Please inform your Esthetician if you have used any skin thinning medications (Accutane, Retin-A, Glycolic/Alpha Hyrdoxy Acids/Peels, etc) within the last 48-72 hours.
New or current use of any of the medications listed above increases the possibilty of reaction. Please inform your Esthetician if you have begun taking any new medications since your last session.
*Please note hair removal (waxing, sugaring) can have certain side effects such as skin removal, redness, scabbing, bruising, scarring, swelling, tenderness, hyperpigmentation and/or pimples or other.
>> I have read the above information and if I had any concerns, I have addressed them with my Esthetician and give permission to perform the waxing or sugaring procedure. The Esthetician will not be held liable for which may result from this treatment. I have given an accurate account of the questions asked above including all known allergies or prescription drugs or products I am currently ingesting or using topically. I certify that I have read and fully understand the above paragraphs, understand the procedure and accept the risks.