


WARNING: Under Florida law, an equine activity sponsor, equine professional, or any other person or legal entity is not liable for an injury to, or the death of, a participant in equine activities resulting from the inherent risks of equine activities.

Proper execution of the following General Release, Liability Waiver and Assumption of All Risk and Liability by the undersigned is a prerequisite to the undersigned or the undersigned’s minor child or legal ward (“Participant”) being able to take part in any and all equine and related activities as a rider, driver, trainer, boarder, groomer, guest, visitor, spectator, vendor, volunteer or participant in any equine event, activities or otherwise in connection with lessons, trail riding, boarding clinics, driving or riding club meets, horse training shows, stall rentals, apartment or cottage rentals, equipment rentals, RV camping, carriage rides, special events or any other horse, recreational or farm-related activities (“Equine Activities”) sponsored by or taking place at the Black Prong Equestrian Village (“Black Prong”) and/or by any related or affiliated organizations including but not limited to Black Prong Equestrian Village LLC, Black Prong Adventures LLC, and 6851 LLC, all of which entities together with their respective members, managers, representatives, volunteers, agents and employees are hereinafter referred to herein as the “Releasees.”

In consideration of the Participant electing to use the Black Prong facilities, including but not limited to use of the fields, trails, tracks, rings, courses, fences, water hazards, barns, paddocks, stables, buildings, roadways, facilities, golf carts, bikes,  kayaks and/or other equipment or property, and to participate in Equine Activities, the undersigned, as or on behalf of said Participant, his or her heirs, next of kin, dependents, representatives, executors, administrators, successors or assigns, HEREBY FOREVER Releases, Indemnifies and Hold Harmless the Releasees from any cause of action, claims or demands of any nature whatsoever (including, but not limited to actions for costs and/or attorney’s fees) which the undersigned and/or the Participant, his or her representatives, heirs, next of kin, dependents, executors, administrators, or any other person or entity on his or her behalf, may now have, or have in the future, against the Releasees on account of personal injury, loss, property damage, or accident of any kind, including death, arising out of the participation in or observation of Equine Activities by the undersigned and/or the Participant, including without limitation, participation in or observation of Equine Activities sponsored by one or all Releasees.                                                                                                              

The undersigned and/or Participant further understand that by signing this Release, he/she covenants and agrees that he/she, as well as his/her heirs, next of kin, dependents, representatives, executors, administrators, successors or assigns, will never institute any suit or action at law of otherwise against the Releasees or in any way aid in the institution or prosecution of any claim, demand, action or cause of action for damages, costs, loss of services, expenses or compensation for or on account of any damage, loss or injury either to the Participant’s person or property or both, or Participant’s death, which may result from the Participant’s attendance at or participation in Equine Activities. Participant is hereby given notice of risk intrinsic and inherent in equine activities, including Equine Activities, including (i) the propensity of an equine to behave in dangerous ways which may result in injury to the Participant; (ii) the inability to predict an equine's reaction to sound, movements, objects, persons, or animals; and (iii) hazards of surface and subsurface conditions - and specifically assumes this risk and the risk of acts or omissions that constitute negligence for the safety of the Participant by the Releasees, whether or not related to the preceding enumerated intrinsic dangers and inherent risks. 

The undersigned and/or Participant further understand that participation in Equine Activities involves substantial risk of injury - including death - and fully understands, accepts and assumes that risk. The undersigned and/or Participant verify that the Participant is in good health and that he/she has no physical limitations which would preclude his/her safe participation in Equine Activities. The undersigned and/or the Participant agree that prior to participating he/she will inspect the facilities and mounts for suitability and safety and related equipment to be used, and if they believe anything is unsafe, they will immediately advise a Black Prong representative of such condition and refuse to participate. The undersigned and/or Participant hereby specifically assume the risk of his/her own negligence in any Equine Activities and any negligence of the Releasees.                                                                

The undersigned and/or Participant acknowledges that all items and equipment rented at Black Prong, including golf carts, bikes, helmets, kayaks, paddles, and life jackets (“Rentals”), are used at the Participant's own risk, whether at Black Prong Equestrian Village or at an off-site location. Releasees provide no warranty on the suitability of these Rentals for any specific activity or location and hold no responsibility or liability for their usage, including if Releasees’ staff offer recommendations. The Participant is solely responsible for the Rentals, to include keys and other accessories, throughout the rental period. Releasees accept no responsibility or liability for any injuries to the Participant or third parties, or for any property damage arising from the use of the Rentals while in the Participant's possession. The undersigned and/or Participant agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Releasees from any damage, loss, theft, or injuries resulting from the Participant’s use of Rentals. The undersigned and/or Participant is fully responsible for any damage, loss, or theft of the Rentals, and to any damage to accommodations, property, and facilities at Black Prong, to include loss, damage, or theft of keys, RFID cards, and other accessories to Rentals, accommodations, property, or facilities, caused directly or indirectly by the action or inaction of Participant whether or not resulting from a deliberate, negligent, or reckless act or omission, during the time Participant is at Black Prong or in possession of Black Prong Rentals, and the undersigned and/or Participant agree to indemnify Releasees for the same. In the event of any damage, loss, or theft, the undersigned and/or Participant accepts responsibility for repair or replacement costs and, by signing below, authorizes Black Prong staff to charge the credit card provided at check-in or rental for any related expenses as described above. The undersigned and/or Participant agree to promptly pay related expenses upon invoice if credit card charges are disputed or declined.

The undersigned and/or Participant hereby acknowledge that no medical emergency services are or will be provided by the Releasees during Equine Activities, and if he/she is unable to timely do so for himself/herself or his/her child or legal ward’s behalf, he/she hereby consents, directs and authorizes the Releasees to contact an emergency medical care provider on himself/herself to engage any emergency medical care, diagnosis or transportation as they may deem appropriate for himself/herself or his/her child or legal ward, as the case may be, inclusive of necessary treatment, diagnosis or transportation, whether surgical or otherwise, and that this General Release, Liability Waiver and Assumption of All Risk and Liability extends to any and all liability arising out of, or in any way connected to such provision or emergency medical treatment, diagnosis or transportation. The undersigned and/or Participant hereby agrees to assume all risk and to pay all costs in connection with or associated to such treatment, diagnosis or transportation.

The undersigned and/or the Participant understand that the Releasees did not undertake to provide medical or hospitalization insurance for Participants. The undersigned certifies that the Participant will be covered by his/her own medical and hospitalization insurance while participating in Equine Activities. The undersigned and/or the Participant further states that he/she is cognizant of all of the intrinsic dangers and inherent risks of participation in Equine Activities including the dangers of participating in and observing Equine Activities; that he/she is of lawful age and legally competent to sign this General Release, Liability Waiver and Assumption of All Risk and Liability which he/she has fully read and completely understands; he/she understands the terms herein are contractual and legally binding and not a mere recital; and that this General Release, Liability Waiver and Assumption of All Risk and Liability has been signed as his/her own free act by the Participant or on behalf of the Participant by the parent or legal guardian with whom the undersigned has discussed the nature of the Equine Activities described herein.

By electing to participate in the Equine Activities, the undersigned and/or the Participant acknowledge, understand, and fully assume all risk of exposure to and/or contracting COVID-19 or any other communicable disease or illness at Black Prong, including as a result of actions or inactions by the Releasees, other participants or third parties. The undersigned and/or Participant hereby forever release, waive, indemnify and hold harmless the Releasees from any and all liability associated with any communicable disease or illness contracted while at Black Prong. The undersigned and/or Participant also agree to follow and comply with the guidelines issued by the Florida Department of Health and the CDC, as well as any rules and policies in place at Black Prong relating to isolation, masking, social distancing, and any and all other measures required by Black Prong, in its sole discretion, to reduce the spread of COVID-19 and other communicable diseases.


Today's date: March 7, 2025

First Guest Name

First Name*

Last Name*

First Guest Age Acknowledgment*
First Guest Date of Birth*
I certify that I am 18 years of age or older
First Guest Signature*
Second Guest Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Second Guest Date of Birth*
Third Guest Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Third Guest Date of Birth*
Fourth Guest Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Fourth Guest Date of Birth*
Fifth Guest Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Fifth Guest Date of Birth*
Sixth Guest Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Sixth Guest Date of Birth*
Seventh Guest Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Seventh Guest Date of Birth*
Eighth Guest Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Eighth Guest Date of Birth*
Ninth Guest Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Ninth Guest Date of Birth*
Tenth Guest Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Tenth Guest Date of Birth*
Parent or Guardian's Email Address

Check to receive information, news, and discounts by e-mail.
Your signed waiver will be sent to the email address provided here and is available for download for three days via URL attachment.
Please provide the last name of the registered guest on the reservation (type N/A if not applicable)

Click to customize text box label *
Photo Release
I hereby grant to Black Prong Equestrian Village LLC and its affiliates (“Black Prong”), the irrevocable, perpetual right and permission to use my name, portrait, photograph, image, appearance, voice, and likeness (the “Publicity Rights”), for Black Prong’s business, commercial, advertising and/or trade purposes (including, without limitation, on Black Prong’s website). I hereby waive any right of attribution and any right to payment or an accounting from Black Prong relating to its use of the Publicity Rights, and I waive any right I may have to inspect or approve any use of the Publicity Rights. I hereby release Black Prong (and its employees and agents) from any claims I may have under Fla. Stat. Ann. § 540.08 and/or any other applicable law relating to the Publicity Rights, whether arising before or after the date hereof. This Release shall be binding upon me and my heirs, personal representatives, legal representatives and permitted assigns.
Parent(s) or court-appointed legal guardian(s) must sign for any participating minor (those under 18 years of age) and agree that they and the minor are subject to all the terms of this document, as set forth above.

By signing below the parent or court-appointed legal guardian agrees that they are also subject to all the terms of this document, as set forth above.
Parent or Guardian's Name

First Name*

Last Name*

Parent or Guardian's Age Acknowledgment*
Parent or Guardian's Date of Birth*
I certify that I am 18 years of age or older
Parent or Guardian's Signature*
Electronic Signature Consent*
By checking here, you are consenting to the use of your electronic signature in lieu of an original signature on paper. You have the right to request that you sign a paper copy instead. By checking here, you are waiving that right. After consent, you may, upon written request to us, obtain a paper copy of an electronic record. No fee will be charged for such copy and no special hardware or software is required to view it. Your agreement to use an electronic signature with us for any documents will continue until such time as you notify us in writing that you no longer wish to use an electronic signature. There is no penalty for withdrawing your consent. You should always make sure that we have a current email address in order to contact you regarding any changes, if necessary.

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