The Shining Stars Aspen Summer Adventure event is a magical environment designed to generate amazing experiences, make new friends, and provide a special place that allows “kids to be kids” while expanding their mental and emotional horizons in a nurturing fashion. However, we do have some rules and guidelines to ensure that all campers will be safe. These are provided here for clarity and to make certain that all campers and their parents understand our expectations. There are many activities that our volunteers provide during the week. They each play a special role designed to achieve the goals described above. Therefore, campers need to attend all the activities and must follow the rules outlined below. Many of these rules are included for important safety reasons both on and off the slopes. Our volunteers play important roles in the event while making certain these rules are adhered to. Since we are not the only people staying at the hotel, it is vitally important that we be able to identify each camper. This is why and name tags are provided. Name tags (on yellow lanyards that contain room keys and other vital information) must also be worn at all times. Above all, each participant should see something beautiful in everyone else and be there to support the other campers! SAFETY RULES - There is no swimming or hot tubbing other than during designated times that are fully supervised by our volunteers. There is no roughhousing in the pool area.
- Campers are not allowed to leave the hotel except for designated activities.
- The WEIGHT ROOM and RESTAURANT AREA at the hotel are strictly off limits.
- We have beanbag chairs for the children to sit on during group activities. Some campers with visual disabilities are particularly vulnerable to injury and further visual loss. Therefore, bean bags are not to be thrown at or used to hit other participants.
GENERAL BEHAVIORAL RULES - There is NO bullying or foul language allowed at any time!
- No phones, air buds or other electronic devices are allowed during mealtimes or group activities.
- Campers must be in their OWN room by 9:30 pm.
- Your roommate is the only other Shining Star allowed in your room at any time. No visitors, other than your medical team and Aspen buddies, are allowed in your room.
- All campers are to be quiet and considerate in common areas. We are staying in a hotel with other guests. We must be courteous to them and respect their privacy both in the hotel and at the pool area.
- Each child must be respectful to all adult volunteers and other Shining Stars.
- There is no running or loud language in the hallways.
- Hand sanitizer is to be used three times a day at meals.
- Sunscreen is to be used at least twice per day. Many of the medications the campers are on can make the skin more prone to severe burning.
- Aspen is at 8,000 feet elevation and everyone needs to drink much more water to stay adequately hydrated.
We have never encountered the following situations at the Aspen Summer Adventure, but there are five behaviors that will result in the immediate dismissal from the Summer Adventure that require a parent to come and take their child home. These include: - Use of drugs
- Use of alcohol
- Giving drugs or alcohol to another camper
- Use of any item or weapon with the explicit purpose of harming another camper or adult volunteer.
- Inappropriate sexual behavior
I acknowledge reading the above information. I support these rules and will abide by them while I (or my child) participate(s) in the Shining Stars Aspen Summer Adventure event. Both signatures are required.