


Available in English and Spanish language, when completing this form electronically you are accepting that you understand the language format in which it is presented.
Disponible en inglés y español, al completar este formulario electrónicamente está aceptando que comprende el formato de idioma en el que se presenta.

Review CDP Skydive Spain Privacy Policy

Important information;

  • Skydiving is a weather dependent sport and it is the one aspect we cannot control. Should your skydive not take place, it will be rescheduled to a mutually convenient date.
  • Whilst we do our best to keep customers happy we cannot guarantee that you will be able to jump in the groups or order that you might wish and all customers should be prepared to jump with no other tandem passengers in the aircraft.


I hereby declare I am physically fit.

I do not, and have not, suffered from any of the following conditions which I understand may lead to a dangerous situation with regard to myself or other persons during parachuting. 

I Agree

Epilepsy, fits, severe head injury, recurrent blackouts or giddiness, disease of the brain or nervous system, high blood pressure, Heart or lung disease, recurrent weakness or dislocation of any limb, diabetes, mental illness, drug or alcohol addiction. Previous major fractures, back problems, arthritis, or severe sprains. Chronic bronchitis, asthma, rheumatic fever, pneumothorax, and kidney problems. Anemia, adrenal thyroid problems, or any other glandular problem. Chronic sinusitis.

I further declare that in the event of contracting or suspecting any of the above conditions, or in the event of sickness absence over twenty consecutive days, incapacitating injury or confirmation of pregnancy, I will cease to skydive until I have obtained medical approval and my doctor has read and signed the Skydive Spain Doctor's Certificate, provided by the reservations office.



In consideration of your accepting me as a member of Club Deportivo de Paracaidismo Skydive Spain and for the use of the facilities, of your authorizing experienced and competent instructors and staff to supervise my training and instruction as a tandem student parachutist, I hereby acknowledge, understand and agree:

1. That participating in any skydive or course or parachuting activity of any type at Skydive Spain is a decision taken voluntarily and entirely at your own risk. Even with all necessary precautions and safety measures in place skydiving/parachuting are extreme adventure activities and as such I fully accept the inherent risk of injury or death.

I Agree

2. Accept that Parachuting/skydiving equipment although properly maintained and regularly checked is being used under extreme conditions and as a result, despite all necessary precautions being taken, can suffer malfunctions.

I Agree

3. That Skydive Spain and/or its staff will not be held responsible for any loss or theft, injury or damage (howsoever caused) to any property, belongings or suffered by you, or any other person in connection with or as a result of parachuting, or any of the activities carried out by, or facilities provided. I understand that in the event of any such loss, injury, damage or death no compensation or damages, reimbursement of any kind will be payable to me, my dependents or my estate and that it is my responsibility to affect any such insurance cover as I may require.

I Agree

4. That my instructor is properly licensed and that this includes Third party insurance which covers their tandem student in the event of negligence. Therefore, I accept that in the event of injury requiring medical attention I will cover the costs until responsibility is established. Furthermore, I understand should I wish to have additional coverage I will become a member of Federación Andaluza de Deportes Aéreos and that the cost of such will not be included in the activity price.

I Agree

5. That I will be bound in all respects by and will comply with all Skydive Spain’s Rules and Safety Regulations, and all the Rules and Regulations of the owners or occupiers of the land, airfield and premises used by Skydive Spain. I further agree to obey all relevant instructions given to me by Skydive Spain and its staff or agents. I understand the dangers of failing to adhere to the methods, regulations or instructions given.

I Agree

6. I agree to read, abide by and stay current with the centre rules and regulations, I understand that failure to comply may result in exclusion from all and any skydiving activities. The final decision as to the suitability of any one to skydive rests entirely with Skydive Spain, the centre and its instructors and staff.

I Agree

7. That I will notify Skydive Spain within the first 24 hours of leaving the airfield of any incident or injury suffered involving a third party or myself resulting from any skydive made by me.

I Agree

8. That deposits paid are non-refundable for any reason. The remaining payment for the course or jump must be paid prior to starting the course or briefing. Once I have started the course/jump training or briefing no refunds can be made, either in full or in part, for whatever reason the jump or course cannot be completed.

I Agree

9. All actual skydives are free of charge. Payments are for the use of the airfield facilities, training & equipment etc. Except 2 euros that will be taken from my first payment of each year as membership to the club.

I Agree

10. If I have booked video or photographs of my jump(s), I have read and accepted the terms and conditions displayed in/given by the office.

I Agree

11. If I have not booked video or photographs of my jump(s), I understand that for safety reasons the instructor may take a camera on the skydive. Other club members who are in training may film and photograph my jump. The video and photos taken are for training purposes only and are deleted, I cannot see them nor request to have them. I have the option to say 'no' if I do not want video training to happen during my jump, I will make it clear to the office of my decision. 

I Agree

12. I accept that my jump(s) will be not be permitted and I will forfeit all monies paid if I am found to have consumed alcohol or used any other recreational drug e.g. marijuana before making a skydive the same day. I understand that alcohol is not permitted on active parts of the airfield. Recreational drugs, other than alcohol, are not permitted on the airfield or any facilities operated by Skydive Spain or its collaborators.

I Agree

 October 23, 2024

Please select who will be participating...
First Participant's Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*

First Participant's Date of Birth*
First Participant's Signature*
Participant's Address
Address Line 1:*
Street address, P.O. box, company name, c/o
Address Line 2:
Apartment, suite, unit, building, floor, etc.
Parent or Guardian's Email Address

Skydive Spain may send me an email after my skydive, this may include a link to my video/photos. My contact details and any video footage or photographs of me will never be sold to any other third party without my permission.
A signed copy of this waiver will be sent to the email address you provide.
Emergency Contact

First Name*

Last Name*

Emergency Contact's Phone Number*
Height (cm):
Weight (kg):

Maximum weight limit is 110kg. If you weigh over 95,0kg we must use different materials which incur an additional charge. For safety reasons, everyone is weighed on the day of the jump. *
How you found us:
Facebook Advert
GoGo cards
Word of mouth, where or who*:
Flyer/Poster, where*:
Advert in print, where*:
Billboard, where*:
Booking Agent, which one*:

*Please, specify where or which one:
Minimum age for this activity is 16 years of age. Parent(s) or court-appointed legal guardian(s) must sign for any participating minor (those under 18 years of age) and agree that they and the minor are subject to all the terms of this document, as established above. Skydive Spain has additional documents that are required for 16 and 17 year olds to participate, please contact the reservations office for more details. The minor will not be accepted without the additional documents and a parent or legal guardian present on the day of the jump. By signing this electronic document and following all instructions from our reservations office, you are giving your consent for the minor listed above to participate in a tandem skydive at Skydive Spain.

By signing below the parent or court-appointed legal guardian agrees that they are also subject to all the terms of this document, as set forth above.
Parent or Guardian's Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*


Parent or Guardian's Date of Birth*
Parent or Guardian's Signature*
Electronic Signature Consent*
By checking here, you are consenting to the use of your electronic signature in lieu of an original signature on paper. You have the right to request that you sign a paper copy instead. By checking here, you are waiving that right. After consent, you may, upon written request to us, obtain a paper copy of an electronic record. No fee will be charged for such copy and no special hardware or software is required to view it. Your agreement to use an electronic signature with us for any documents will continue until such time as you notify us in writing that you no longer wish to use an electonic signature. There is no penalty for withdrawing your consent. You should always make sure that we have a current address in order to contact you regarding any changes, if necessary.<br> This Agreement will be governed by Spanish law. The PARTIES that sign this document, expressly renouncing any other jurisdiction, also expressly submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts of Seville for the resolution of any discrepancy and dispute that may arise between them due to the interpretation, compliance and execution of what is agreed in this document, of the pre-existing commercial relationship with them, or that is directly or indirectly related to them. And as proof of compliance with everything previously agreed, the PARTIES sign it.

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