Please read and understand these rules
• Eye and ear protection must be worn at all times.
• Drugs and alcohol use is strictly prohibited including the odor on person.
• All rental firearms entering or leaving the range area must be UNLOADED with actions open and magazines removed from firearm and is case.
• Personal firearms must be unloaded and cased
• Firearms must be pointed downrange at all times and NEVER AIMED HIGHER THAN THE TARGET.
• You must aim and control your firearm at all times. All shots must be fired at approved targets. Any shots striking an overhead baffle, ceiling, wall, or booth will result in a forty dollar ($40.00) fine.
• Only range ammunition is allowed in range rental firearms.
• Only one person may fire in a lane at one time.
• Please clean up your area before exiting the range.
• Please insure when entering the range that the outer door is closed prior to opening the inner door. This helps keep the noise out of the store front.
• No handling of firearms by customers at any time except when on the firing line at their assigned lanes or when assisted by staff of Downriver Guns. Shooters may trade lanes to try other firearms. Firearms must stay in their assigned lanes.
• Shooters under the age of 18 must be supervised by a parent or guardian.
• ANYTIME A CEASE FIRE IS CALLED, PLACE YOUR FIREARM ON THE BENCH AND BACK AWAY FROM THE FIRING LINE IMMEDIATELY. Any shooter is allowed to call a cease-fire for any safety violation, anytime.
• All users of the range must sign an Acknowledgment of risk, indemnification, waiver, and release Agreement.
• Do not touch or poke any of the noise cancelling foam panels in the range. Any damage to the noise cancelling foam in the shooting area will be charged $100 per panel that is damaged. Video surveillance is in use. I HAVE READ, UNDERSTAND AND AGREE TO ABOVE RULES I have never been adjudicated as mentally defective, been committed to a mental institution, or have any mental health issues or history. I am not an unlawful user of, or addicted to marijuana, stimulant, or narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance. I have never been convicted of a felony. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RISK, INDEMNIFICATION, WAIVER, AND RELEASE AGREEMENT
Any and all visitors, guests, attendees, members, or users of the range shall execute an agreement providing for the waiver and release of liability, and indemnification of HH&K Enterprise, LLC and D/B/A Downriver guns and Ammo(hereinafter referred to as “Range Operators”) in the following form:
I/We hereby understand and agree to accept the risk of bodily injury and/or property damage which I/We may incur or cause a third party to incur as a result of my/our use of the range facilities and premises.
I/We understand that this risk includes, but is not limited to, any lead dust inhalation, noise, airborne materials or objects, and the actions of other users of the range. With this understanding, I/We further agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the Range Operators, it’s officers, agents, and employees, from and against any and all claims, leases, injuries, suits or judgements arising from, or in connection with, my/our presence on the range. This indemnification and hold harmless applies for myself/ourselves, my/our successors, assigns, heirs, executors and administrators, and any other person or entity(ies) who/which may have a claim based upon my/our personal injuries and/or property damage.
[Parents/Guardians of minors only] Agree (if a parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of minor participants (age 17 and below)) to instruct the minor participant regarding the above warnings, conditions, and their ramifications, and consent to the minor’s participation.
Furthermore, I/We have read and agree to abide by the rules and regulations pertaining to use of the range and acknowledge receipt of a copy of same. I/We understand further that I/We will be held financially responsible for any damage to facilities or equipment which occurs through use of the range. February 9, 2025 I, as the official representative of the organization seeking permission to use the range, accept on behalf of all members of the organization the entire Hold Harmless Agreement set forth above.
February 9, 2025