISES. * If you do not know how to use a firearm, please notify our staff BEFORE taking the firearm onto the shooting line. We have range personnel who can assist you with the safe operation of firearms * All ammunition used in our rental firearms must be purchased from LA Clays Shooting Sports Park, LLC. No rental firearms are allowed to be brought to any location other than the designated ranges for the type of firearm being rented. If you have to use the restroom, please bring the firearm back to the counter or notify a Rage Safety Officer (RSO) to look after it for you. By signing this form the customer acknowledges that they have read all of our Range and Rental rules on the back of the Range Agreement & Release of Liability Form, and understands them. The customer also understands the proper and safe use of the firearm they are renting, and will seek the assistance of a Range Safety Officer (RSO) if they experience any issues with the firearm, or are unsure how to operate the firearm. The customer acknowledges that any and all injuries that may occur are at their own risk. LA Clays Shooting Sports Park, LLC is not liable for any injuries that may occur due to use and/or misuse of any rental firearm. The customer is responsible for any damage to range equipment due to negligence or misuse. By signing this form the customer attests that they are not a prohibited person, and are legally allowed to handle firearms, purchase ammunition, and participate in shooting activities at this shooting facility. Thank you for purchasing an Annual Membership with LA Clays Shooting Sports Park, LLC.. Being a Member allows you access to our Shotgun Ranges during normal business hours. Membership also provides discounted range fees at our Archery Ranges and discounted Clay Targets at our Shotgun Ranges, as well as discounts in our Restaurant. All Members must still check-in with the Range Office BEFORE going out onto the ranges. LA Clays Shooting Sports Park, LLC is constantly improving our facility for the customer’s safety and enjoyment, however this means certain ranges may be closed during our normal business hours for improvements. Our Members agree that on certain days, the range may not be open for use, and prior notice may not be given. Membership benefits do not extend to guests of Members or family members. Membership benefits are valid for one year from date of purchase. By signing this form, you agree to the conditions above, as well as any further conditions that Management decides in the future. Memberships are NOT REFUNDABLE. Dated: March 11, 2025 |