1. I acknowledge that I have voluntarily applied to participate in the use of firearms at the premises owned or leased by LoneStar Handgun LLC (hereinafter “LSH”). ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF RISK 2. I am aware that the use of firearms is a hazardous activity. I acknowledge that my participation in a firearms course entails known and unanticipated risks which could result in physical or emotional injury, paralysis, death, or damage to property of third parties. The risks include, among other things: shooting myself or being shot by third parties, suffering hearing loss, injury or loss of eyesight, inhalation or contact with airborne contaminants or flying debris. Furthermore, I acknowledge that LSH instructors have difficult jobs to perform. I am aware that they seek safety, but they are not infallible. They might be ignorant of my fitness and abilities. They may give inadequate warnings or instructions, and the equipment being used may malfunction. I understand that such risks simply cannot be eliminated without jeopardizing the essential qualities of this activity. My participation in this activity is purely voluntary, and I elect to participate in spite of the risks. I expressly agree and promise to accept and assume all of the risks existing in this activity and certify and verify these statements. RELEASE OF LIABILITY 3. In consideration for being permitted by LSH or one of its affiliated individuals or organizations to participate in these activities and use their facilities, I hereby agree that I, my assignees, heirs, successors, distributes, guardians, legal representatives and any and all other persons or entities who may claim by or through me in any way or manner, voluntarily release from liability and forever discharge LSH, its heirs, successors, assigns, agents, representatives, officers, directors, employees, contractors, attorneys, insurers or any of its affiliated individuals or organizations, no matter how designated or described, for any injury or damages, up to and including death, including property damage to any personal property which I may own, possess or have an interest in, including without limitation all firearms, weapons, scopes, glasses, sighting devices and all other accessories pertaining thereto in any manner, and motor vehicles, whether owned or un-owned, including vehicles or devices designed primarily for off-road use, and which shall include such injuries or damages from negligent acts, other acts, or omissions, howsoever caused, by any employee, agent, representative or contractor of LSH or any of its affiliated individuals or organizations. I fully understand, have had all my questions answered fully and to my satisfaction, agree with, and certify and verify these statements. HOLD HARMLESS 4. I agree to indemnify and hold harmless LSH and any of its affiliated individuals and organizations, heirs, successors, assigns, agents, representatives, officers, directors, employees, contractors, attorneys, insurers or otherwise, no matter how described or designated and without limitation, from any and all actions, suits, claims, demands, attachments, damages, expenses, harm or destruction, suffered or accrued by or through me or anyone else which may result in any manner from my participation in the use of firearms or otherwise pertaining to the use of the premises owned or used by LSH even if said actions, claims, demands, damages, harm, or destruction are due partially or wholly from negligent acts, other acts, or omissions of LSH or any of its affiliated individuals or organizations, heirs, successors, assigns, agents, representatives, officers, directors, employees, contractors, attorneys, insurers or otherwise, no matter how described or designated. Should LSH or any of its affiliated individuals or organizations, heirs, successors, assigns, agents, representatives, officers, directors, employees, contractors, attorneys, insurers or otherwise, no matter how described or designated, or anyone acting on their behalf, incur attorney's fees and costs to enforce this agreement, I agree to fully and completely indemnify and hold them harmless for all such fees and costs. I fully understand, have had all of my questions fully answered to my satisfaction, agree with, certify and verify these statements. FINANCIAL ABILITY TO COVER INJURY OR DAMAGE 5. I certify that I have adequate insurance to cover any injury or damage I may cause or suffer while participating in this activity, or else I agree to bear the full and complete costs of such injury or damage myself. I further certify that I have no medical condition or physical condition which could or would interfere with my safety in this activity, or else I am willing assume and bear the costs of all risks that may be directly or indirectly by such a condition(s). VENUE 6. In the event that I file a lawsuit against LSH or any of its affiliated individuals or organizations, heirs, successors, assigns, agents, representatives, officers, directors, employees, contractors, attorneys, insurers or otherwise, no matter how described or designated, I agree to do so solely in the State of Texas, and I further agree that the substantive law of that state shall apply in said action without regard to the conflict of law rules of that state or any other state. Before commencing any suit or litigation, I hereby agree that I and LSH shall mediate the controversy in good faith. It is agreed that the party wishing initiate legal action shall give written notice to the other party of a desire to mediate the controversy. If, within ten days after receipt of the written notice, the parties cannot agree on a mediator or the other party does not agree to attend mediation or fails to attend a scheduled mediation of the controversy, the party desiring to initiate litigation shall be released from the obligation to mediate and shall be free to file suit. AGREEMENT, ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RISK, RELEASE OF LIABILITY PAGE TWO 7. By initialing and signing this document, I acknowledge that if I am injured or my property is damaged during my participation in this activity, I may be found by a court of law to have waived my right to maintain a lawsuit against LSH and/or any of its affiliated individuals or organizations, heirs, successors, assigns, agents, representatives, officers, directors, employees, contractors, attorneys, insurers or otherwise, no matter how described or designated, on the basis of any claim from which I have released them herein. 8. I HAVE CAREFULLY READ THIS AGREEMENT AND FULLY UNDERSTAND ITS CONTENT. I AM AWARE THAT THIS IS A RELEASE OF LIABILITY AND A CONTRACT BETWEEN MYSELF AND LSH LLC AND ITS AFFILIATED INDIVIDUALS AND/OR ORGANIZATIONS AND OTHERS AS SET FORTH HEREIN. I SIGN IT OF MY OWN FREE WILL AND AGREE ON BEHALF OF MYSELF AND ALL OTHERS WHO MAY CLAIM BY AND/OR THROUGH ME TO BE BOUND AT ALL TIMES BY ITS TERMS. Range Rules & Procedures 1. Treat all guns as if they are loaded. 2. Never point a gun at anything you are not willing to destroy. Maintain muzzle awareness. Keep gun pointed down range while on the firing line. 3. Keep finger off of the trigger until the sights are on target. 4. Be sure of your target (in front and beyond). 5. Check with the range master: Before going to assigned firing lane & when exiting range. 6. Eye protection is required while on the range. 7. Hearing protection is required while on the range. 8. The range master may call a “Cease Fire”; if so stop shooting and step away from your gun. 9. Range time is for 1 hour if there are people waiting to shoot. 10. You will be charged for any damage caused to the range. 11. No rifles allowed on the pistol side of the range, including rifle caliber handguns. 12. Do not go forward of the firing line at any time. 13. When done shooting, sweep brass forward off of the concrete. You may keep your brass as long as it is not forward of the firing line. 14. Do not shoot yourself or anyone else. 15. Ensure your gun is clear before leaving your firing lane. Any problems with your gun that you cannot correct, get the attention of the range master. 16. There are steel reactive targets being utilized on this range. There is a possibility of fragments flying back at you. Ensure that you have on eye protection at all times. 17. The use of the following is prohibited: M855/Green Tip and any other steel core bullets 18. Smoking is allowed in designated areas ONLY! 19. NO CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOL/ CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE PRIOR TO SHOOTING.
By checking this box, I agree that my firearms rights have not been revoked and I can legally possess firearms. I Agree February 10, 2025 |