EFT Policy Information - All the information that I have provided (address, phone number, email & card number) is correct.
- I understand that my membership might include a set amount of spray tans within my package. And I understand that the remaining spray tans on the account do NOT carry over to the following month. I also understand that these spray tans can not be gifted to another person's account
- I understand that my membership will NOT AUTOMATICALLY END. I must call the salon and sign a digital change form in order to freeze or cancel my membership.
- I understand that if I cancel my membership I must return my key fob, or I will be charged a $15.99 fee if I do not return my key fob within 5 business days of cancelling my membership.
- I understand that when I freeze my 24-hour access card will be deactivated until the membership is reactivated.
- All V.I.P. members can freeze their account for FREE (1) time per year once your package is complete. If you require it to freeze more than once per year, there will be a $19.99 fee each time. ALL FROZEN ACCOUNTS REMAIN IN OUR SYSTEM FOR 2 YEARS UNTIL ACCOUNT DELETION.
- * After Hours Access is not included with packages, but can be added to for $14.99. After Hours Access Fee must be paid with each individual package. Key fobs must be returned to the drop box once a customer has canceled their membership, failure to return your key fob will result in a $15.99 restocking fee. Also, If the key fob has been misplaced or broken - you will be required to pay a lost key fee of $15.99.
- If you fail to make your EFT payment on your draft day OR fail to make payment of product within 24 hours, you will be charged an additional $25 late fee.
- If you have an outstanding balance, you will be responsible for paying that balance, along with any late fees to bring your account back to clear standing. If the payment is not made, the balance may be subject to be reported to credit bureau / collections.
- Please do not allow entrance to non-members; if you are found bringing in a non member into the facility you could be fined up to $100 for a breach of safety and liability.
You will be responsible for cleaning your room/bed before and after-use visiting the facility. If room is left unclean, you may be subject to account suspension. Spray Release Information Your spray tan should last 5-10 days depending on your skin type and how well you take care of your sunless tan. It’s very important to keep your skin moisturized after your spray tan, avoiding long baths or showers and hot tubs. Salt water exposure or a chlorinated pool can also shorten your spray tan. Be advised there may be a small percentage of individuals whose skin does not react favorably to spray tanning. Some medications such as birth control pills, hormone replacement medications, or antibiotics may alter your tan. Please consult with your technician if you have any questions. Following the spray tan session, please avoid: tight clothes, excessive perspiring, leather seats, and do not shower for at least 6-8 hours. Letting solution stay on overnight without showering is recommended. Some fabrics may be stained by the spray tanning solution, please use caution and care. All ingredients in the product used in this procedure are intended for cosmetic use and generally regarded as safe. There are, however, occasions where individuals may be allergic to one or more ingredients in the spray tan solution. If this occurs, shower and discontinue use. If severe reaction, contact a physician. You may ask to see the ingredients prior to application Be advised we do NOT advise being sprayed for photographic sessions, modeling assignments, weddings, etc. unless you have had a trial spray tan with us. WARNING – This product does not contain a sunscreen and does not protect against sunburn. Repeated exposure of unprotected skin may increase the risk of skin aging, skin cancer and other harmful effects to the skin even if you do not burn. I have read the contents of this consent form carefully and state that I am not aware of any medical condition, allergies, or other reason that would prohibit me from sunless tanning. I have been given adequate instructions for the proper use of the sunless application, understand the risks involved, and use it at my own risk. I hereby agree to release the owners, operators and manufacturers from any damages that I might incur due to the use of this facility. I have been advised to discontinue use if any reaction occurs. March 10, 2025