We are an environmentally friendly studio and communicate electronically with our families. Parents must have an active email address OR be willing to receive studio texts. DROP-OFF/PICK-UP
Children can be dropped off no sooner than 10 minutes before the initiation of class and must be picked up immediately after class. Supervision of students by studio staff occurs during class time only. Any student picked up more than 5 minutes after the end of class will incur a childcare fee of $1/min billed on the next tuition cycle. DRINKS/FOOD
No food of any kind is allowed in any of the dance studios. Water is the only beverage permitted provided it is in a tightly sealed container. Water bottles are available for purchase at the front desk. To ensure your student stays hydrated and to limit class interruptions, please send a water bottle with your student. DRESS CODE
Proper dance attire and shoes should be worn at all times during class. Please see the dress code located on our website under "Classes" for more details. CLASS OBSERVANCE
For student safety and unless arranged previously by the instructor, no person other than those enrolled in the class will be allowed in the class. Parents will have the opportunity to observe at the director's discretion. REGISTRATION
A registration form must be completed by a parent, legal guardian, or any student over the age of 18 before the initiation of any class. There is a $35 non-refundable registration fee required each school year. Tuition plus the registration fee must be paid to complete your registration and secure your space in class. TRIAL
Trial classes are available for new students as space permits at studio discretion. Please request a trial online or contact the studio: boogie@dancefactoryfairfield.com TUITION Tuition for classes is yearly broken down into monthly payments for convenience. The monthly payment remains the same regardless of the number of weeks or holidays in a month. We encourage all students to participate in our auto-pay program. Families who enroll in ACH auto-pay will receive a tuition discount. All tuition not received by the 5th of any given month will incur a $15 late fee. Statements will not be mailed. It is your responsibility to ensure that payment is made on time. A $25 fee will be charged on all returned checks. Tuition is non-refundable. We require one month's notice if you wish to cancel your class. We reserve the right to increase tuition rates at any time. ATTENDANCE/ABSENCES
In order to experience the full benefits of dance, students are expected to attend class regularly and on time. Absences can be made up in a comparable class (if one is available in the same session) within 4 weeks of the absence date. Make-ups are non-transferable. We have the right to refuse the use of a make-up if class size is prohibitive. Only two make-up classes will be approved in any given month. No refunds will be given for absences under any circumstance. CLASS CANCELATIONS
In the rare event that class is canceled due to an emergency or teacher illness, a makeup class will be arranged or credit given if a makeup class is not possible. We will do our best to notify each student by phone or email as soon as we are made aware of the situation. Make-up classes may be offered virtually during pandemics, accidents, fires or natural disasters. BELONGINGS
Students should make sure all personal belongings are labeled and stored in the designated cubby areas during classes. The Dance Factory is not responsible for lost or damaged personal belongings. PHOTOGRAPHY AND VIDEOTAPING
No photography or videotaping is allowed at The Dance Factory unless prior authorization is given. I have received or will obtain a copy of The Dance Factory's policies and will take the responsibility to carefully read and follow the rules and policies therein. I understand that The Dance Factory does not give credit and/or refunds for class(es) missed due to holidays, vacations, illness, weather, etc. I, recognize and understand the risks of physical injury inherent to dance and dance training and hereby acknowledge that I am aware that there are significant risks associated with participation in such dance classes and performances, including, without limitation, the risk of serious bodily injury or death. I understand that it is my responsibility to consult with a physician prior to and regarding my participation or my child’s participation in the Dance Factory classes. On behalf of myself, my spouse and participant, and our respective heirs, administrators, representatives, and successors, I willingly assume such risks and I hereby release, indemnify, and hold harmless The Dance Factory LLC, its employees, independent contractors and dance teachers from any and all liability, claims, judgments, or demands, arising from injuries sustained or illnesses contracted while attending or participating in any dance classes, camps, rehearsals, workshops, birthday parties, events or performances. Further, I hereby represent that Participant has no physical or mental disability or impairment or any illness that will endanger Participant or others in connection with Participant’s participation in the dance classes and performances offered by The Dance Factory, LLC. Medical Emergency In the event that we are not able to reach a parent, guardian or emergency contact, I, the legal guardian representing a minor participant, give permission to The Dance Factory, its directors, employees, agents, independent contractors, and volunteers to seek medical treatment for the participant or myself. I also agree that I will be responsible for any financial debt incurred by said action. I have declared on the participant's registration form any physical/mental disabilities, limitations, restrictions, or conditions and/or declare the participant to be in good physical and mental health. Personal Property I understand and agree that it is my sole responsibility to safeguard my personal property while attending or participating in any classes, rehearsals, workshops, or performances. I hereby release The Dance Factory LLC, its employees, independent contractors and dance teachers from all liability for loss or damage to my personal property while attending or participating in classes, rehearsals, workshops, or performances. Use of Photography It is understood that The Dance Factory, LLC reserves the right to use any photography and videotaping of a student’s performance or classes for purposes of advertising, promoting or publicizing the studio. Use will be for The Dance Factory purposes only and will not be given or sold to outside agencies. All ownership, including copyright, shall belong to The Dance Factory, LLC.