St. Sebastian Regional Catholic School
Understanding of Handbook
We are all called to perfection in Christ Jesus. As life-long learners you are called to live your life as students as well as you can. This means doing your best in study and work; putting into practice the virtues you already know in theory – especially love, which must be lived in the classroom, at home, and among friends; accept difficulties with courage; help those in need; and give good example. In addition, you must find the inspiration for your daily life in the words and the example of Jesus. You must converse with him in prayer and receive him in the Eucharist.
To obtain a copy of the St. Sebastian Regional Catholic School Student-Parent Handbook, please visit our website The handbook can be viewed and printed from under the Family Resources Tab.
-We have read the Parent/Student Handbook and have reviewed it with our child explaining it at their level as the homeroom teachers have done in the classroom.
-We acknowledge and understand the policies and procedures of the Diocese of Greensburg and St. Sebastian Regional Catholic School.