Indoor Range By Execution hereof and in consideration of the acceptance by the undersigned, the undersigned hereby releases, relieves and exonerates Blaustein & Reich, Inc. t/a Bob’s Gun Shop and Bob’s Indoor Range and/or any officer, agent, servant or employee of Blaustein & Reich, Inc. t/a Bob’s Gun Shop and Bob’s Indoor Range of and from any and all liability for any personal injury to the undersigned while in, on or upon the premises of Bob’s Indoor Range except such personal injury or damages which may arise from the willful or active negligence of said servants or employees. Any person who shoots reloaded ammunition of any type, make or manufacture does so at his own risk or peril and absolves Blaustein & Reich, Inc. t/a Bob’s Gun Shop and Bob’s Indoor Range of any liability by doing same. All persons renting firearms by their signature attest that they are over the age of eighteen (18) and have previous experience in the operation and safety features of the rented firearm or accompanied by someone who is experienced. Range Safety Rules - All commands and directives given by the Range Officer will be obeyed IMMEDIATELY.
- Treat all firearms, at all times, as if they are loaded.
- Except when on the firing line, in a box, case or holster, all firearms will be unloaded and the action WILL BE OPEN.
- Except when on the firing line, a firearm will be unloaded with the hammer down, slide open and magazine out, if appropriate.
- Firearms will be loaded and unloaded ONLY at the firing line.
- When on firing line, firearms will be pointed downrange AT ALL TIMES.
- Dry firing and practice loading will be done only on the firing line.
- When giving to, or accepting from, another person any firearm, it will be unloaded with the action open and barrel pointing toward the ceiling or the floor.
- Anyone who observes an unsafe act will call “CEASE FIRE.”
- When the command “CEASE FIRE” is given, all shooters will immediately stop firing, unload, open actions, lay firearms on benches and step back from firing line.
- A shooter who experiences a malfunction, jam or stoppage with his firearm, WILL NOT REMOVE that firearm from the firing line, he will lay it on the bench, with the muzzle pointed downrange and bring the Range Officer to the firearm for assistance.
- A shooter may police and keep the brass he shoots. All other brass belongs to the range.
- NO ONE will go forward of the firing line, for any reason.
- No more than one shooter at a time at a firing point, without permission of the Range Officer.
- Eye and ear protection will be worn at all times in the range.
- Any shooter or prospective shooter suspected of recently using drugs or alcohol will not be allowed to shoot.
- There will be no smoking, eating, or drinking on the range.
- Conduct by any person deemed inappropriate, unsafe, reckless or negligent by the Range Officer will be considered grounds for removal from range.
- Always use proper ammo. Use of tracers, armor piercing, incendiary, gas or explosive ammo is prohibited.
Release By the execution hereof and in consideration of the acceptance by the undersigned, the undersigned hereby releases, relieves and exonerates Blaustein & Reich, Inc. t/a Bob’s Gun Shop, and Bob’s Indoor Range and/or any officer, agent, servant or employee of Blaustein & Reich, Inc. t/a Bob’s Gun Shop and Bob’s Indoor Range of and from any and all liability for any action that may be undertaken by any individual because of the instruction of this course. This course does not in any way advocate the use of deadly force. This instruction is for safety and educational purposes in firearm use only. Today's Date: March 25, 2025