LIABILITY RELEASE FORM FOR ODYSSEA BOAT PASSENGERS I, being of sound mind and body, hereby acknowledge and agree to the following: - I understand that boating involves inherent risks, including but not limited to, the risk of injury or death from the operation of the boat, collisions with other boats or objects, capsizing, falling overboard, slipping, or other hazards associated with boating.
- I acknowledge that I have received safety instructions from the boat company, including but not limited to, how to use safety equipment such as life jackets, how to move about the boat safely, and how to respond in an emergency.
- I agree to follow all instructions given by the boat crew while on the boat, including instructions related to safety, operation of the boat, and any other instructions given by the crew.
- I understand that the consumption of alcohol may impair my judgment and increase the risk of injury or death. I agree to consume alcohol responsibly and in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations.
- If I do choose to drink alcohol I certify I am 21 years of age or older with proper Identification.
- I acknowledge that I am responsible for monitoring my own alcohol consumption and will not consume alcohol to the point of impairment.
- I understand that the boat company reserves the right to refuse alcohol to any passenger who appears to be intoxicated or is behaving in a manner that may endanger themselves or others.
- I understand that the use of drugs is strictly prohibited while on the boat and that any violation of this policy may result in immediate removal from the boat.
- I understand that any damage to the boat caused by me or my actions will be my responsibility, and that I will be liable for any repair costs or replacement fees.
- I understand that the boat company reserves the right to charge cleaning fees for any excessive cleaning required due to my actions or the actions of my guests while on the boat.
- I acknowledge that I am voluntarily participating in this boating activity and assume all risks associated with such participation.
- In consideration of being allowed to participate in this boating activity, I hereby release and discharge ODYSSEA BY FLETCHER LLC., ODYSSEA ADVENTURES INC, DRISCOLLS MARINA, and its agents, officers, employees, and contractors from any and all liability, claims, demands, and causes of action arising out of or in any way connected with my participation in this boating activity.
- I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless ODYSSEA BY FLETCHER LLC.and its agents, officers, employees, and contractors from any and all liability, claims, demands, and causes of action arising out of or in any way connected with my actions while on the boat.
- I acknowledge that I have read this liability release form and fully understand its contents. I sign this form voluntarily and with full knowledge of its significance.