I hereby understand and agree to accept the risk of bodily injury and/or property damage which I may incur or cause a third party to incur as a result of my use of the range facilities and premises. I understand that this risk includes, but is not limited to, any lead dust inhalation, noise, airborne materials or objects, including firearm projectiles, injuries incurred by natural hazards of the range facilities and the actions of other users of the range facilities. I further agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the ERML Sportsmen’s Foundation, Inc., Escambia River Muzzle Loaders, Inc. (doing business as Escambia River Gun Club), their officers, directors, agent, employees and members, from and against any and all claims, injuries, suits or judgments arising there from, or in connection with, my presence on the range facilities. I agree to this indemnification and save harmless for myself, my successors, assigns, heirs, executors and administrators, and any other person or entity who may have a claim based upon my personal injuries or property damage. I understand that engaging in or spectating any shooting activity constitutes my involvement in a potentially hazardous activities with accompanying risks of personal injury or death and loss or damage to personal property, and I hereby voluntarily assume those risks. Furthermore, I have read and agree to abide by the rules and regulations pertaining to use of the range facilities. I understand that I will be held financially responsible for any damage to the range facilities or occurs through my use of the same. Today's Date: March 12, 2025