


This packet contains an application for employment and internship positions with Wildwood Outdoor Adventures. 

We are excited that you share our love of the outdoors and are considering joining our team. As you complete the following paperwork, please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions that you have. Our staff and management will be happy to talk with you about our programs and activities.

We appreciate your thoughtful responses to the questions in this application. 


Wildwood Outdoor Adventures (WOA) Information:

 First and foremost, Wildwood Outdoor Adventures is a family: a diverse group of people dedicated to one another and the clients we have served sense 2008. Our ultimate focus is to provide great experiences through the dynamic adventures Wildwood offers. Wildwood Outdoor Adventures staff members are cross trained and play a significant role. There are many advantages to this unique arrangement. Our guides and activity/event coordinators also instruct and “hang out” at the Outdoor Adventures HQ. This connection gives our retail store the knowledge, expertise, and excitement that assists customers with “from the field” information and suggestions for trip and activity planning and purchases. Our staff is trained in many facets, lead guiding, tail guiding, photography, instructing kayaks, canoe, SUP lessons, or running shuttle for them, running rental/laser tag/escape adventure concessions,  facilitating adult and youth events, guiding tours, team building, and SO much more! All of our staff have specific roles on the team and are also expected to be a sort of an adventure Sherpa, moving gear, helping clients, and instructing. Although our staff is designated to work in specific areas, we are better known for our ability to combine our efforts to complete complex tasks quickly and efficiently as a team. Whether we are adventuring, guiding, instructing, creating, counseling, repairing, camping, or playing, WOA is at heart, a “team.” 

WOA Location :

The Wildwood Outdoor Adventures office Facility is located at 5179 Hwy 70, Eagle River, WI. and 5230 Livin' The Dream Way, WI. The majority of our adventures are located in Eagle River, WI and the surrounding areas. Do not hesitate to contact us about employment and internships regardless of the time of year! 

Start/End Dates & Times Off:

The staff season generally runs from mid May through October. The spring and fall commitments are scheduled for training, planning and pre-season trips. The summer commitment is from (approx.) June 15th to August 31st. School, sports, and vacation conflicts can be negotiated. Part Time & Full Time Positions available. You will also have additional days off when there are no scheduled trips. All positions include use of gear and rentals at scheduled times, staff training education, special staff functions & discounted gear.


Wildwood Outdoor Adventures makes a significant investment in the training of our staff. In fact, after this season you will have many experiences and training sessions to add to your resume. It is vitally important to our program for staff to complete the entire season. 

The Mission of WOA:

To provide environments, experiences, resources, and training which lead people, youth and adults, in exploring the outdoors, gain confidence within, and explore new adventures.  

WOA Core Values:

Soul, honesty, faithfulness, trustworthiness, responsibility, teamwork, caring, love, respect, goal setting and self-reflection.

What every WOA Team Member has:

  1. Desire to be a quality role model, and to see people learn new skills and gain valuable experiences. 
  2. Is able to commit to training and a full commitment during the summer season
  3. Is in agreement with Wildwood Outdoor Adventures policies.
  4. Eagerness to learn and a desire to work with youth and adults of all ethnicities and economic backgrounds.
  5. Enjoys sharing outdoor experiences with people of all ages.
  6. Is able to function professionally under stressful situations. 
  7. Shows good communication skills and ability to understand people. 
  8. Willing to work outdoors in a camp environment.
  9. Has a driver’s license and a good driving record. 

What every WOA Guide has:

  1. Willingness to put in long hours. 
  2. Able to organize and lead recreational and educational activities and initiatives. 
  3. Is able to display teaching ability with a constant emphasis on safety.
  4. Holds, or is willing to receive training in: 
  • Red Cross Life Guarding 
  • First aid 
  • CPR for the Professional Rescuer certifications 
  • Wilderness First Aid 

Benefits of working for WOA:

 1. Ability to gain valuable training, skills and experience in many of the following areas: 

a. To work outdoors in a fun atmosphere
b. Leadership 
c. Safety 
d. Group management 
e. Navigation 
f. Event coordinating
g. Trip Planning 
h. Programming 
i. Teaching 

2. Discounts on gear.
3. Connections/networking for possible future employment. 

A Note for Interns:

Interns are a valuable and exciting aspect of Wildwood Outdoor Adventures. They provide fresh perspectives, energy, and skills that complement our programs and enhance our guests’ experience. We welcome interns from a variety of majors, programs and colleges. Our management will work with you and your college supervisor to ensure that your goals and program requirements are easily and fully met. Interns are closely supervised by WOA management and regular oral and written feedback is provided. Each program and internship is different so send us a copy of yours and we’ll work with you to develop a plan that will lead to success! 

March 6, 2025

First Applicant Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*

First Applicant Date of Birth*
First Applicant Signature*
Second Applicant Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*
Second Applicant Date of Birth*
Third Applicant Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*
Third Applicant Date of Birth*
Fourth Applicant Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*
Fourth Applicant Date of Birth*
Fifth Applicant Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*
Fifth Applicant Date of Birth*
Sixth Applicant Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*
Sixth Applicant Date of Birth*
Seventh Applicant Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*
Seventh Applicant Date of Birth*
Eighth Applicant Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*
Eighth Applicant Date of Birth*
Ninth Applicant Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*
Ninth Applicant Date of Birth*
Tenth Applicant Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*
Tenth Applicant Date of Birth*
Address Line 1:*
Street address, P.O. box, company name, c/o
Address Line 2:
Apartment, suite, unit, building, floor, etc.
Parent or Guardian's Email Address


Confirm Email*
Check to receive information, news, and discounts by e-mail.
Emergency Contact

First Name*

Last Name*

Emergency Contact's Phone Number*
Parent or Guardian's Driver's License / ID Card

Driver's License / ID Card Number*

Issuing State*
Current/Seasonal Address:


City, State, Zip Code:
How did you hear of this Opening?
Are you applying for:
Temporary Work - such as Summer or Holiday Work ?*
Regular part-time work?*
Regular full-time work?*
Can you work on the weekend?*
Can you work Holidays?*
Can you work evenings?*
Days and Hours your available?







Start/End Date:

When would your earliest start date be?

When would your ending date be?

Are there specific dates during the season that you anticipate needing time off?
Have you ever applied to work for this company before?*

If yes please explain (Include Date)
Do you have any friends, relatives, or acquaintances working for the company?*

If yes please state name & relationship:
If hired, would you have transportation to and from work?*
Are you over the age of 18? (If under 18, hire is subject to verification of minimum legal age.)*
If hired, would you be able to present evidence of your U.S. Citizenship or proof of your legal right to work in the united States?*
Have you ever been convicted of an offense other than a minor traffic violation?*

If yes please describe:
Have you ever been convicted of child abuse, or any other crime in which the victim was a child?*

If yes please describe:
Are you in good physical condition?*
Can you lift 50lbs?*
Do you have any physical or health restrictions or conditions that may hinder your ability to meet the job requirements?*

If yes please describe:

Please list any current medications that you are prescribed to or taking:
Are you covered by health and accident insurance?*

Other qualifications such as special skills, abilities or honors that should be considered?
Can you operate/navigate around an Ipad?*

Types of computers, equipment, and other machines you are qualified to operate or repair?

Additional skills, including supervision skills, other languages or information regarding the occupation you wish to bring to the employer's attention?

List any certifications that you hold that are current (and will be current through the season/September). Include expiration date, if applicable. Please note: upon hiring you will be asked to provide a photocopy of all certifications (both sides). Certifications are a plus, but not required to be hired. 

First Aid*

If Yes, Expiration Date

Cert Level/Certifying Organization....
Adv. 1st Aid*

If Yes, Expiration Date

Cert Level/Certifying Organization....
CPR (Adults) _*

If Yes, Expiration Date

Cert Level/Certifying Organization....
CPR (Infants)*

If Yes, Expiration Date

Cert Level/Certifying Organization....

If Yes, Expiration Date

Cert Level/Certifying Organization....

If Yes, Expiration Date

Cert Level/Certifying Organization....

If Yes, Expiration Date

Cert Level/Certifying Organization....

List any other related certifications you hold & are not listed above w/ Expiration Date and Cert Level/Certifying Organization....
Skill Assessments:
No Experience
Minimal Experience
Able to Assist
Able to Teach
No Experience
Minimal Experience
Able to Assist
Able to Teach
Stand-up Paddle Boarding*
No Experience
Minimal Experience
Able to Assist
Able to Teach
Shuttling Service*
No Experience
Minimal Experience
Able to Assist
Able to Teach
Customer Service*
No Experience
Minimal Experience
Able to Assist
Able to Teach
No Experience
Minimal Experience
Able to Assist
Able to Teach
Social Media/marketing*
No Experience
Minimal Experience
Able to Assist
Able to Teach
No Experience
Minimal Experience
Able to Assist
Able to Teach
Camp Host*
No Experience
Minimal Experience
Able to Assist
Able to Teach
Boating (Driving/towing)*
No Experience
Minimal Experience
Able to Assist
Able to Teach
No Experience
Minimal Experience
Able to Assist
Able to Teach
Water skiing*
No Experience
Minimal Experience
Able to Assist
Able to Teach
Knee Boarding*
No Experience
Minimal Experience
Able to Assist
Able to Teach
Wake Surfing*
No Experience
Minimal Experience
Able to Assist
Able to Teach
Survival Skills*
No Experience
Minimal Experience
Able to Assist
Able to Teach
Reading Maps & Compass*
No Experience
Minimal Experience
Able to Assist
Able to Teach
No Experience
Minimal Experience
Able to Assist
Able to Teach
No Experience
Minimal Experience
Able to Assist
Able to Teach
No Experience
Minimal Experience
Able to Assist
Able to Teach
Mountain Biking*
No Experience
Minimal Experience
Able to Assist
Able to Teach
Bike Touring*
No Experience
Minimal Experience
Able to Assist
Able to Teach
No Experience
Minimal Experience
Able to Assist
Able to Teach
Wood Burning*
No Experience
Minimal Experience
Able to Assist
Able to Teach
Wood Carving*
No Experience
Minimal Experience
Able to Assist
Able to Teach
No Experience
Minimal Experience
Able to Assist
Able to Teach
Rope Crafts/Knots*
No Experience
Minimal Experience
Able to Assist
Able to Teach
Fire Building*
No Experience
Minimal Experience
Able to Assist
Able to Teach
Bird Watching*
No Experience
Minimal Experience
Able to Assist
Able to Teach
Plant/Tree Identification*
No Experience
Minimal Experience
Able to Assist
Able to Teach
Exploring Local History*
No Experience
Minimal Experience
Able to Assist
Able to Teach
Marine Biology*
No Experience
Minimal Experience
Able to Assist
Able to Teach
Wildlife Identification*
No Experience
Minimal Experience
Able to Assist
Able to Teach
Adventure Education*
No Experience
Minimal Experience
Able to Assist
Able to Teach
Cooking over a Fire*
No Experience
Minimal Experience
Able to Assist
Able to Teach
No Experience
Minimal Experience
Able to Assist
Able to Teach
Nature Crafts*
No Experience
Minimal Experience
Able to Assist
Able to Teach
Camp Crafts*
No Experience
Minimal Experience
Able to Assist
Able to Teach
No Experience
Minimal Experience
Able to Assist
Able to Teach
No Experience
Minimal Experience
Able to Assist
Able to Teach
No Experience
Minimal Experience
Able to Assist
Able to Teach
Trust Initiatives*
No Experience
Minimal Experience
Able to Assist
Able to Teach
Low Ropes Course*
No Experience
Minimal Experience
Able to Assist
Able to Teach
High Ropes Course*
No Experience
Minimal Experience
Able to Assist
Able to Teach
Aerial Trekking*
No Experience
Minimal Experience
Able to Assist
Able to Teach
Leading Field Games*
No Experience
Minimal Experience
Able to Assist
Able to Teach
Sign Language*
No Experience
Minimal Experience
Able to Assist
Able to Teach
Foreign Language*
No Experience
Minimal Experience
Able to Assist
Able to Teach
Book keeping*
No Experience
Minimal Experience
Able to Assist
Able to Teach
Laser tag Equipment*
No Experience
Minimal Experience
Able to Assist
Able to Teach
Escape Adventures Courses*
No Experience
Minimal Experience
Able to Assist
Able to Teach
Cooking for large groups*
No Experience
Minimal Experience
Able to Assist
Able to Teach
No Experience
Minimal Experience
Able to Assist
Able to Teach
No Experience
Minimal Experience
Able to Assist
Able to Teach
No Experience
Minimal Experience
Able to Assist
Able to Teach
No Experience
Minimal Experience
Able to Assist
Able to Teach
No Experience
Minimal Experience
Able to Assist
Able to Teach
No Experience
Minimal Experience
Able to Assist
Able to Teach

Special skills and talents not already listed:

Please list any or all Organized Camp Experiences: Employment, Volunteer, Participant, Director, Leader, Camp Host, other...
Are you comfortable talking with people?*
How many people are you comfortable working with...*
1-2 Guest at a time
2-5 Guest at a time
5-8 Guests at a time
Over 10+ Guests
I am comfortable working with all sized groups
Education: List your previous/current Education

High School, Years Completed

College/University,Years Completed, Major, Degree

Business/Technical, Years Completed, Major, Degree

Additional Information:
References: List two personal references that are not relatives or former supervisors





Years Known:





Years Known:
Emergency Contact: In case of accident or illness, we would contact...





Years Known:
Job History: List most recent employment first. Include summer or temporary jobs.


Employer Name:


Start Date:

End Date:

Phone #


Position title/duties, skills:

Reason for Leaving:


Employer Name:


Start Date:

End Date:



Position title/duties, skills:

Reason for Leaving:


Employer Name:


Click to customize text box label

Start Date:

End Date:



Position title/duties, skills:

Reason for Leaving:
As a part of our procedure for processing your employment application, your personal and employment references may be checked. If you have misrepresented or omitted any facts on this application, and are subsequently hired, you may be discharged from your job.
I understand that employment at this company is "at will," which means that either I or this company can terminate the employment relationship at any time, with or without prior notice, and for any reason not prohibited by statute. All employment is continued on that basis. I understand that no supervisor, manager, or executive of this company, other than the president, has the authority to alter the forgoing.
Parent(s) or court-appointed legal guardian(s) must sign for any participating minor (those under 18 years of age) and agree that they and the minor are subject to all the terms of this document, as set forth above.

By signing below the parent or court-appointed legal guardian agrees that they are also subject to all the terms of this document, as set forth above.
Parent or Guardian's Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*

Parent or Guardian's Date of Birth*
Parent or Guardian's Signature*
Electronic Signature Consent*
By checking here, you are consenting to the use of your electronic signature in lieu of an original signature on paper. You have the right to request that you sign a paper copy instead. By checking here, you are waiving that right. After consent, you may, upon written request to us, obtain a paper copy of an electronic record. No fee will be charged for such copy and no special hardware or software is required to view it. Your agreement to use an electronic signature with us for any documents will continue until such time as you notify us in writing that you no longer wish to use an electronic signature. There is no penalty for withdrawing your consent. You should always make sure that we have a current email address in order to contact you regarding any changes, if necessary.

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