I, THE NAMED PARTICIPANT, hereby acknowledge that I voluntarily have applied to participate and use Stronger Skatepark. I understand that the act of skating and all other allowed park activities necessarily involve risks of injury to me and other people, including but not limited to death, permanent or temporary paralysis, disability, illness or disease, physical or mental damage, or other injury, as well as damage to my equipment and personal property. These risks are entirely my responsibility, and I knowingly and expressly assume all of them. I understand that Stronger Skatepark LLC assumes no liability for loss, damage, or any kind of injury sustained by myself or my property while using Stronger Skatepark. I therefore assume all risks associated with using the park. By signing this release of liability and using Stronger Skatepark, I hereby fully and forever release and discharge Stronger Skatepark LLC and their employees, contractors, and agents from any and all claims, demands, damages, rights of action, or causes of action present of future, whether they be known or unknown, anticipated or unanticipated, resulting from or arising out of my use or intended use of said skateboard park premises, facilities or equipment. I fully and forever release and discharge Stronger Skatepark LLC and their employees, contractors, and agents from any and all negligent acts and omissions in the same, and intend to be legally bound by this release. By signing I attest that I have read, understand, and agree to the terms and conditions herein. Stronger Skatepark Rules Acknowledgement - Use of this sport area involves the risk of serious injury or death. Any user of this facility acknowledges the risk of injury and death, and assumes the risk of injury and death while using this facility.
- Stronger Skatepark LLC, which operates this sport area, by law, cannot be held liable for any injury sustained by a user of this sport area.
- Users must have on file a copy of a waiver or release. Failure to have a signed waiver form will result in being asked to leave the park. If you’re under 18, your parent or legal guardian must sign the waiver form.
- Parents or legal guardians are responsible for the supervision of their children under 18 years of age. We are not a babysitting service! We allow drop-off if kids are capable skaters, independent, mature, respectful and responsible! ANY problems and your child will not be allowed to stay unsupervised! If you are unsure if your child is ready for this responsibility, please talk to us.
- The posted hours of operation are the only times users are permitted to use the facility. We reserve the right to change the hours if/as needed without prior notice.
- All riders under 18 must wear properly fitted, commercially sold and approved helmets at all times. Helmets and other safety gear is strongly encouraged for all ages. Stronger will not provide equipment however it will be available for rental at our rental shop. Failure of those under 18 to wear a helmet as defined above may result in removal by Stronger staff.
- Foldable or plastic scooters are not allowed. Scooters used must be professionally approved, free-style scooters.
- No alcohol, smoking, chewing tobacco, or drugs permitted. Food and beverages are allowed on site but not on the skate floor. Dispose of all trash in trash/recycle cans.
- No graffiti, tagging, stickers, or wax are allowed in the park. Any intentional damage to Stronger Skatepark will make you liable for damages. We reserve the right to report the incident to authorities.
- No horseplay, violence, profane language. All participants must act in a kind and courteous manner. Rude and aggressive behavior will result in being asked to leave the premises. Fighting will result in a ban from the park with no refunds. Follow skatepark etiquette; take turns, do not take overly long runs, watch out for other riders, no “snaking”.
- No skating, riding, loitering, smoking or vaping are allowed in the parking lot.
- Park at your own risk! Stronger Skatepark and building ownership and management are not responsible for damage to vehicles or theft. We are not responsible for any loss or theft that occurs at Stronger Skatepark.
- Name and likeness of Participant may be used by Stronger. Participant grants to Stronger permission to use Participant’s name, likeness and image, for any reasonable business purpose including but not limited to photographs, recordings, interview, videotapes, motion pictures, or similar auditory recording of me created in connection with the park. If Participant does not request for this clause to be waived or narrowed, it will be presume to be effective as written above.
Stronger staff has an incident policy relating to use and/or removal from the park. Should an incident occur, it will be documented. Staff has discretion to act based on the severity of the incident at hand. EMERGENCY INFORMATION & CONSENT FORM CONSENT FOR EMERGENCY MEDICAL TREATMENT I (we) do hereby authorize the staff of Stronger Skatepark LLC to consent to any necessary emergency transportation, examination, anesthetic, medical diagnosis, surgery, or treatment and/or hospital care to be rendered to the above named, including any named minors, under the general or special supervision and on the advice of any physician or surgeon licensed to practice medicine. I (we) understand that I (we) will be responsible for all financial obligations and insurance claims resulting from the aforementioned care. I (we) understand that this consent is to allow emergency treatment to be initiated without delay, and that staff and emergency personnel will continue efforts to contact me (us). Today's Date: March 9, 2025 |