RISK AND RELEASE It is mutually agreed that Forward Farm LLC, and its owners Ginger Schinktgen & Chris Bellin assume all risk to the horses from the time used by the undersigned customer and the customer assumes all risk of injury to himself/herself and releases Forward Farm LLC and all agents including Ginger Schinktgen & Chris Bellin, from liability thereafter. NOTICE: A person who is engaged for compensation in the rental of equines or equine equipment or tack or in the instruction of a person involved in equine activities resulting from the inherent risks of equine activities, as defined in section 895.481 (1)(e) of the Wisconsin statutes. PARENTAL CONSENT AND RELEASE The undersigned parent(s) of the above named student, a minor, hereby consents that said minor may participate in the teaching and training program of Forward Farm LLC. They release Forward Farm LLC and its owners Ginger Schinktgen and Chris Bellin from all liability for any injury that might occur to said minor during the course thereof and we do agree to indemnify and hold Forward Farm LLC, it’s instructors, agents, and owners for any and all claims and demands that might or could be made by, for or in behalf of said minor to any injury occasioned to him/her in the course of such teaching or training program. HELMET POLICY It is statistically clear that there are certain inherent dangers associated with horseback riding. One of those dangers is the risk of suffering serious head injury should the rider fall or be thrown from his/her horse. It is, therefore, the policy of Forward Farm LLC, and it’s owners Ginger Schinktgen & Chris Bellin that all lesson riders under the age of 16 will wear helmets at all times when mounted on horseback on Forward Farm LLC property. All riders who don’t wear helmets do so at their own risk and have been notified of the dangers of riding without proper safety equipment. Any rider participating in jumping activities will have an appropriately fitted helmet at all times regardless of riders age. Today's Date: March 6, 2025 Waivers can not be granted to persons under the age of 18 without the consent of a parent/guardian. No student will be allowed to ride in shorts, sandals or open toed shoes. |