IMPORTANT: PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE SIGNING. THIS IS A RELEASE OF LIABILITY AND WAIVER OF CERTAIN LEGAL RIGHTS. I, the undersigned, individually (and as Parent or Guardian of the undersigned minor, if applicable), hereby state that I am aware that skiing, snowboarding, snow tubing, mountain biking and snowshoeing involves many RISKS, DANGERS and HAZARDS, including, but not limited to: boarding, riding and disembarking ski lifts; renting equipment, changing weather conditions; exposed rock, earth, ice and other natural objects including but not limited to trees, tree stumps, and forest dead fall; the condition of snow or ice on or beneath the skiing surface; changes or variations in the skiing/tubing/biking terrain which may create blind spots or areas of reduced visibility; changes or variations in the skiing/tubing/biking surface or subsurface, including changes due to man-made or artificial snow, variable and difficult snow conditions; slick walking surfaces including, but not limited to sidewalks and parking lots, streams, and exposed holes in the snow pack above streams; snowcat roads, road banks or cut-banks; impact or collision with lift towers, manmade features, trees, pipes, rails, jumps, fences, snow making equipment, snow grooming equipment, snowcats, snowmobiles or other vehicles, equipment or structures, collisions with walls/sides of the tubing runs, with other tubers or bystanders or other structures or debris in or near the Tubing Park area and run-out area; impact or collision with other skiers/boarders/tubers or bystanders; the failure to ski/board/tube/bike safely or within one's own ability or within designated areas; negligence of other skiers/boarders/tubers/bikers and; negligence on the part of Snow Snake Mountain, Inc., its employees, owners, officers, representatives, directors, shareholders, agents, and vendors. I am also aware that the RISKS, DANGERS and HAZARDS referred to above exist throughout the ski area and that many risks, dangers and hazards are unmarked. In consideration of Snow Snake Mountain, Inc. accepting my and/or the minor's participation in the Snowsports School, School Programs, Races, or Special Event Programs, Fun Day, Tubing, Snowshoeing, Mountain Biking and being permitted to use Snow Snake Mountain, Inc. ski lifts, tubing lifts, magic carpet, slopes, terrain parks, restaurants, parking and/or other facilities, INDIVIDUALLY AND AS PARENT/GUARDIAN OF THE MINOR, I HEREBY EXPRESSLY ASSUME AND ACCEPT ANY AND ALL RISKS AND DANGERS ASSOCIATED WITH MY AND/OR THE MINOR'S PARTICIPATION IN THE SNOWSPORTS SCHOOL, SCHOOL PROGRAMS, RACES, SPECIAL EVENT PROGRAMS, WINTER FUN DAY, TUBING, SNOWSHOEING, MOUNTAIN BIKING OR USE OF SNOW SNAKE MOUNTAIN, INC. SKI LIFTS, SLOPES, TERRAIN PARKS, RESTAURANTS, PARKING AND/OR OTHER FACILTIIES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE POSSIBILITY OF SERIOUS PERSONAL INJURIES, DEATH AND PROPERTY DAMAGE AND AGREE NOT TO SUE SNOW SNAKE MOUNTAIN, INC., ITS EMPLOYEES, OWNERS, OFFICERS, REPRESENTATIVES, DIRECTORS, SHAREHOLDERS, AGENTS AND VENDORS (“COLLECTIVELY “SNOW SNAKE SKI & GOLF”). ADULT/PARENT/GUARDIAN : In consideration of Snow Snake Mountain, Inc. allowing me or the minor (if applicable) to participate in the Snowsports School, School Programs, Races, or Special Event Programs, Fun Day, Tubing, Snowshoeing, Mountain Biking and being permitted to use Snow Snake Mountain, Inc. ski lifts, tubing lifts, magic carpet, slopes, terrain parks, restaurants, parking and/or other facilities. I agree to Release, Hold Harmless, Indemnify and Defend Snow Snake Mountain, Inc., its employees, owners, officers, representatives, directors, shareholders, agents and vendors (collectively “Snow Snake Ski & Golf”) from any and all claims, actions losses, suites, damages and allegations, including claims or actions brought by the minor and claims related to or arising from incidents that occurred prior to, on and/or following the date of this release, including, but not limited to: allegations of negligence, including the negligence of Snow Snake Mountain, Inc., breach of contract, breach of any statutory or other duty of care and breach of express or implied warranty. I further agree to Indemnify, Hold Harmless and Defend Snow Snake Mountain, Inc. from any damages, costs or expenses, including actual attorney fees and costs, without limitation, which Snow Snake Mountain, Inc. may sustain in relation to or arising out of my and/or the minor’s participation in the Snowsports School, School Programs, Races, or Special Event Programs, Fun Day, Tubing, Mountain Biking and Snowshoeing and being permitted to use Snow Snake Mountain, Inc. ski lifts, tubing lifts, magic carpet, slopes, terrain parks, restaurants, parking and/or other facilities. I consent to and authorize the taking of photographs and/or videos during my and/or the minor’s visit to Snow Snake Mountain, Inc. I grant permission to Snow Snake Mountain, Inc. to use said photographs and/or videos in advertising, displays, web sites, brochures, other forms of electronic and social media, illustrations, or publications without notifying me. I hereby waive any and all rights to privacy in the photographs/videos and to compensation related to the use of the photographs and/or videos. I recognize that situations may arise where emergency or emergent medical or dental care may be necessary for me and/or a Minor. I authorize Snow Snake Mountain, Inc. to render first aid and to call for medical and/or dental care if, in their opinion, such medical or dental care is needed. I agree to pay for all expenses and costs associated with such care and related transportation. I understand this Release and Indemnification Agreement shall be binding upon my assignees, distributees, heirs, next of kin, executors, personal representatives and administrators and may be pled by Snow Snake Mountain, Inc. as a complete bar and defense against any and all claims, demands, or causes of action by or my behalf. Any provision of this Release and Indemnification Agreement which shall prove to be invalid, void, or illegal in no way affects, impairs, or invalidates any other provision hereof, and such other provisions shall remain in full force and effect. I acknowledge that this activity is taking place in the State of Michigan, and I further agree that only the laws of the State of Michigan shall apply in the construction or application of this Agreement. I acknowledge that I have read the Skier/Snowboard Responsibility Code and understand the responsibilities it imposes upon participants in this inherently dangerous sport. I understand that legal action will be taken against HOLDERS found to be using season passes fraudulently. A $20 fee will be charged to reissue a lost or stolen pass. I have carefully read the foregoing release of liability, indemnity agreement and medical authorization. I understand its contents and that it is binding during the entire 2024-2025 ski season and going forward. I have the authority to enter into it and I voluntarily sign it with no reservations and with full knowledge of its significance. I further agree that my electronic signature constitutes my acceptance. |