TRAK Kayaks Test Paddle and day trips
Waiver of Liabiity, Assumption of Risk, and Indemnity Agreement TRAK reserves the right to refuse passage and cancel departures at its discretion. WAIVER AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY AND ASSUMPTION OF RISKS TRAK agrees to provide, to the best of our ability, seaworthy kayaks in good condition, and experienced and responsible sea kayak guides for all excursions. Participants on this kayak trip understand and recognize the following: 1. Participants on this kayak trip understand and recognize that there are inherent risks in participating in a sea kayak excursion including, but not limited to, capsizing, bodily exposure to the temperatures of ocean or alpine waters, exposure to the natural elements of weather, falling down while carrying kayaks to and from the launch location, or slipping and falling while walking along the beach or in the woods during the course of this trip. 2. Participants on this kayak trip understand and recognize that participants knowingly and freely assume all risks, and that TRAK, its agents, employees, volunteers and operators, shall not be liable for any damage to person or property, loss, injury, expense, or loss of life that may be suffered by its participants, including negligence on the part of the company, before, during or after this excursion. 3. Participants on this kayak trip understand and recognize that relevant medical conditions and information (such as back, shoulder, elbow or wrist problems, bone or joint problems, pregnancy or heart conditions) and any medications that may be necessary on the trip, must be disclosed to TRAK prior to departure. 4. Participants on this kayak trip understand and recognize that passengers agree to pay (1) the cost of any emergency evacuation of their person and belongings that may be necessary and (2) for the full repair or replacement value of any kayaks or gear that they have damaged that is not considered from normal or expected use. I HAVE READ THIS WAIVER OF LIABILITY AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK AGREEMENT, FULLY UNDERSTANDING ITS TERMS. I UNDERSTAND THAT I HAVE GIVEN UP MY RIGHT TO SUE OR RECOVER FOR DAMAGES, LOSS, EXPENSES, INJURY OR LOSS OF LIFE BY SIGNING IT. I SIGN IT FREELY AND VOLUNTARILY WITHOUT ANY INDUCEMENT. Photo Release I grant TRAK kayaks, its representatives and contractors the right to take photographs of me and my property in connection with the activity. I authorize TRAK Kayaks, its assigns and transferees to copyright, use and publish the same in print and / or electronically. I agree that TRAK kayaks may use such photographs of me with or without my name and for any lawful purpose, including for example such purposes as publicity, illustration, advertising and web content. February 10, 2025 |