131A Great Road Street, Bedford, MA 01730 Bernardo Faria Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Academy Waiver February 8, 2025 RELEASE, ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RISK AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY In consideration of being allowed to participate in any way in the gym activities of the Bernardo Faria Academy described below, the adult participant named below agrees, or the parent(s) and/or legal guardian(s) of the minor participant (under 18 years of age) named below agree: The Bernardo Faria Academy shall not assume responsibility or be held liable for any injury to person or damage or loss of property suffered by any member or any guest. I certify that I am familiar with the risks Inherent in participating in gym activities conducted in the Bernardo Faria Academy’s facilities. Further, I am aware of the risk of personal injury when undertaking such sports activities. Such risks could include partial or total disability, paralysis and even death. I understand that the Bernardo Faria Academy does not require participation in such activities, but I want to do so (or authorize the minor participant to do so) despite the possible dangers and risks and despite this release. Therefore, in consideration of being permitted to become a member of the Bernardo Faria Academy, the participant voluntarily assumes all risks of personal injury, property damage, and/or other damages to the undersigned resulting from, or in any way associated with my entry within the Bernardo Faria Academy’s facilities and/or participation in any of the sport activities sponsored by the Bernardo Faria Academy. Further, I hereby release the Bernardo Faria Academy and its officers, directors, owners, employees, instructors, trainers, volunteers and agents (collectively, “Releasees”) from every claim, demand, suit, liability, or damage of any kind or on account of any personal injury, property damage, or other damages, known or unknown, resulting from or in any way associated with my entry upon the Bernardo Faria Academy’s premises and participation in the said sports activities, even if caused by the action, inaction or negligence of Releasees (collectively, “Liabilities”), and I agree to defend, indemnify, and save Releasees harmless from and against any and all Liabilities. I agree that this release shall bind the members of my family and spouse, if I am alive, and my heirs, assigns and personal representative, if I am deceased. I give permission, free of charge, with no promise, representation or expectation of compensation, to use any photos, pictures, media, likeness of myself for advertisements, instructional videos in any medium or matter, online training programs, or marketing materials to promote martial arts sports, martial arts or fitness. I expressly agree that this release, waiver and indemnity agreement is intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and if any portion thereof is held invalid, it is agreed that the balance shall, notwithstanding, continue in full legal force and effect. I represent and warrant that I have carefully read the forgoing release and waiver and understand the contents thereof and voluntarily sign this release as my own free act, thereby giving up substantial rights by signing it, agree to be bound by the release, and further agree that no oral Representations, statements or inducements apart from the foregoing written agreement have been made. I CONFIRM THAT I HAVE CAREFULLY READ AND UNDERSTAND THIS RELEASE.