Conditions of Registration If you are under 18 years of age this form must be completed and signed by your parent/guardian. Once you have read the Conditions of Use and Safety Rules, you must answer the following questions by answering either “YES” or “NO” then sign the declaration at the bottom of the form. Only climbers who give satisfactory answers to the questions will be registered and allowed to climb unsupervised. Declaration of Fitness I certify that to the best of my knowledge, I do not suffer from a medical condition which might have the effect of making it more likely that I be involved in an accident which could result in injury to myself or others. I also confirm that all the above information is correct and if any information changes I will notify the wall Indoor Climbing and Gym Disclaimer Indoor climbing and gym training are physical and demanding activities, which have inherent hazards associated with them. Whilst Blocfit takes all necessary precautions to try and ensure the safety of all participants, unfortunately accidents do occur. Each participant should familiarise themselves with the hazards and try to minimise these as much as possible by complying with Blocfit’s Conditions of Use. The Management accepts no responsibility whatsoever for any loss or injury resulting from any persons involvement in climbing or training. Furthermore, it is understood and agreed that individuals participate at their own risk. Blocfit would like you to read the following carefully. It may affect your safety and the safety of others also using the facilities provided. Once you have read this Indoor Climbing and Gym Disclaimer, we would like you to sign the bottom of this form as an indication you have read and understood it, and return it to us with the completed Conditions of Registration. Signing the Acknowledgement of Risk below in no way compromises your legal rights, nor does it release Blocfit from any of its obligations towards you. It is merely to make sure you are aware of what you are letting yourself in for. Blocfit has taken all reasonable steps to provide you with assurances of safety and the level of care appropriate to the activities provided. However, you should be aware that certain inherent risks remain. These risks are integral to the activity and cannot be eliminated without destroying the unique character of the activity. Participants must acknowledge that, amongst other things, some of the inherent risks can contribute to; loss or damage of your personal belongings, feelings of discomfort, fear and apprehension, or even; accidental injury, illness, trauma and, in extreme cases, death. If you have medical conditions or injuries, past or present, which may make some activities ill advised you must make Blocfit aware of them. Blocfit has clear obligations and responsibilities and we take these very seriously. However, we will be expecting particpants to contribute to their own Duty of Care and each other’s safety by following the Conditions of Use and Safety guidelines for Blocfit. Conditions of Use and Safety Rules Risks - “The British Mountaineering Council recognises that climbing and mountaineering are activities with a danger of personal injury or death. Participants in these activities should be aware of and accept these risks and be responsible for their own actions and involvement.” Although the facility is an artificial environment, the risks involved are no less serious than when climbing outside. There is an additional risk that bolt-on holds can spin or break. The matting under the walls is designed to provide a more comfortable landing for climbers falling or jumping from the wall. THE SOFT MATTING DOES NOT MAKE BOULDERING SAFE. Broken and sprained limbs are still common on this type of matting. Uncontrolled falls are likely to result in injuries to yourself or others. Climbing beyond your capabilities is likely to result in a fall. Any fall may result in an injury despite the safety systems the facility has in place to avoid it. You must make your own assessment of the risks whenever you climb. Our Duty of Care - The Blocfit Safety Rules that are set out below are not intended to limit your enjoyment of the facilities. They are part of the duty of care that we, as operators, owe to you, the customer, by law. As such they are not negotiable and if you are not prepared to abide by them then the staff must ask you to leave. Your Duty of Care - You also have a duty of care to act responsibly towards the other users of the Centre. You must not behave in an aggressive, abusive, anti-social or threatening manner to any staff or member. Anyone doing so will have their membership terminated immediately and the facility reserves the right to contact the police if deemed necessary. Unsupervised Climbing - Before you climb or train without supervision, the facility expects you to accept the risks involved. You are required to register to say that you understand the Conditions of Use, that you are prepared to abide by the Safety Rules below and that you understand the risks involved in your participation. If you are not confident in the use of any climbing or gym equipment or technique then do not attempt to use it without the supervision of someone who is competent to do so. Children (Under 18) – All children in the Centre must be supervised by an adult unless they have been assessed by the management and registered for unsupervised climbing. In addition to the obvious risks of climbing, children on the ground are at particular risk of being seriously injured by falling adult climbers. Supervising adults are responsible for making sure that children are never directly below climbers. Safety Rules - Report to Reception on each visit before you begin training/climbing.
- You must exercise care, common sense and self-preservation at all times.
- Be aware of the other climbers around you and how your actions will affect them.
- Never stand directly under someone who is climbing.
- Never climb directly above or below another climber.
- Do not climb over or on top of any of the walls and structures.
- The moveable board must be adjusted by Blocfit staff ONLY.
- Always climb within your capabilities and descend by down climbing.
- Do not attempt to spot someone unless you feel confident to do so properly.
- Keep the matting free from objects such as bags, phones, brushes, shoes etc.
- No food or hot drink is permitted on the mats.
- Remove all jewellery and watches.
- Smoking including e-cigarettes is not permitted anywhere in the facility.
- Return all weights to racks provided. Do not misuse the weights by dropping them on the floor. Members are solely responsible for their own belongings whilst visiting the facility. Blocfit accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage to personal property. Although we will always endeavour to return any articles of lost property to the owner, we do not take responsibility for any item held in lost property. Such items will be kept until claimed, but for no longer than one week, after which time the items will either be donated to charity or destroyed. Respect the facility and all the equipment therein. Damage to Blocfit property will not be tolerated. Only Blocfit licensed personal trainers are permitted to train members in the facility unless granted express permission in writing from Blocfit. Anyone else undertaking members’ training will be asked to leave the gym immediately. Help us to keep Blocfit Brixton in good condition by reporting any issues with the walls, equipment or other users behaviour immediately to a staff member or to reception. Acknowledgement of Risk I recognise: that this course, programme, event or activity may require an attitude and approach different from other activities I have been involved with. That the nature of the risks may be different to that which I am familiar with. That certain inherent risks remain. By signing this, I do NOT release Blocfit from any of its obligations towards me, nor does it affect my legal rights. I have read and understood the content of this document. Today's Date: March 17, 2025 |