Today's Date: February 5, 2025 Please note & initial: Waxing may cause: Bruises, scabs, scarring, redness, hyperpigmentation, pimples or a flare up of any of the above mentioned conditions / responses. I understand that if I have Herpes or Staph/MRSA, I may experience an outbreak after the waxing service. The professional has explained the best way to minimize or prevent an outbreak when waxing regularly. I understand I may carry Herpes and/or Staph/MRSA without any physical symptoms or a medical diagnosis. I also understand that the waxing service does not allow the opportunity to contract these conditions from my technician. I understand all of the above mentioned reactions. I also understand if I change my skin care routine or medications I must inform the professional PRIOR to any service in the future. Oliver Finley Consent I do hereby acknowledge that I am fully aware that Oliver Finley Academy is a school for Cosmetology and Esthetics, and the students in this school are not held responsible as skilled and trained operators. For that reason, there is a reduction in the prices customarily charged. Therefore, in consideration of the price reduction given for this service, it is agreed and understood that I will in no way hold Oliver Finley, their proprietors, officers, agents, or instructors, or any of its operators liable or accountable for any injury or damage that may occur to me as a result of the services performed in this school. |