
Liability Release Form

I hereby release Frog Bones, LLC, Double Tap, LLC, FrogBones Training Group, and all of their agents, officers, directors, owners, members, servants, and employees (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Releasees”), from any liability whatsoever (including, but not limited to, liability for intentional misconduct, negligence, tort, conditions on the premises, statutory violations or duties or liability based on express or implied contract), whether now accrued or accruing at any time in the future, arising from, related to or in connection with my use of the gun range, rental or use of a gun or equipment owned by Releasees, or my presence on the premises of Releasees for any reason. Without limitation of the generality of the foregoing, I expressly include within the scope of this release any liability causing my death or damages or losses or injuries, of any kind or nature, including bodily injury or property damage, incurred or suffered by me, in connection with, arising from, or related to, my use of, or presence on, the premises of Releasees, or my use or rental of equipment or firearms of Releasees. As used anywhere in this document, “premises” means the building, curtilage, parking areas and property owned or used by Releasees in connection with the businesses referred to as FrogBones Family Shooting Center and Double Tapp Grill.

I Agree

I further agree to hold harmless, waive, release and covenant not to sue Releasees for any and all claims or causes of action of every kind arising from, or related to, my death or any and all physical or emotional injuries or damages (including property damage) that might happen to me, or be incurred or suffered by me, in connection with my presence on the premises of Releasees. I understand that there are known and unknown risks associated with my presence on the premises of Releasees, and I assume all such risks of injury to me or my property, or death to me, including but not limited to, injury or death caused by the negligence or wrongdoing of Releasees. As used anywhere in this document, the word “I” includes the undersigned and my heirs, or anyone who might have the right to sue on my behalf, or to assert a derivative claim, such as loss of consortium. It is my express intent that the release, hold harmless agreement and covenant not to sue contained within this document shall be binding on my heirs, assigns, personal representative, spouse and family members.

I Agree

I acknowledge that my presence on the premises of Releasees for any purpose shall constitute sufficient consideration for my agreement to the terms hereof. I further acknowledge that I have not been induced to execute this document by any oral representation or statement. I agree that no such oral representation or statement may be asserted or used as a basis for any defense or avoidance to the enforcement of this document.

I Agree

I acknowledge that my presence on the premises may result in the capturing of my name, photograph, likeness, voice, and biographical information, which may be used by the Releasees in any media now known or hereafter developed.

I Agree

I acknowledge that as a visitor of Frog Bones LLC's premises, user of Frog Bones LLC's website or content, participant or attendee of Frog Bones LLC hosted or sponsored events, or customer of any Frog Bones LLC business or affiliate there are foreseeable and unforeseeable risks and hazards directly or inherently involved with engaging in the activity of and being in proximity to firearms recreation.

I Agree

I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to consult with my physician regarding my suitability to engage in or be in proximity to firearms recreation prior to accessing Frog Bones LLC facilities, staff, or content and Frog Bones LLC is unable to allow me to participate if I am:

  • Pregnant.
  • Unable to safely support myself in the operation of a firearm, determined by the discretion of the Frog Bones LLC staff.
  • Am under the influence of any substance, prescribed or otherwise, that inhibits my physical and/or cognitive function.
  • Recommended by my consulting physician as not authorized.

I Agree

I acknowledge that I have consulted my physician, am able to safely support myself in the operation of a firearm, am not under the influence of any substance that inhibits my physical and/or cognitive function, and am cleared by my consulting licensed physician to participate fully in the subsequent known and unknowable events.

I Agree

I acknowledge that at this time I have declared all special considerations and limitations in my ability to participate to the attending staff of Frog Bones LLC.

I Agree

This agreement shall remain in full force and effect until I revoke it, which I may only do by sending a written notice to Frog Bones, LLC 404 S. Harbor City Blvd., Melbourne, Fl. 32901, via certified mail, return receipt requested. Upon revocation hereof, I agree that I will not enter the premises of Releasees for any purpose and that any such entry shall constitute my express agreement to the re-activation of all of the terms hereof, as if I had executed a new document upon such entry.

I Agree

I understand that this is a legally binding document. I acknowledge that I am legally competent to contract and that I have read all of the terms of this document before signing. I also acknowledge that I have read all of the rules and regulations on the reverse side hereof and agree to follow such rules and regulations

I Agree


1. NO Food, Drinks, or Tobacco are allowed on the Range. 

  • Persons who have consumed alcoholic beverages or drugs will not be allowed in the range facility. Alcohol or Controlled Substance use prior to entering the range facility is not allowed. All food or drink brought into the range facility will be considered contaminated and disposed of immediately by Range Staff.


  • Shooter's glasses or tempered glasses are required to be worn at all times inside the range facility. Authorized eye protection must be donned before departing the retail area and must be worn at all times while inside the staging and firing areas (prescription excepted). 


  • Over the ear hearing protection is required at all times inside the range facility. Over the ear hearing protection must be donned prior to departing the retail area and must be worn at all times while inside the staging and firing areas. 

4. NO Firearms Outside the Lane Booth at ANY Time.

  • All firearms must be clear and bagged or in a container before leaving the firing area. Firearms are not allowed to enter or exit the range in an open carry configuration.

5. ALL UNDER 18 must be Supervised by Legal Guardian at ALL times. 

  • Anyone under the age of 18 are required to be supervised by a legal guardian at all times while on the retail and range premises. Children under the age of 10 will not be allowed in the firing area. 

6. ALL Ammunition must be Screened and Approved by Range Staff PRIOR to entering Range.

  • No reloads, no steel, no aluminum, no armor piercing, tracer, or explosive ammunition is allowed. All ammunition is required to be screened and approved by Range Staff prior to entering the range facility.

7. ALL Firearms must be clear with the action open except while actively firing.

  • Firearms must be cleared and safe prior to being placed on the booth table or to transition between shooters. 

8. NO Person is allowed forward of the firing line. ALL Firearms must be safely pointed downrange at ALL Times.

  • Contact range staff if assistance is needed. 

9. NO more than ONE Person allowed in the firing area at a time. 

  • No more than 3 persons are permitted at each firing lane on the rifle range. No more than 4 persons are permitted at each firing lane on the pistol range. Coaching may occur at the permission of Range Staff.


  • Only firearms in good working condition are allowed on the firing line (user is held responsible). Pistols, Rifles, and Shotguns must have functioning sights and are subject to inspection at any time by staff. Failure to display safe handling of firearm will result in removal from the range and an offer to participate in training.

I Agree


1. Completion of a current Electronic Waiver is Required Prior to Entering the Range Facility. Required regardless of intended participation in firearms recreation.

2. Accurate and current customer information is required to ensure customer safety and satisfaction. Customers must provide valid photo identification, name, age, date of birth, address, phone number, and email address to use range facilities.

3. Eye and Ear Protection is required at all times inside the Range Facility and must be donned prior to departing the retail space and entering the Range Outer Staging Area.

4. Customers are authorized to fire up to .308 ball ammunition. No black powder firearms, no reloaded ammunition, no steel cased or aluminum cased ammunition, no armor piercing, tracer, or explosive bullets are allowed. All ammunition is subject to inspection prior to and during the customer’s range experience. Failure to comply will result in possible termination of customer's range experience.

5. All firearms must be pointed down range in a safe manner at all times. Firearms are required to be cleared and safe prior to transferring shooters.

6. All fired rounds must impact the bullet trap area. No impact into floor, roof, booth barriers, or side walls.

7. Drawing from the holster is only allowed for authorized customers. Training is available to verify equipment and competency at any time, depending on staff availability. 

8. Rapid fire, or rapid successive shots in strings of three (3) or more, must be approved by Range Staff. 

9. No food, drinks (to include water), tobacco or tobacco equivalent products are allowed in the Range Facility at any time. All food or drink brought into the Range Facility will be considered contaminated and disposed of immediately by Range Staff. This is in the interest of public health and safety.

10. Alcohol or Controlled Substance use prior to entering the range facility is not allowed. All customers are subject to verification prior to entering the Range Facility and inspection at any time.

I Agree


  • All Range Safety Rules and Range Policies must be applied at all times.
  • Must be at least 21 years of age to rent a firearm.
  • Range firearms must be fired with ammunition purchased on premises. Personal ammunition is not authorized.
  • Any violation of rules and regulations will void your rental without a refund.

I Agree

Today's Date: March 29, 2025

Please select who will be participating...
First Participant's Name

First Name*

Last Name*

First Participant's Date of Birth*
First Participant's Signature*
Address Line 1:*
Street address, P.O. box, company name, c/o
Address Line 2:
Apartment, suite, unit, building, floor, etc.
Parent or Guardian's Email Address


Confirm Email*
In order to provide an excellent customer experience, Frog Bones LLC will need to be able to contact you to facilitate your order. Check to receive operational, promotional, and/or transactional contact from Frog Bones LLC via phone, email, SMS, and/or mail. You can unsubscribe anytime.
Emergency Contact

First Name*

Last Name*

Emergency Contact's Phone Number*
Authorization to Contact

In order to deliver an excellent customer experience, Frog Bones LLC will need to contact you. Some examples are, but not limited to, to provide updates on your order, your place in line for the range, access to special events from manufacturers, transfer arrivals, and range closures.

I authorize Frog Bones LLC to contact me via phone, email, SMS, and/or mail for operational, promotional, and/or transactional updates. You can unsubscribe at any time.*
Parent(s) or court-appointed legal guardian(s) must sign for any participating minor (those under 18 years of age) and agree that they and the minor are subject to all the terms of this document, as set forth above.

By signing below the parent or court-appointed legal guardian agrees that they are also subject to all the terms of this document, as set forth above.
Parent or Guardian's Name

First Name*

Last Name*


Parent or Guardian's Date of Birth*
Parent or Guardian's Signature*
Electronic Signature Consent*
By checking here, you are consenting to the use of your electronic signature in lieu of an original signature on paper. You have the right to request that you sign a paper copy instead. By checking here, you are waiving that right. After consent, you may, upon written request to us, obtain a paper copy of an electronic record. No fee will be charged for such copy and no special hardware or software is required to view it. Your agreement to use an electronic signature with us for any documents will continue until such time as you notify us in writing that you no longer wish to use an electronic signature. There is no penalty for withdrawing your consent. You should always make sure that we have a current email address in order to contact you regarding any changes, if necessary.

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