BETWEEN RENTER(S) AND SCUPPER’S WATERSPORTS LLC 1. INSPECTION OF EQUIPMENT- Owner(s) certify that the jet-ski(s) are in good mechanical and physical condition. Renter(s) will inspect said Equipment and leases the same without any representations by Owner(s). If equipment has damage or problems Renter(s) must report damage on the provided form. Renter(s) will be held responsible for any damage to the ski that is no reported at the time of delivery. 2. DAMAGES TO EQUIPMENT – The Damage Deposit: A damage deposit of $1000.00 will be collected for each four-stroke watercraft rented. The deposit will be applied toward the cost of the repairs of any and all damages suffered to the watercraft. If the cost of damages exceeds the damage deposit, User agrees he/she is fully responsible for the remainder of the costs incurred to repair or replace the watercraft to the same condition as the time the rental agreement was started. Furthermore, the User understands and agrees that he/she who is known to SCUPPER’S WATERSPORTS LLC as the User, is the only person allowed to use the watercraft for the entire rental period. The User also understands that he/she is responsible for the retrieval and/ or replacement of the watercraft, life jacket, or any safety items, if these items are in any way lost, stolen, or misplaced during the rental period. Should any damages exceed the $1000.00 damage deposit, Fancy PWC will provide an itemized repair bill, including lost rental time (Only applies to four strokes-lost rental time begins with the date of the itemized repair bill, and stops when the watercraft is once again available for rental). The itemized repair bill, including lost rental time, must be paid in full upon User’s presentation of the bill. The security deposit shall not bear interest. User shall be responsible for damages at and beyond the $1000 (100) damage deposit. Parties agree that they have read this document in its entirely and agree to all terms and conditions Parties agree that the assigned price of the jetski agreed on during the booking will be what they are charged. $175 for Freedom Ride, $250.00 For Jetski Tour. SCUPPER’S WATERSPORTS LLC I Agree February 10, 2025
Don’ t let this happen to you! Please stay 100 feet from everything at all times! Total Cost of PWC: $13,900.00 - Hood $610
- Windscreen $25
- Key $55
- Reverse Lever $30
- Rear Rub-Rail $85
- Corner Rub-Rail $15
- OPAS Paddle $45
- OPAS Ass $100
- Sponson $95
- Decal $20
I Agree Rules For Riding - You must follow the Instructions of the Waverunner/Jet Ski Guide at all times.
- You must wear a Life vest at all times.
- You must have a Lanyard attached to wrist and Kill switch of Jet Ski at all times.
- You must obey “No Wake Zones” at all times.
- You always look around before you turn.
- No sharp turns.
- No reckless operation is allowed.
- No splashing other boaters or skis.
- No jumping wakes of other boaters.
- You must not ride ski within 100 feet of a dock or moored vessel/ boat.
- You must not be under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
- Jet ski must be boarded from the rear.
- Jet ski has no brakes.
- You must be 100 Feet from another ski at all times.
- Safety first!!! Any Violations of these rules will result in termination of the ride and no refund.
I have read the above rules and understand I Agree
PWC Safety Rules Protective Clothing/Equipment for Operators and Passengers Wear PFD and Other Protective Clothing/Equipment
• You must wear an appropriate personal flotation device (PFD) at all times.
• Wear a wet-suit (or wet suit bottom) while operating the PWC. Normal
swimwear does not adequately protect against forceful water entry into the
lower body opening(s) of both male and females. Severe internal injuries can
occur if water is forced into body cavities as a result of falling into water or
being near jet thrust nozzle.
• Additional protective equipment (such as footwear, eyewear) may be needed. I Agree
PWC Controls Keep Lanyard Attached
• Securely attach engine shut-off cord (lanyard) to your wrist or
PFD (as directed) and wear it at all times. Then if you fall off
the PWC, the engine will stop. I Agree
Know How to Start and Stop the Engine • To start the engine, be sure that the lanyard is attached and push the start button.
• To stop the engine, push the stop button. Stopping the engine will not stop the
forward motion of the PWC and will result in loss of steering. I Agree
Know Operational Controls
• The throttle controls your speed. Apply the throttle lever on the handle to
accelerate and release it to slow down.
• The handlebars move the jet thrust nozzle directing thrust in different directions
to steer the PWC. Without thrust you cannot steer the PWC. I Agree
Avoid Collisions — Most PWC Injuries and Deaths Result from Collisions Do Not Release Throttle when trying to Steer
• You need throttle to steer.
Take Early Action to Avoid Collisions
• Remember, PWC’s and other boats do not have brakes. I Agree
Scan Constantly
• Scan constantly for people, objects and other boats (including PWCs).
• Be alert for conditions that limit your visibility or block your vision of others. I Agree
Operate Defensively
• Operate at safe speeds.
• Keep a safe distance away from people, objects and other boats (including
• Do not follow directly behind PWCs or other boats.
• Do not go near others to spray or splash them with water.
• Avoid sharp turns and other maneuvers that make it difficult for others to avoid
colliding with you or that make it difficult for others to understand where you
are going. I Agree
Other Hazards Avoid Aggressive Maneuvers
• This is a high-performance boat—it is not a toy.
• Ride within your limits and avoid aggressive maneuvers to reduce the risk of
loss of control, ejection , and collision.
• Sharp turns or jumping wakes or waves can increase the risk of back/spinal
injury (paralysis), facial injuries, and broken legs, ankles or other bones.
• Do not jump wakes or waves. I Agree
Do Not Apply Throttle when Anyone is at the Rear of the PWC
• Items such as long hair, loose clothing, or PFD straps can become entangled
in moving parts resulting in severe injury or drowning. I Agree
Do Not Apply Throttle when Anyone is at the Rear of the PWC
• Do not apply the throttle when anyone is standing or swimming toward the
rear of th PWC. Water and/or debris exiting jet thrust nozzle can cause serious
injury. I Agree
Know How to Right the PWC in Open Water
• If you capsize in open water, swim to the rear of the PWC and turn it upright
— be sure to turn it in the proper direction. Then board it from the rear. I Agree
Other Rules and Safety Information that May Apply to Your Situation Follow Rental Agency Rules and Boating Laws
• Review all rental agency rules and applicable boating laws.
• Do not overload PWC. Do not tow unless the PWC is designed and equipped
for towing. Know and follow all State requirements related to towing. I Agree
Know the Waters
• Know the area in which you will be operating and observe all navigational
markers and signs. I Agree
Follow the Additional PWC Warnings and Instructions that May Apply
• Depending on the circumstances, the Owner’s Manual and product labels may
have relevant information not covered in this basic orientation. I Agree
Final Check • Do you understand that you should scan constantly, operate defensively and
avoid aggressive maneuvers?
• Do you understand that PWCs do not have brakes?
• Do you understand that you should not release the throttle when you are trying
to steer away from people, objects, other boats (including PWCs)?
• Do you have any question about the PWC or its operation? I Agree
I have been instructed on and understand the rules and information provided in this orientation. Water Sports Insurance Program Participant Safety Briefing Acceptance As a condition of coverage, Applicant agrees to adhere to the following operating procedures: I Agree I am in good physical and mental health-fitness to participate in this water sport activity.I Agree I understand the instruction related to the watersports activity and agree to abide with same as well as all safety rules.
I Agree I agree to wear the Personal Flotation Device at all times and any other required protective clothing, eye-wear,footwear,etc.I Agree I agree to give way/priority to other vessels, maintain stated safe distance, position and moderate speed during the tour, and will avoid aggressive maneuvers to avoid collisions with other watercraft, piers, swimmers, etc.I Agree I AM NOT under the influence of medication, alcohol, and/or drugs that may impair my ability to safely engage in these watersports activites.I Agree I understand and accept that SHOULD I NOT FOLLOW ALL the safety rules and operating procedures at all times, I will be requested to end my participation in the watersports activities
I HAVE BEEN INSTRUCTED ON AND UNDERSTAND THE RULES AND INFORMATION PROVIDED TO ME IN THIS ORIENTATION February 10, 2025 Watersports Insurance Program PARTICIPANT AGREEMENT, RELEASE AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK In consideration of the services of Scuppers Watersports LLC,their agents, owners, officers, volunteers, employees, and all other persons or entities acting in any capacity on their behalf (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Scuppers Watersports LLC"), I hereby agree to release, indemnify, and discharge JSTMC, on behalf of myself, my spouse, my children, my parents, my heirs, assigns, personal representative and estate as follows: 1. I acknowledge that my participation in Guided Jet Ski and Personal Watercraft activities entails known and unanticipated risks that could result in physical or emotional injury, paralysis, death, or damage to myself, to property, or to third parties. I understand that such risks simply cannot be eliminated without jeopardizing the essential qualities of the activity. The risks include, among other things: slips and falls; drivers and passengers can be jolted, jarred, bounced, thrown about and otherwise shaken during rides; collision with fixed or movable objects, vehicles, or other watercraft; boat capsize and entrapment; accidental drowning; watercraft are slippery when wet and accidents can occur getting in or out; the forces of nature including extremes of weather, lightning and rapid weather changes, exposure to sun, strong wind, cold, large waves, eddies and whirlpools, tidal conditions, surf and currents; exposure to temperature and weather extremes which could cause cold water shock, hypothermia, hyperthermia (heat related illnesses), heat exhaustion, sunburn, dehydration; exposure to potentially dangerous wild animals, insect bites, and hazardous plant life; aggressive and/or poisonous marine life; major injuries are a risk as are sprains, strains, scratches, bruises, abrasions, cuts, lacerations, broken bones, fractures, musculoskeletal injuries including head, neck, and back injuries; injuries to internal organs; loss of fingers or other appendages; equipment failure and/or operator error; the negligence of other visitors, participants, or other persons who may be present; improper lifting or carrying; my own physical condition, and the physical exertion associated with this activity; being lost or separated from their guides or companions; transmissible pathogen or disease; traveling to and from activity locations raises the possibility of any manner of transportation accidents; accidents or illness can occur in remote places without medical facilities and emergency treatment or other services rendered. 2. I expressly agree and promise to accept and assume all of the risks existing in this activity. My participation in this activity is purely voluntary, and I elect to participate in spite of the risks. Additionally, I agree to wear a U.S. Coast Guard approved personal flotation device (life jacket) and wetsuit bottom (or clothing that provides equivalent protection) while participating in this activity. 3. I hereby voluntarily release, forever discharge, and agree to indemnify and hold harmless Scuppers Watersports LLC from any and all claims, demands, or causes of action, which are in any way connected with my participation in this activity or my use Scuppers Watersports LLC’s equipment or facilities, including any such claims which allege negligent acts or omissions of Scuppers Watersports LLC. 4. Should Scuppers Watersports LLC or anyone acting on their behalf, be required to incur lawyer's fees and costs to enforce this agreement, I agree to indemnify and hold them harmless for all such fees and costs. 5. I certify that I have adequate insurance to cover any injury or damage I may cause or suffer while participating, or else I agree to bear the costs of such injury or damage myself. I further certify that I am willing to assume the risk of any medical or physical condition I may have. 6. In the event that I file a lawsuit against Scuppers Watersports LLC, I agree to do so solely in the state of Florida, and I further agree that the substantive law of that state shall apply in that action without regard to the conflict of law rules of that that state. I agree that if any portion of this agreement is found to be void or unenforceable, the remaining document shall remain in full force and effect. By signing this document, I acknowledge that if anyone is hurt or property is damaged during my participation in this activity, I may be found by a court of law to have waived my right to maintain a lawsuit against Scuppers Watersports LLC on the basis of any claim from which I have released them herein. I also agree that this document is valid for subsequent visits and participation at Scuppers Watersports LLC. I have had sufficient opportunity to read this entire document. I have read and understood it, and I agree to be bound by its terms. February 10, 2025PROTECTIVE WETSUIT REFUSAL AGREEMENT I, for myself, and/or on behalf of my child or legal ward, have been fully warned and advised by Scuppers Watersports LLC that we should wear properly fitted wetsuit bottoms, or clothing that provides equivalent protection, while riding or being around Wave Runners and Jet Skis in order to protect against injuries caused by water forced into body cavities as a result of falling into the water or being near the jet thrust nozzle. Injuries include water forced into the rectum or vagina causing severe internal injuries or death. I understand that by not wearing wetsuit bottoms or equivalent clothing, I will be going against manufacturers’ requirements and putting myself at risk for injuries. I realize that I may be subject to injury from this activity and that no form of preplanning can remove all danger Against the advice of Scuppers Watersports LLC, we are declining this critical safety precaution. I/we the undersigned have read the foregoing statement carefully before signing and do understand its warnings and assumption of risks. February 10, 2025Scuppers Watersports LLC
(VALID FOR EACH AND EVERY DATE OF PARTICIPATION) We want you to have a great experience with us. However, for your protection and ours, you must read and agree to the provisions below before you are authorized to use our facilities and/or services. The different activities that are offered entail certain risks that simply cannot be eliminated without jeopardizing the essential qualities of the activity. If you are unable or unwilling to sign this Waiver and Release, you are welcome to enjoy yourself by watching others, but we cannot allow you to personally participate in any of our activities or actively use our facilities and/or services. NOTICE TO THE MINOR CHILD’S NATURAL GUARDIAN READ THIS FORM COMPLETELY AND CAREFULLY. YOU ARE AGREEING TO LET YOUR MINOR CHILD ENGAGE IN A POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS ACTIVITY. YOU ARE AGREEING THAT, EVEN IF Scuppers Watersports LLC USES REASONABLE CARE IN PROVIDING THIS ACTIVITY, THERE IS A CHANCE YOUR CHILD MAY BE SERIOUSLY INJURED OR KILLED BY PARTICIPATING IN THIS ACTIVITY BECAUSE THERE ARE CERTAIN DANGERS INHERENT IN THE ACTIVITY WHICH CANNOT BE AVOIDED OR ELIMINATED. BY SIGNING THIS FORM, YOU ARE GIVING UP YOUR CHILD’S RIGHT AND YOUR RIGHT TO RECOVER FROM Scuppers Watersports LLC IN A LAWSUIT FOR ANY PERSONAL INJURY, INCLUDING DEATH, TO YOUR CHILD OR ANY PROPERTY DAMAGE THAT RESULTS FROM THE RISKS THAT ARE A NATURAL PART OF THE ACTIVITY. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REFUSE TO SIGN THIS FORM, AND Scuppers Watersports LLC HAS THE RIGHT TO REFUSE TO LET YOUR CHILD PARTICIPATE IF YOU DO NOT SIGN THIS FORM. I have read this Waiver and Release and agrees as follows: 1. I recognize and agree that: all risks can never be eliminated, and participating in the activities at Scuppers Watersports LLC involves inherent danger and potential risk of both minor and serious, temporary and permanent, bodily injury of any and all kinds, both caused by me and/or by others. In signing this release, I assume all risk for, and financial cost of, any and all injuries, and/or any damage, to my child/children. 2. On behalf of my minor child/children I fully, and forever waive, release and discharge Scuppers Watersports LLC and its individual members, managers, directors, officers, agents, employees, volunteers, representatives, affiliated entities, and all other persons, firms, corporations, associations or partnerships claiming by or through them, from any and all claims, actions, causes of action, demands, judgments, damages (including compensatory, general, special, consequential, and exemplary), liability or obligations of any nature or kind, whether known at the time or which may arise or become known later, which accrue on account of, or in any way arise out of or in connection with me or my child’s activities with or at Scuppers Watersports LLC including claims involving their own negligence. 3. I agree to indemnify and hold harmless Scuppers Watersports LLC and its individual managers, directors, officers, agents, employees, volunteers, representatives, affiliated entities, and all other persons, corporations, or partnerships claiming by or through them, from and against any and all losses, liabilities, claims, obligations, costs, damages, and/or judgments directly or indirectly arising out of, or relating to, my child’s/children’s participation in any activities at Scuppers Watersports LLC including for claims alleging Scuppers Watersports LLC own negligence. 4. I understand that this agreement extends forever into the future and will have full force and legal effect each and every time my child/children visit Scuppers Watersports LLC whether at the current location or any other location or facility. I have read the Scuppers Watersports LLC Waiver and Release from any Claim of Responsibility or Damage and agree to all conditions. Today's Date: February 10, 2025