WARNING: Any activity or any sport associated in an outdoor bouldering area, as well as in any material, equipment and in regimes of physical conditioning relative to it or even the «slackline» activity (below called "activity") contain elements of considerable risks. Although we took responsible measures to supply you with appropriate instructions and/or with competent instructors to allow you to take advantage of an activity for which you are not maybe skillful, we wish to remind you that this activity is not without risks. Indeed, certain risks cannot be eliminated without destroying the unique character of the activity. The elements which contribute to make this activity unique can cause the loss or the damage of your equipment, or accidental wound, a disease or, in extreme cases, permanent trauma or death. We do not want to frighten you nor to reduce your enthusiasm towards the activity, but we believe that it is important that you beforehand know what to expect and that you are warned and prevented of the inherent risks.
RECOGNITION OF THE RISKS - The fact of sliding, of stumbling, to fall or to crash in a painful way during the use of the installations or the material, the climbing walls, the pits of reception, floors under the areas of climbing, areas of training, sanitary installations, areas of relaxation;
- The misuse of the material or the installations, or still the failures of the material;
- The unforeseen falls due to an inadequate positioning, a badly made movement or of in an unexpected loss of control;
- My health, my physical strength, my coordination, my sense of the balance and my capacity to follow or to give directives during the escalation or during the training risk not to be enough to allow me to practise in complete safety the sport of outside escalation;
- Fatigue, shiver and\or intoxication, which can reduce my/our response time and to increase the risk of accident;
- Caused grazes the material or the structures;
- The presence, the actions or the falls of the other participants;
- The risks inherent to the weather conditions, especially the rain, the cold, the wind, the sun, the lightning or the blackness.
I understand that the description of these risks is not complete and that other unknown or unforeseen risks can cause wounds, disease or death. I also make a commitment to play an active role in the management of these risks, by adopting a preventive attitude towards me, as well as towards the other people surrounding me. I release the NOMAD BLOC Climbing Center and the Olympic Park from all liability in the event of accident or damage of any kind whatsoever suffered during or in connection with the activity.
I give evidence that I am in good physical condition and that I have no health problem preventing me from participating in the activities of the bouldering gym NOMAD BLOC. I make a commitment to mention any physical or mental condition which could have an incidence on my safety or that of the others.
DRUGS AND ALCOHOL I hereby acknowledge that the use of drugs and personal alcohol is strictly prohibited on the site. I make furthermore a commitment not to participate in the activities of the bouldering gym NOMAD BLOC with the weakened faculties. I understand that the consumption of alcoholic beverages is permitted after the completion of activities, on the terrace only.
I accept the risks of physical hurts, accidents and/or diseases, including in particular sprains, muscular and/or ligamentary tears, cracks, tiny fissure or fractures, eye illness, cuts, wounds, scratches, grazes and/or the bruises, the dehydration, the lack of oxygen, the exposure to height and/or height sickness, sunburns, insolation, heat stroke and/or exhaustion of in the heat, traumas to the head, to the neck and/or to the vertebral column, the lung problems, the nervous shocks, the paralysis and/or the death.
Nomad Bloc Climbing Center Rules and Code of Conduct : Climbing wall regulations - All participants must sign Nomad Bloc waiver before climbing.
- Only climbers who are about to climb are allowed on the bouldering mats.
- It is forbidden to run on the bouldering mats.
- Keep a minimum distance of two (2) meter between you and the other climbers.
- Please respect the order of priority established: wait your turn before climbing on the wall.
- All climbers need to wear closed shoes to climb on the wall
Respects your personals limits - Impaired climbers are strictly prohibited on the site.
- Respect your body; don’t hesitate to take a break during your workout.
- Please report any injuries or physical specific conditions to our employees. This allows them to offer you advice and make your practice pleasant and safe.
Stay respectful of others and the place - No physical or verbal violence is tolerated on the site.
- All participants must dispose properly their waste in the garbage bins.
- The use of drugs and personal alcohol is strictly prohibited on the site.
- The consumption of alcoholic beverages is permitted after the completion of activities, on the terrace only.
- Users wishing to smoke must stay to a distance of 9 meters outside the site (fenced area).
Children and minor under 18 years old - From 2 to 7 years old: the child must be accompanied by an adult. A ratio of one (1) adult per child is required. The adult must supervise the child at all times and cannot climb on the wall.
- From 8 to 12 years old: the child must be accompanied by an adult. A ratio of one (1) adult per child is required. The adult can climb on the wall if the child is not climbing. If the accompanying adult does not climb, he can supervise 2 children aged between 8 and 12 years at the time.
- From 13 to 17 years old: A parent or legal guardian must sign the minor's waiver. However, the minor is authorized to climb on the wall without supervision.
It is strictly forbidden to climb when: - The reception mats are wet.
- The winds exceed 80 km/h.
- During an electrical storm.
I assert having understood and I agree to respect rules and regulations of the bouldering gym NOMAD BLOC, whose copy is posted in the bouldering gym NOMAD BLOC. (A copy printed of the regulations is available on request.) The bouldering gym NOMAD BLOC and his/her representatives or the Olympicreserve the right to refuse or to suspend the access right to the bouldering gym to every climber who demonstrates a dangerous attitude towards safety, or who does not respect rules and regulations of the Center of bouldering gym NOMAD BLOC.
I understand that the wearing of a helmet can reduce the risk of cranial trauma and I am personally responsible for my decision to wear a helmet or not. It is my responsibility for supplying my own helmet.
I recognize that the bouldering gym NOMAD BLOC is not responsible for the loss, for the breaking or for the theft of personal objects.
I authorize by the present the bouldering gym NOMAD BLOC to use photos as well as video material for advertising purposes without any compensation whatever it is.
By signing this agreement, I acknowledge the contagious nature of COVID-19 and voluntarily assume the risk that I may be exposed to or infected by COVID-19 by attending NOMAD BLOC and that such exposure or infection may result in personal injury, illness, permanent disability, and death I understand and agree that this release includes any Claims based on the actions, omissions, or negligence of the Gym, its employees, agents, and representatives, whether a COVID-19 infection occurs before, during, or after participation in any Nomad Bloc program. I recognize to have read and understood the acknowledgement and the acceptance of the risks and the responsibilities above, I agree freely and completely to assume all the risks and the dangers mentioned above and I make a commitment to respect rules and regulations of the bouldering gym NOMAD BLOC. In the event that I sign this document for a minor or minors, I hereby declare that I am the legal guardian of the minor participant(s). I also declare that I have informed the minor participant(s) about the content of this acknowledgement and acceptance of risks and I confirm that they agree with its terms and conditions. I sign this acknowledgement and acceptance of risks of the minor participant(s) on their behalf(ves), and I consent, with full knowledge of the risks and conditions outlined above, that the minor participant(s) participate(s) in the activities of NOMAD BLOC. Today's Date: March 14, 2025 |