This is a legal contract terminating your rights to file a lawsuit. Read carefully before signing.
THERE IS NO LIFEGUARD ON DUTY – SWIM AT YOUR OWN RISK! Participating in Activities such as swimming, snorkeling, mermaiding and freediving at an aquatic facility including getting in and out of water and on wet surfaces without a lifeguard has inherent risks. While participating in unsupervised swimming, swimming laps and snorkeling, (hereafter called “Activities”) I may be exposed to an unlimited number of risks which may cause serious personal illness, injury or death. In consideration of being allowed to participate in unsupervised Activities I assume all risks associated with all unsupervised Activities. Risk of injury or death including but not limited to drowning may occur as a result of participating in the Activities. Other risks may be encountered due to improper, insufficient, inoperable, or inadequate equipment. Additionally, I may be exposed to risks associated with human factors such as my ability to swim or keep my head above the surface, preexisting or poor medical and fitness conditions, and the possible action or inaction of others that may cause me injury or death. These risks are some but not an all-inclusive list of all risks I may be exposed to while participating in the Activities. I will be solely responsible for my health, safety, and actions at all times while participating in Activities. I will follow safe practices, maintain awareness and use good judgment set forth in the applicable SSI Responsible Code to reduce the risks, however, I know the risk of property loss, illness, injury and or death cannot be eliminated. By signing this Agreement, I hereby agree to assume all risks associated with unsupervised Activities, including the risk of injury and death, whether foreseen or unforeseen. By signing this Agreement, I am giving up the legal right to sue the aquatic facility, its owners, officers and directors, employees, agents, operators, volunteers, instructors, counselors, or its insurance company, land owners, third parties or anyone else specifically named or unnamed (hereafter called “Released Parties”) as a result of my or anyone else’s injury or death as a result of unsupervised Activities. I understand that the Released Parties are under no obligation to provide instructions, rescue, first aid, medical care, emergency transportation, or recovery of the participant. In consideration of being allowed to participate in Activities at the aforementioned aquatic facility, I hereby agree to give up my right to sue and I hereby release the aforementioned Released Parties from any liability in connection with the Activities which may result in injury or death, including but not limited to property damage, illness, injury, or death caused to me or any others due to negligence caused by someone doing something they should not have done or caused by someone not doing something they should have or any other cause including negligence caused by the Released Parties which may have caused property damage, illness, injury or death. I hereby give up these legal rights on behalf of myself, my estate, my family, heirs, assigns or any other party that may have a legal claim against the Released Parties. By signing this document, I hereby waive all claims arising by me, my family, heirs, assigns or any other party who may have a claim against the Released Parties as a result of my participation in the Activities. Furthermore, I agree to indemnify the Released Parties from any responsibility or liability for any loss, costs, attorneys’ fees, liabilities, damages, illness, injury or death arising from my participation in the Activities with the Released Parties. It is my specific contract, by signing this document, that I will not present a claim, cause of action, lawsuit or otherwise for any damage, illness, injury or death caused to me or any other party including minor children for whom I may have a legal right in connection with any activity associated with the Released Parties. In the event I violate this Agreement I agree to be held responsible and liable for all damages, expenses, fees and cost associated with Released Parties defending and or paying claims brought on my behalf. In the event I cause Released Parties damage or expense associated with my participation in the Activities, I agree to be responsible and liable for same and will agree to pay as if fully adjudicated by a competent legal court. I understand and agree the SSI licenses training centers, professionals and their affiliates to use various SSI trademarks and to conduct SSI approved training, but they are not agents, employees or franchisees of SSI, its parent, subsidiary, or affiliated corporations. I further understand SSI training centers, SSI professionals, and their affiliates’ businesses are independent, and are neither owned, operated, or controlled by SSI, and that while SSI establishes standards and materials for SSI training, it is not responsible for, nor does it have the right to control, the operation of the business activities or the day-to-day training and or supervision of Participants by SSI training centers, SSI professionals, their affiliated businesses, and/or their associated staff. I further understand and agree on behalf of myself, that in the event of injury, illness or death during the Activities, I shall not hold SSI liable for the actions, inactions or negligence of the SSI training center, SSI professionals and other affiliated businesses or personnel associated with my participation in the Activities. This Agreement is a legally binding contract. By signing it I am agreeing to all of its terms and conditions and representing that I have read and understand it thoroughly before signing it. I have signed this Agreement voluntarily and of my own free act. I agree to all of the terms, conditions and provisions of this Agreement without modification from its preprinted form. Furthermore, I agree that if any provision of this document is found to be void or unlawful, the remainder of the contract shall remain in full force and effect. By signing this document, I affirm that I have read, understand, and agree to be legally bound by all of the provisions of this Agreement. If the swim participant is under the age of 18, they must be accompanied by a parent or guardian to participate in the Activities. The parent or guardian must sign the SSI Youth Addendum and agree to be legally responsible for the minor participant, including being responsible for all damage, illness, injury or death which may occur as a result of the minor’s participation in the Activities. The parent or guardian hereby agrees to be fully responsible to the Released Parties for any damage, illness, injury or death caused by the minor, including actions brought by the minor, for any damages whatsoever. SSI YOUTH ADDENDUM
Today's Date: February 8, 2025