Safety Acknowledgment - Liability Waiver and Release of Claims Read the Safety Acknowledgement - Liability Waiver and Release of Claims thoroughly. You must provide your initials and sign below acknowledging your assumption of the risk and waiver of liability relating to activity based group classes, events, and all other related functions of official/unofficial business or gatherings conducted by Omulu Capoeira Group (Board of Directors, employees, committee members, instructors, students, contractors, special guests, volunteers, and agents).
LIABILITY WAIVER AND RELEASE OF CLAIMS: I acknowledge that I and/or or my child(ren) and/or my guest(s) derive personal satisfaction and a benefit by virtue of my and/or my child(ren)’s and/or my guest(s)’s participation, and I willingly engage myself and/or my child(ren) and/or my guest(s) in any group classes, events, and/ or any related functions conducted at or on any rented/reserved/occupied private or public properties and/or indoor/outdoor open spaces that Omulu Capoeira Group conducts its official and unofficial business or gatherings. RELEASE AND WAIVER: I HEREBY RELEASE, WAIVE AND FOREVER DISCHARGE ANY AND ALL LIABILITY, CLAIMS, AND DEMANDS OF WHATEVER KIND OR NATURE AGAINST OMULU CAPOEIRA GROUP AND ITS AFFILIATED PARTNERS AND SPONSORS, INCLUDING IN EACH CASE, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THEIR DIRECTORS, OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES, VOLUNTEERS, AND AGENTS (THE “RELEASED PARTIES”), EITHER IN LAW OR IN EQUITY, TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMISSIBLE BY LAW, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO DAMAGES OR LOSSES CAUSED BY THE NEGLIGENCE, FAULT OR CONDUCT OF ANY KIND ON THE PART OF THE RELEASED PARTIES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO DEATH, BODILY INJURY, ILLNESS, ECONOMIC LOSS OR OUT OF POCKET EXPENSES, OR LOSS OR DAMAGE TO PROPERTY, WHICH I, MY HEIRS, ASSIGNEES, NEXT OF KIN AND/OR LEGALLY APPOINTED OR DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVES, MAY HAVE OR WHICH MAY HEREINAFTER ACCRUE ON MY BEHALF, WHICH ARISE OR MAY HEREAFTER ARISE FROM MY AND/OR MY CHILD(REN)'S AND/OR MY GUEST(S)'S PARTICIPATION WITH THE ACTIVITY. ASSUMPTION OF THE RISK. I acknowledge and understand the following: Please acknowledge all two of the following statements by providing your initials to each of the two statements below. Required to answer. 1. I voluntarily agree to assume all of the foregoing risks and accept sole responsibility for any injury to myself and/or my child(ren) and/or my guest(s) (including, but not limited to, personal injury, disability, and death), illness, damage, loss, claim, liability, or expense, of any kind, that I may experience or incur in connection with my attendance at group classes, events and/or related functions of official and unofficial business or gatherings conducted by Omulu Capoeira Group. I hereby knowingly assume the risk of injury, harm and loss associated with the Activity, including any injury, harm and loss caused by the negligence, fault or conduct of any kind on the part of the Released Parties. 2. I acknowledge and agree that it is unequivocally without dispute my responsibility to verbally, and in writing, advise/inform Omulu Capoeira Group of any ongoing or history of preexisting acute and/or chronic medical conditions/medical diagnoses that I and/or my child(ren) and/or my guest(s) present with prior to participation; and/or have incurred a new onset of injury and/or onset of exacerbation related to preexisting acute and/or chronic medical conditions/medical diagnoses during participation in any group classes, events and/or related functions of official and unofficial business or gatherings conducted by Omulu Capoeira Group. Today's date: March 25, 2025 |