BY SIGNING THIS FORM YOU ARE RELEASING TRAILKEEPERS OF OREGON AND LAND MANAGERS: FROM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY IN THE EVENT YOU ARE INJURED OR KILLED WHILE PARTICIPATING IN ANY PROJECT SPONSORED BY TRAILKEEPERS OF OREGON. I wish to participate in projects sponsored by Trailkeepers of Oregon (TKO) and I hereby acknowledge that said organization is doing everything they can to protect the public as well as myself as a volunteer. By signing below I agree to comply with the written instructions below. I understand that failure to comply with these written instructions or verbal instructions from staff and lead volunteers may result in my volunteer privileges being removed and that I may be asked to leave the premises. I am aware that events and activities sponsored by TKO involve time spent outdoors, interacting with other people and construction and maintenance of trails and recreation facilities. Participation in these activities pose certain dangers, including, but not limited to, the hazards of traveling in and hiking in wilderness and often steep mountainous terrain, using hand or motorized construction tools (and of working in the proximity of such tools when used by others), injury or illness in remote places without medical aid, lifting and working on often narrow and precipitous trails and unforeseen events caused by the forces of nature. In consideration for permitting me to participate in projects sponsored by TKO, I, for my family, my estate, and myself, hereby waive any right of recovery and claims of liability against TKO, its officers, employees and agents, including claims for bodily injury, including death, personal injury and/or damage to property, and release TKO and Land Managers, its officers, employees and agents and release from such claims and any claims made by others for personal injury or property damage allegedly caused by me. Further, I will hold TKO and Land Managers harmless from any loss or damages resulting from the foregoing waiver and release. This Release and Indemnity Agreement is a contract not a mere recital and it shall remain in effect for all activities sponsored by TKO. The undersigned gives his/her permission to be photographed/filmed and have his/her image used by TKO and their partner agencies, without royalty or compensation. I have read this release and indemnity agreement. I Agree Today's Date: March 14, 2025 through December 31st, 2025.