By signing this form, I am acknowledging the following applies to myself or person that may be under the age of full legal responsibility that accompanies me: I am attending this event out of my own free will and recognize the dangers that may be involved with such activities. I understand that at any time I am on this property, 1150 Carruth Rd, Watkinsville GA, it is at my own risk. My safety and wellbeing are my own responsibility. I will not hold the owner of the property or anyone involved in the organization of this event in any way liable for any injury or harm occurred to myself or person that may be under the age of full legal responsibility that accompanies me. I also understand that I am solely responsible for my actions and the property owner or anyone involved in the organization of this event cannot be held accountable for any accidents which may result in injury to me or anyone else due to my actions. At no time has the owner or anyone involved in the organization of this event made any statements as to the safety conditions of said property. It is my responsibility to familiarize myself and anyone accompanying me to any hazards which may exist on the property. The owner of the property or anyone involved in the organization of this event cannot be held responsible for the actions of others attending. By allowing their attendance, the owner or anyone involved in the organization of this event are not endorsing their safety or abilities. Photography & Video Policy: I grant to Georgia Bushcraft LLC, its representatives and employees the right to take photographs and/or video of me and my property. I authorize Georgia Bushcraft LLC, its assigns and transferees to copyright, use and publish the same in print and/or electronically. I agree that Georgia Bushcraft LLC may use such photographs and/or videos of me with or without my name and for any lawful purpose, including for example such purposes as publicity, illustration, advertising, and Web content. I acknowledge that I have read this disclaimer of liability and know and understand its contents. This release shall be binding upon me, my heirs, legal representatives, and all assigns. I acknowledge this by initialing below:
Campfires: All campfires must be kept in designated areas. Clothing and Shelter: Wear appropriate clothing for the trail conditions and season.
Always consider your surroundings when choosing a campsite. Make sure there are no dead limbs directly above or standing dead trees nearby. Ensure you are not in a wash-off zone that could flood during rainfall. Check for potential hazards. Be sure to check the site thoroughly for glass, sharp objects, branches, large ant beds, poison ivy, bees, and hazardous terrain, etc. Cooking: Be cautious when using a propane stove. Read the instructions that come with the stove and propane cylinder. Use the stove as a cooking appliance only - never leave it unattended while it's burning and never use a propane stove inside an enclosed space such as a tent. First-Aid and Emergency Items: Pack a first aid kit. Your kit can prove invaluable if you or a member of your group suffers a cut, bee sting or allergic reaction. Pack antiseptics for cuts and scrapes, tweezers, insect repellent, bug spray, pain relievers, and sunscreen. We have volunteer medical professionals who will be present during the event. General: Travel with a companion. You don't want to be by yourself in case of an emergency. Be weather wise. Keep an eye on current and predicted weather conditions. In this area, weather can change very quickly. Know the signs for approaching storms or changing weather conditions. Hygiene: Practice good hygiene. Make sure you wash your hands, particularly after using the toilet and before handling food, to prevent everyone in your group becoming ill. Plant Life and Collecting: All wildlife, plant life, artifacts and any other natural or man-made features are protected and may not be disturbed or removed outside of class participation. Possession of metal detecting equipment is prohibited. Quiet Hours: Quiet hours are between 10 p.m. - 6 a.m and will be enforced in the Family Camping Area. Be a good campground neighbor and have consideration for other people in your surroundings. Think before you drink! No matter how clean or pure stream water looks, it's likely to contain water-borne parasites and microorganisms that can cause discomfort and sometimes serious illness. Water may contain run-off from surrounding farms. It is recommended that you pack your water in or use the camp water. Bring emergency supplies. Trash: Please dispose of your trash properly. We will have trash containers throughout the property. Vehicle: Please park in designated areas. Avoid driving in the main fields or where it is not marked to drive during event hours. Weapons: No Firearms are allowed in the camp area or classes. You are welcome to bring a firearm on site with you but please leave it in the vehicle. Bows and arrows, slingshots, fishing spears, atlatls or any similar device that discharges projectiles by any means can be shown but please ensure they are not “loaded” (no arrow on the string). Discharging of these devices outside of the specific shooting areas is prohibited. Explosives, fireworks, or any other device that explodes violently is prohibited. Wildlife & Safety Notice: Participants acknowledge that the property is home to various wildlife, including potentially dangerous animals such as venomous snakes. To minimize risk, all attendees are required to wear closed-toe shoes at all times and use a headlamp or flashlight when walking at night. By entering the property, you assume all risks associated with outdoor hazards, including wildlife encounters, and agree to take necessary precautions for your safety.
I have read and agree to abide by the rules and guidelines on the Georgia Bushcraft Event Agreement and understand that failure to do so may result in early expulsion to the weekend event without reimbursement and banned from all future events. Today's Date: March 3, 2025