
Dive Pro Course




In consideration of permitting me, (participant), to enroll in a swim, snorkeling, or scuba diving instructional course and/or participate in Swimming, Snorkeling, Scuba Diving, Swim Parties, Physical Activities, and Related Operations (hereafter known as “Water Activities”) conducted by DiVentures Holdings, LLC or any DiVentures Subsidiaries (as defined below), beginning on October 23, 2024, I agree for myself, my personal representatives, heirs and next of kin:

I hereby acknowledge that Water Activities are potentially dangerous activities and involve the inherent risk of serious injury (including paralysis), death and/or property damage both in and under the water as well as on the pool deck itself.

I hereby release, waive, discharge and agree not to sue DiVentures Holdings, LLC; its subsidiaries DiVentures, LLC, DiVentures Iowa, LLC, DiVentures Springfield, LLC, DiVentures Madison, LLC, DiVentures Columbia, LLC, DiVentures Atlanta, LLC, DiVentures Lexington, LLC, DiVentures Kansas City, LLC, DiVentures Lincoln, LLC, DiVentures Battle Creek, LLC, DiVentures Arizona, LLC, DiVentures Marietta, LLC, DiVentures Memphis, LLC, DiVentures Little Rock, LLC, DiVentures Virginia, LLC, DiVentures Colorado Springs, LLC (collectively, “DiVentures Subsidiaries”) and their respective facilities, staff, officers, instructors, agents or employees (collectively, the “Releasees”) from all liability to myself, my minor child(ren), my personal representatives, signs, heirs and next of kin for any and all loss or damage and any claim or demands therefore on account of injury to my person or property or resulting in my death, now and forever, arising out of or related to participation and/or instruction in said course, activities or any other related Water Activities that may occur.

I hereby assume full responsibility for any risk of bodily injury, death or property damage, now and forever, arising out of or related to participation and/or instruction in said course, Water Activities, or any other swimming/snorkeling operations conducted by DiVentures Holdings, LLC or any DiVentures Subsidiaries.

I hereby acknowledge that this Waiver and Release of Liability is intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by the laws of the state in which the activities are conducted, and that if any portion thereof is held invalid, it is agreed that the balance shall, notwithstanding, continue in full legal force and effect.

I hereby assume full responsibility for determining the need for and providing an interpreter for a language other than English within the facility.

I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to provide for my own and/or my child(ren)’s own accident and health coverage while participating in Water Activities.

In the event I cannot be reached and/or am incapacitated or otherwise able to give consent, I give permission for emergency medical, surgical and hospital treatment and procedures to be performed by a licensed physician or hospital, when deemed immediately necessary to safeguard my/my child(ren)’s health. I relieve Releasees of any and all responsibility for action(s) taken by the doctor(s), hospitals, or other medical care providers in the treatment and attendance of me or my child.

I agree that this waiver, release of liability, assumption of the risk, and consent for emergency medical, surgical and hospital treatment shall be continuing and effective for all Water Activities conducted by or on behalf of the above named Releasees for a period of time beginning with the execution of this document and terminating at 11:59 P.M., CST, on the 365th day after the date on which this document was signed. 

Swimmers Using Aquatic Facilities


This is a legal contract terminating your rights to file a lawsuit. Read carefully before signing.


Participating in Activities such as swimming, snorkeling, mermaiding and freediving at an aquatic facility including getting in and out of water and on wet surfaces without a lifeguard has inherent risks. While participating in unsupervised swimming, swimming laps and snorkeling, (hereafter called “Activities”) I may be exposed to an unlimited number of risks which may cause serious personal illness, injury or death. In consideration of being allowed to participate in unsupervised Activities I assume all risks associated with all unsupervised Activities. Risk of injury or death including but not limited to drowning may occur as a result of participating in the Activities. Other risks may be encountered due to improper, insufficient, inoperable, or inadequate equipment. Additionally, I may be exposed to risks associated with human factors such as my ability to swim or keep my head above the surface, preexisting or poor medical and fitness conditions, and the possible action or inaction of others that may cause me injury or death. These risks are some but not an all-inclusive list of all risks I may be exposed to while participating in the Activities. I will be solely responsible for my health, safety, and actions at all times while participating in Activities. I will follow safe practices, maintain awareness and use good judgment set forth in the applicable SSI Responsible Code to reduce the risks, however, I know the risk of property loss, illness, injury and or death cannot be eliminated. By signing this Agreement, I hereby agree to assume all risks associated with unsupervised Activities, including the risk of injury and death, whether foreseen or unforeseen.

By signing this Agreement, I am giving up the legal right to sue the aquatic facility, its owners, officers and directors, employees, agents, operators, volunteers, instructors, counselors, or its insurance company, land owners, third parties or anyone else specifically named or unnamed (hereafter called “Released Parties”) as a result of my or anyone else’s injury or death as a result of unsupervised Activities. I understand that the Released Parties are under no obligation to provide instructions, rescue, first aid, medical care, emergency transportation, or recovery of the participant. In consideration of being allowed to participate in Activities at the aforementioned aquatic facility, I hereby agree to give up my right to sue and I hereby release the aforementioned Released Parties from any liability in connection with the Activities which may result in injury or death, including but not limited to property damage, illness, injury, or death caused to me or any others due to negligence caused by someone doing something they should not have done or caused by someone not doing something they should have or any other cause including negligence caused by the Released Parties which may have caused property damage, illness, injury or death. I hereby give up these legal rights on behalf of myself, my estate, my family, heirs, assigns or any other party that may have a legal claim against the Released Parties.

By signing this document, I hereby waive all claims arising by me, my family, heirs, assigns or any other party who may have a claim against the Released Parties as a result of my participation in the Activities. Furthermore, I agree to indemnify the Released Parties from any responsibility or liability for any loss, costs, attorneys’ fees, liabilities, damages, illness, injury or death arising from my participation in the Activities with the Released Parties. It is my specific contract, by signing this document, that I will not present a claim, cause of action, lawsuit or otherwise for any damage, illness, injury or death caused to me or any other party including minor children for whom I may have a legal right in connection with any activity associated with the Released Parties. In the event I violate this Agreement I agree to be held responsible and liable for all damages, expenses, fees and cost associated with Released Parties defending and or paying claims brought on my behalf. In the event I cause Released Parties damage or expense associated with my participation in the Activities, I agree to be responsible and liable for same and will agree to pay as if fully adjudicated by a competent legal court.

I understand and agree the SSI licenses training centers, professionals and their affiliates to use various SSI trademarks and to conduct SSI approved training, but they are not agents, employees or franchisees of SSI, its parent, subsidiary, or affiliated corporations. I further understand SSI training centers, SSI professionals, and their affiliates’ businesses are independent, and are neither owned, operated, or controlled by SSI, and that while SSI establishes standards and materials for SSI training, it is not responsible for, nor does it have the right to control, the operation of the business activities or the day-to-day training and or supervision of Participants by SSI training centers, SSI professionals, their affiliated businesses, and/or their associated staff. I further understand and agree on behalf of myself, that in the event of injury, illness or death during the Activities, I shall not hold SSI liable for the actions, inactions or negligence of the SSI training center, SSI professionals and other affiliated businesses or personnel associated with my participation in the Activities.

This Agreement is a legally binding contract. By signing it I am agreeing to all of its terms and conditions and representing that I have read and understand it thoroughly before signing it. I have signed this Agreement voluntarily and of my own free act. I agree to all of the terms, conditions and provisions of this Agreement without modification from its preprinted form. Furthermore, I agree that if any provision of this document is found to be void or unlawful, the remainder of the contract shall remain in full force and effect. By signing this document, I affirm that I have read, understand, and agree to be legally bound by all of the provisions of this Agreement.

If the swim participant is under the age of 18, they must be accompanied by a parent or guardian to participate in the Activities. The parent or guardian must sign the SSI Youth Addendum and agree to be legally responsible for the minor participant, including being responsible for all damage, illness, injury or death which may occur as a result of the minor’s participation in the Activities. The parent or guardian hereby agrees to be fully responsible to the Released Parties for any damage, illness, injury or death caused by the minor, including actions brought by the minor, for any damages whatsoever.

Scuba Divers Using Aquatic Facilities


This is a legal contract terminating your rights to file a lawsuit. Read carefully before signing


Participating in unsupervised swimming activities such as a scuba diving in an aquatic facility is inherently dangerous. While participating in unsupervised scuba diving, snorkeling and swimming in the aquatic facility, (hereafter called “Activities”) I may be exposed to risks which may cause serious personal illness, injury or death. In consideration of being allowed to participate in unsupervised Activities I expressly assume all risks associated with the Activities. Risk of illness, injury or death may arise due to improper, insufficient, inoperable, or inadequate equipment among other things. I will be solely responsible for my health, safety, and actions at all times while participating in Activities. I will follow safe practices, maintain awareness and use good judgment set forth in the applicable SSI Responsible Code to reduce the risks, however, I know the risk of property loss, illness, injury and or death cannot be eliminated. I represent that I am a certified and competent scuba diver and swimmer. I am solely responsible to verify the function and adequacy of the equipment I use and to monitor my gas supply throughout my Activities. At no time will I attempt a skill or act that I am not certified to perform. At no time will I instruct others in scuba diving or allow non-certified divers to use my scuba equipment. In the event I choose to dive without a partner I understand and accept the increased risk and danger of solo diving. I understand the Activities will expose me to inherent risks including but not limited to; panic, drowning, decompression illness, overexpansion injuries, pressure related injuries, breathing gas toxicities, equipment failure, and dangerous acts of others. I UNDERSTAND THERE ARE RISKS OF PROPERTY LOSS, ILLNESS, INJURY AND DEATH EVEN WHEN DIVING IN THE SHALLOW DEPTHS OF AN AQUATIC FACILITY. I VOLUNTARILY CHOOSE TO PARTICIPATE IN THE ACTIVITIES AND ASSUME ALL RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH THE ACTIVITIES, WHETHER FORESEEN OR UNFORESEEN, AND WHETHER CREATED OR NOT BY THE RELEASED PARTIES OR NOT.

By signing this Agreement I am giving up the legal right to sue the aquatic facility its owners, officers and directors, employees, agents, operators, volunteers, instructors, counselors, or its insurance company, land owners, third parties or anyone else specifically named or unnamed (hereafter called “Released Parties”) as a result of my or anyone else’s injury or death as a result of my participation in the Activities. In consideration of being allowed to participate in Activities in the aforementioned aquatic facility, I hereby agree to give up my right to sue and I hereby release the Released Parties from any liability in connection with the Activities, including but not limited to property damage, illness, injury, or death caused to me or any others due to negligence caused by someone doing something they should not have done or caused by someone not doing something they should have or any other cause including negligence on the part of the Released Parties. I hereby give up these legal rights on behalf of myself, my estate, my family, heirs, assigns or any other party that may have a legal claim against the Released Parties.

By signing this document, I hereby waive all claims and legal rights of mine, my family, heirs, assigns or any other party who may have a claim against the Released Parties as a result of my participation in the Activities. Furthermore, I agree to indemnify the Released Parties from any responsibility or liability for any loss, costs, attorneys’ fees, liabilities, damages, illness, injury or death arising from my participation in the Activities. It is my specific intent, by signing this document, that I will not present a claim, cause of action, lawsuit or otherwise for any damage, illness, injury or death caused to me or any other party including minor children for whom I may have a legal right in connection with any Activity associated with the Released Parties. In the event I violate this Agreement I agree to be held responsible and liable for all damages, expenses, fees and costs associated with the Released Parties defending and or paying claims brought on my behalf. In the event I cause the Released Parties damage or expense associated with my participation in the Activities, I agree on behalf of myself, my heirs and my estate to be responsible and liable for same and will agree to pay as if fully adjudicated by a competent legal court.

I understand and agree the SSI licenses training centers, professionals and their affiliates to use various SSI trademarks and to conduct SSI approved training, but they are not agents, employees or franchisees of SSI, its parent, subsidiary, or affiliated corporations. I further understand SSI training centers, SSI professionals, and their affiliates’ businesses are independent, and are neither owned, operated, or controlled by SSI, and that while SSI establishes standards and materials for SSI training, it is not responsible for, nor does it have the right to control, the operation of the business activities or the day-to-day training and or supervision of Participants by SSI training centers, SSI professionals, their affiliated businesses, and/or their associated staff. I further understand and agree on behalf of myself, that in the event of injury, illness or death during the Activities, I shall not hold SSI liable for the actions, inactions or negligence of the SSI training center, SSI professionals and other affiliated businesses or personnel associated with my participation in the Activities.

This Agreement is a legally binding contract. By signing it I am agreeing to all of its terms and conditions and representing that I have read and understand it thoroughly before signing it. I have signed this Agreement voluntarily and of my own free act. I agree to all of the terms, conditions and provisions of this contract without modification from its preprinted form. Furthermore, I agree that if any provision of this document is found to be void or unlawful that the remainder of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. By signing this document, I affirm that I have read, understand, and agree to be legally bound by all of the provisions of this Agreement.

Youth under age 18 (minors) are not permitted to scuba diving in the aquatic facility without being under the direct supervision of a certified and insured scuba professional. The parent or guardian must sign the SSI Youth Addendum and agree to be legally responsible for the minor participant, including being responsible for all damage, illness, injury or death which may occur as a result of the minor’s participation in the Activities. The parent or guardian hereby agrees to be fully responsible to the Released Parties for any damage, illness, injury or death caused by the minor, including actions brought by the minor, for any damages whatsoever.

Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy explains why SSI Training Centers obtain your personal data for the purposes of conducting your training, issuing certifications, administration of your private information and any other necessary specifics regarding the performance of this agreement.

By registering in MySSI, you are consenting to share your personal data: Name (First and Last), Address (Postbox), Postcode (Zip), City, State, Country, Email Address, Telephone Numbers (optional), Date of Birth, Photo, Language, Gender, SSI Master ID, Course Type, Course Progress and Certification Information (Name, SSI Training Center, Certifying Instructor, Year You Started Diving, Level of Experience, Number of Dives and Issue Date), plus your Training Center Affiliation.

By giving your consent, SSI Training Centers may subsequently access your personal data described above in order to identify you, verify or confirm the status of your training and certifications and to offer you continued training and services based on your diving experience.

For more information you may go to the SSI Privacy Policy at https://my.divessi.com/myssi_privacy.

SSI Professional Agreement

I hereby agree to be bound by the following SSI Professional Agreement (“Agreement”) between myself and SSI International GmbH, Johann-Hoellfritsch-Straße 6, 90530 Wendelstein, Germany, “SSI” and my regional SSI Service Center (“Service Center”):

1. Commitment to Professionalism and Ethics. At all times while representing myself as an SSI Professional I will conduct my activities in a professional, competent, ethical and respectful manner. I will promote all SSI training programs (Swim, Life Guard, Snorkeling, Freediving, Recreational Scuba, Extended Range (“XR”) Technical and/or Rebreather Diving) through my affiliated SSI Training Center.

2. Adherence to SSI Training Standards. I shall know and comply with the most recent SSI Training Standards and SSI Professional requirements for each SSI course I teach. Failure to teach in compliance with the most recent applicable SSI Training Standards constitutes a violation of this Agreement and may result in remediation, suspension, revocation, or non-renewal of my SSI Professional membership. If I have a question or do not understand any SSI Training Standard(s) or requirements, then I shall seek clarification from my affiliate SSI Service Center. I will only teach SSI courses that I am certified and authorized to teach.

3. Knowledge of Training Materials. I am familiar with the SSI training materials for each course I am certified to teach and shall become knowledgeable of revisions and new materials as they are made available. I am competent and capable of performing all the skills required for each SSI course I teach. I shall maintain my personal skill level for each course I teach and if for any reason I am unable to perform any skill at a fully competent and professional level, especially rescue and resuscitation skills, then I shall refrain from teaching any course that may require those skills. I understand instruction is physically strenuous and it is my responsibility to maintain appropriate personal fitness to conduct instruction and supervision. If for any reason my physical, medical or mental condition prevents me from being professionally capable, knowledgeable and able to perform my responsibilities as a Professional, then I shall refrain from teaching and supervising. I am responsible for maintaining my skills and certifications in First-aid, CPR and Oxygen Provider.

4. Affiliation and Insurance. As an SSI Professional, I must be affiliated with an active authorized SSI Training Center and shall maintain my Professional status with SSI through yearly renewals. Where required, I shall obtain Professional liability insurance naming SSI as an additional insured (where applicable) and shall provide SSI a copy of my insurance certificate. It is my responsibility to know and comply with all terms, conditions, warranties and exclusions of my Professional liability insurance policy. I understand and agree that when teaching with an assistant, to increase student ratios, the assistant must be a certified and insured (where applicable).

5. Student Record Keeping and Certification. I understand that I am solely responsible for determining that each student I certify has met all SSI training requirements for certification. I shall not certify anyone who has not met all requirements for certification. I shall be fair, objective and honest when conducting student skills evaluations. It is my responsibility to inform students if they need additional skills development to be qualified for certification. As the instructor of record for each student I certify, I am ultimately responsible for obtaining and verifying all the required student information, forms, documentation, academic records, skills development records and training records. I agree that all electronic records, documents and signatures have the same legal effect as if they were original paper documents.

6. Quality Assurance Procedure. I shall inform my affiliated SSI Service Center in writing prior to starting a SSI professional program if I have been convicted of a crime of moral turpitude (i.e., dishonesty, corruption, conspiracy, sexual assault etc.) If the conviction occurs after I am a SSI professional, I shall inform my affiliated SSI Service Center and refrain from teaching or supervising students until notified. I shall also inform my affiliated SSI Service Center in writing prior to starting a SSI professional program if I have been previously, are currently, or are becoming the subject of an investigation, action (i.e. expelled) or proceeding due to standards or ethical violations brought by another training agency. I understand that SSI may terminate this Agreement in accordance with Section 10 below. I understand that I am obligated to report any violations of SSI Training Standards and SSI Professional requirements to my affiliated SSI Service Center. As an SSI Professional, I shall report all accidents and injuries to students I am teaching, supervising or that I am responsible for in any manner, to my professional liability insurance company and my affiliate SSI Service Center. I agree to comply with any quality compliance action as set forth in the most recent edition of the SSI Training Standards and SSI Professional requirements. I authorize SSI to release any quality compliance investigation and or action regarding me to any other training agency and or governmental law enforcement or regulatory agency and publish my expulsion. I authorize other training agencies that I am affiliated with to release any quality compliance records regarding me to SSI. When representing myself as an SSI Professional, I shall comply with all applicable governmental statues, codes and regulations.

7. Data Protection. I agree that SSI as well as third parties involved in the performance of the Agreement (e.g. the Service Center, authorized SSI Training Centers for administrative purposes, financial service providers for processing of any payments) may process my personal data (Name, Address, Photo, Date of Birth, Email Address, SSI Certification and Professional Number as well as Master ID, if necessary insurance information, information provided by me on my state of health, my certification number and a medical certificate) for the purposes of conducting my training, my certification and the administration of my membership as well as other purposes necessary for the performance of the agreement and professional business transactions. I am aware that SSI may transfer my personal data mentioned above for administrative purposes (e.g. in case of a accident/complaints) to companies involved in resolving the respective case or in the performance of the agreement (e.g. insurance companies, public authorities, the Service Center or other companies affiliated with SSI), as far as this is necessary in order to fulfill the Agreement, comply with legal obligations or fulfill legitimate interests. I am further aware that SSI may transmit my personal data mentioned above to companies and contractual partners outside of the EU/EEA in compliance with relevant data protection laws. I know that SSI will store and further process my personal data for the purposes mentioned above using the online system managed by SSI (“MySSI”, my.diveSSI.com), which is mandatory for any SSI certification. I understand and agree that my personal data will be retained and electronically stored by SSI for an unlimited time, to enable SSI to confirm my qualifications, certifications, affiliated training centers and other relevant data at any time. This means that if I revoke consent for processing my personal data, no training can be done with SSI or taught by me. I understand and agree that in the case of deletion of my personal data based on my request, then my SSI certifications become invalid. I am aware that I have the right to know the personal data stored about me, the right to request to correct or delete the data or to revoke any consent given at any time, taking into account the consequences described above by revocation and deletion. Furthermore, I am aware that if I have certified students and therefore appear on student’s certifications as the “Certifying Instructor”, SSI will not delete the following personal data, even if I request the deletion: Name, SSI Professional number and Master ID as well as training qualifications and related insurance information. In addition, I have the right to request a transfer of data and to complain to the authorities in charge. If I want to execute any of these rights I may contact SSI via privacy@divessi.com. I explicitly declare that I will ensure that applicable national and EU data protection laws are complied with when transmitting data (including any third-party data) to or receiving personal data by SSI, other companies affiliated with SSI as well as other third parties involved in performance of the Agreement. I shall indemnify and hold SSI, its affiliates, subsidiaries, agents and assignees harmless from any liability, loss, damage or expense (including reasonable attorneys’ fees and court costs) incurred through claims of third parties that the use of any personal data (provided by me to SSI or any other company affiliated with SSI/provided by SSI or any other company affiliated with SSI to me) by SSI or another company affiliated with SSI /by me infringes or violates data protection rights of such third parties.

8. Informational Materials. I am aware and acknowledge that SSI may send me additional information about updated legal documents, products (e.g. new training courses), tests and trainings using any communication channel in order to support me in the performance of my contractual obligations, my training and my business. I acknowledge that this consent cannot be withdrawn as long as I act as an SSI Professional due to the need of staying updated.

9. Legal Status. I understand and agree that I am not an employee or agent of SSI and that although SSI establishes Training Standards that I am obligated to comply with when teaching SSI courses, SSI does not supervise, dictate, control or have any involvement in how I plan and conduct my instructional activities. SSI is not and shall not be held responsible for my instructional activities. I hereby agree to release, hold harmless, save and indemnify SSI, its owners, officers, directors, employees, agents, volunteers and all others on their behalf from any losses, claims, demands, liabilities, causes of action, and expenses for any injury, illness, wrongful death or property damage resulting from my acts, errors, omissions, or negligence, whether foreseeable or unforeseen, and whether active or passive.

10. Professional Renewal. I acknowledge that being an SSI Professional is an earned privilege that requires serious personal and professional responsibilities. Should I fail to fulfill those responsibilities, including but not limited to failure to pay a financial obligation to SSI, SSI may at its sole discretion require remediation, suspend, revoke or non-renew my SSI Professional credentials and will not hold SSI liable for a disadvantage with regard to these measures.

11. Logos, Trademarks and Copyrights. I shall obtain written authorization from SSI prior to any use of SSI logos or trademarks. I understand that being an SSI Professional is in no way a license agreement, and that I will not reproduce any SSI materials or produce any new products using the SSI or any other corporate logos.

12. Governing Law and Competence. This Agreement, its execution, validity, construction and performance shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Germany, excluding its rules on conflict of law. In the event of disputes arising out of this Agreement or relating thereto, both parties agree upon the sole jurisdiction of the court, which has the relevant jurisdiction for the locality where SSI is seated. SSI is however at liberty also to bring suits against the SSI Professional at the court having jurisdiction over the latter’s place of business or residence.

SSI Responsible Diver Code

Scuba diving is an adventure activity that requires the use of specialized life support equipment in an underwater environment where humans could not otherwise exist. As with other adventure activities, scuba diving has elements of risk that cannot be totally eliminated regardless of the amount of training, care, caution or expertise. SSI believes these risks may be reduced through the SSI Diver Diamond - development of proper Knowledge, Skills, Equipment and Experience. Ultimately it is up to each individual diver to assume the inherent risk associated with scuba diving and each diver’s responsibility to minimize the risk through exercising good judgment, common sense, respect and personal awareness during all diving activities. SSI has developed a Responsible Diver Code to remind divers of your responsibilities for each dive.

As a Responsible Diver - I pledge to:

1. DIVE COMPETENTLY - Always dive within my training, certification, experience, comfort and ability.

2. MAINTAIN APPROPRIATE DIVER HEALTH - Including appropriate fitness, physical health and mental awareness to dive.

3. UTILIZE A DIVE PLAN - Plan my dive and dive my plan. Listen to and follow dive briefings.

4. BE A RESPONSIBLE DIVE PARTNER - Remain with my dive partner from start to finish of my dive. Know our plan to reunite if separated underwater.

5. INSPECT MY DIVE EQUIPMENT - Before each dive, I will inspect my equipment and make sure everything is working properly. I will confirm my cylinder valve is completely open. When using blended gas (i.e., Enriched Air Nitrox) – I shall analyze my gas and know its limitations. I will establish proper weighting, know how to release my weights, and verify my buoyancy compensator (BC) and inflator are connected and functioning properly. I will secure my submersible pressure/depth gauge and/or dive computer where it is easily accessible, and know how to use each.

6. DIVER AWARENESS - Monitor my cylinder pressure; making sure to surface with reserve gas and never run out of gas. Monitor my depth and time, respect no decompression limits, perform controlled ascents, safety stops, and monitor my dive partner.

7. MAINTAIN PROFICIENT SCUBA SKILLS - I understand scuba skills and knowledge are perishable. If it has been more than six months since my last dive, I understand the importance of taking a Scuba Skills Update course. I will maintain proper buoyancy throughout my dive, ascend slowly, and breathe properly to avoid overexpansion injuries.

8. RESPECT THE ENVIRONMENT - Be aware of currents, waves, visibility, temperature, weather, boat traffic, slippery, uneven and unstable surfaces, overhead environments, entanglements, and hazardous marine life. I understand boats are unsteady surfaces and will always use one hand to stabilize myself. I understand the importance of taking an orientation dive with a local professional when diving in unfamiliar environments. I will obey all diving and applicable regulations, statutes and codes.

9. PLAN FOR EMERGENCIES - In addition to inspecting all of my dive equipment, I will verify my dive partner’s equipment is functioning properly, configured appropriately and that I know how to remove our weights in case of an emergency. I will make sure our alternate air sources are properly secured and easily accessible in case of a low air or out of air emergency. I will know scuba hand signals and how to alert others in case of an emergency. I will have an emergency

action plan in case my dive partner or I have an emergency.

10. ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY - I am ultimately responsible for my safety during all diving activities. Failure to comply with these responsibilities will increase my risk of serious injury or death. Accidents can happen even when all safety guidelines are followed, therefore I should obtain personal dive accident insurance.

I understand the importance of being a responsible diver and I pledge to abide by the SSI Responsible Diver Code. I understand failure to abide by the SSI Responsible Diver Code will jeopardize my safety and well-being.

SSI Recreational Scuba Training Assumption of Risk, Liability Release & Hold Harmless Agreement

This is a legal contract terminating your rights to file a lawsuit. Read carefully before signing. Warning – Scuba diving uses life-support equipment and techniques that have inherent risks which may cause serious injury, illness or death.

In consideration of being allowed to participate in scuba training, I expressly agree to be bound by this Agreement and comply with the SSI Responsible Scuba Diver Code.

I understand this Agreement is between me, my family, estate, heirs and or anyone who may have a claim on my behalf; and Diventures, including all instructors, facilities, boats, and training sites I receive training with or at; Scuba Schools International (“SSI”); and each of their respective owners, officers, employees, representatives, volunteers, agents, contractors and any others on their behalves, whether specifically named or not (herein referred to as “Released Parties”).

I voluntarily assume all risks of injury, illness and death, caused by scuba diving and all related activities, whether foreseeable or not, including but not limited to risks associated with: swimming, entering and exiting the water, falling on, struck by or abandoned by a boat, separation or lost underwater, holding my breath, pre-existing health conditions, heart failure, over-exertion, panic, drowning, pressure related injuries, decompression illness, environmental and marine life injuries, unknown causes, equipment malfunctions, improper dive planning, or improper action of other divers or support personnel (including failure to rescue, recover, resuscitate, or provide emergency assistance).

I agree to waive, release, not sue, discharge, save, indemnify, and hold harmless the Released Parties of all claims, demands, causes of action, lawsuits and damages by me, my estate, family (including minor children), heirs, or others who may have a claim for my injury, illness or death as a result of any act or failure to act, including negligence by the Released Parties, associated with my scuba training and all related activities. I agree that it is my responsibility to inform my family and all those who may have legal rights on my behalf that I have entered into this Agreement and it is my intent that they be bound by this Agreement. I agree that me or my estate shall be fully liable (pay for) for the cost to the Released Parties for any claim brought on my behalf as a consequence of my participation in scuba diving and all related activities.

I have carefully read, understand and agree to comply with the SSI Responsible Scuba Diver Code during all diving activities. I understand and agree that I am responsible for my own safety and well-being during all dive training and related activities. I am responsible for being physically, medically and mentally fit to participate in scuba diving. I affirm that all personal information I have provided on medical questionnaires is truthful and accurate to the best of my knowledge, and I will not hold others responsible or liable for any injury, illness or death caused by my failure to disclose a known medical condition. I am responsible for my own equipment configuration, assembly, and pre-dive inspection to verify it is appropriate and functioning properly. I am responsible for planning and performing all my dive activities, including anticipating potential emergencies. I will not hold anyone, including the Released Parties, responsible for failure to protect my wellbeing, ensure my proper use of equipment, or conduct my dive activities competently. I will not dive in conditions or at times that are not within my abilities and comfort level. If conditions become dangerous or I do not feel well or I become injured, I will immediate notify the dive leader and take action to correct the situation. I understand dive activities are conducted at sites that are remote, in time and distance, from medical care or a recompression chamber. I understand dive training does not guarantee my safety and that accidents happen even when proper procedures are followed. I understand the importance of, and my responsibility to have, personal insurance that specifically covers dive-related emergencies, emergency transportation, and medical treatments.

I understand and agree that SSI licenses training centers, professionals and their affiliates to use various SSI trademarks and to conduct SSI approved training, but they are not agents, employees or franchisees of SSI, its parent, subsidiary, or affiliated corporations. I further understand that SSI training centers, SSI professionals, and their affiliates’ businesses are independent, and are neither owned, operated, or controlled by SSI, and that while SSI establishes standards and materials for SSI training, it is not responsible for, nor does it have the right to control, the operation of the business activities or the day-to-day training and/or supervision of divers by SSI training centers, SSI professionals, their affiliated businesses, and/or their associated staff. I further understand and agree on behalf of myself, that in the event of injury, illness or death during dive activities, I shall not hold SSI liable for the actions, inactions or negligence of the SSI training center, SSI professionals and other affiliated businesses or personnel associated with my dive activities.

I have read this Agreement and the SSI Responsible Scuba Diver Code. I expressly understand my responsibilities and that I am giving up legal rights by signing this Agreement. I understand this is a legal contract and I am voluntarily signing it without duress or further inducement. I understand this is an unconditional and complete release of all liability to the greatest extent allowed by law. If any portion of this Agreement is found to be legally unenforceable or invalid, that portion shall be severed, and the remainder shall have full force and effect. I agree to be bound by this Agreement without modification of the preprinted text. The terms of this Agreement shall continue in effect for all scuba diving training (including entry-level training and continuing education training) and related activities for a period of one year from the date I signed this agreement. I am over 18 years of age and legally competent to engage in this Agreement, or I have acquired the written consent of my parent or guardian by completing a Youth Addendum form.

Today's date: October 23, 2024

Please select who will be participating...
First Participant's Name

First Name*

Last Name*

First Participant's Date of Birth*
First Participant's Information

To Aid in Equipment Selection:

Height *

Shoe size *
T-shirt size:*
First Participant's Signature*
Participant's Address
Address Line 1:*
Street address, P.O. box, company name, c/o
Address Line 2:
Apartment, suite, unit, building, floor, etc.
Parent or Guardian's Email Address


Confirm Email*
Check to receive information and news by e-mail.
Emergency Contact

First Name*

Last Name*

Emergency Contact's Phone Number*
Select Your Diventures Facility*
Photo Release

I hereby authorize Diventures to publish photographs taken of me and/or the undersigned minor children, and/or names, for use in Diventures' marketing material, social media and website. I release Diventures from any expectation of confidentiality for the undersigned minor children and myself. I attest that I am the parent or legal guardian of the children listed below and that I have the authority to authorize Diventures to use their photographs and names.

I acknowledge that this photo participation is voluntary, and neither the minor children nor I will receive financial compensation. I further agree that our participation in any marketing piece produced by Diventures confers no rights of ownership whatsoever. I release Diventures, its contractors and its employees from liability for any claims by me or any third party in connection with my participation or the participation of the undersigned minor children.

Diver Medical Participant Questionnaire

Recreational scuba diving and freediving requires good physical and mental health. There are a few medical conditions which can be hazardous while diving, listed below. Those who have, or are predisposed to, any of these conditions, should be evaluated by a physician. This Diver Medical Participant Questionnaire provides a basis to determine if you should seek out that evaluation.

If you have any concerns about your diving fitness not represented on this form, consult with your physician before diving. If you are feeling ill, avoid diving. If you think you may have a contagious disease, protect yourself and others by not participating in dive training and/or dive activities. References to "diving" on this form encompass both recreational scuba diving and freediving.

This form is principally designed as an initial medical screen for new divers, but is also appropriate for divers taking continuing education. For your safety, and that of others who may dive with you, answer all questions honestly.

If you are pregnant, or attempting to become pregnant, do not dive.

I have or have had chest surgery, heart surgery, heart valve surgery, an implantable medical device (eg, stent, pacemaker, neurostimulator), pneumothorax, and/or chronic lung disease.*
I have or have had asthma, wheezing, severe allergies, hay fever or congested airways within the last 12 months that limits my physical activity/exercise.*
I have or have had a problem or illness involving my heart such as: angina, chest pain on exertion, heart failure, immersion pulmonary edema, heart attack or stroke, OR am taking medication for any heart condition.*
I have or have had recurrent bronchitis and currently coughing within the past 12 months, OR have been diagnosed with emphysema.*
I have or have had symptoms affecting my lungs, breathing, heart and/or blood in the last 30 days that impair my physical or mental performance.*
I am over 45 years of age AND I currently smoke or inhale nicotine by other means.*
I am over 45 years of age AND I have a high cholesterol level.*
I am over 45 years of age AND I have high blood pressure.*
I am over 45 years of age AND I have had a close blood relative die suddenly or of cardiac disease or stroke before the age of 50, OR have a family history of heart disease before age 50 (including abnormal heart rhythms, coronary artery disease or cardiomyopathy).*
I struggle to perform moderate exercise (for example, walk 1.6 kilometer/one mile in 14 minutes or swim 200 meters/yards without resting), OR I have been unable to participate in a normal physical activity due to fitness or health reasons within the past 12 months.*
I have or have had sinus surgery within the last 6 months.*
I have or have had ear disease or ear surgery, hearing loss, or problems with balance.*
I have or have had recurrent sinusitis within the past 12 months.*
I have or have had eye surgery within the past 3 months.*
I have had surgery within the last 12 months, OR I have ongoing problems related to past surgery.*
I have or have had a head injury with loss of consciousness within the past 5 years.*
I have or have had persistent neurologic injury or disease.*
I have or have had recurring migraine headaches within the past 12 months, or take medications to prevent them.*
I have or have had blackouts or fainting (full/partial loss of consciousness) within the last 5 years.*
I have or have had epilepsy, seizures, or convulsions, OR take medications to prevent them.*
I have or have had behavioral health, mental or psychological problems requiring medical/psychiatric treatment.*
I have or have had major depression, suicidal ideation, panic attacks, uncontrolled bipolar disorder requiring medication/psychiatric treatment.*
I have or have been diagnosed with a mental health condition or a learning/developmental disorder that requires ongoing care or special accommodation.*
I have or have had an addiction to drugs or alcohol requiring treatment within the last 5 years.*
I have or have had recurrent back problems in the last 6 months that limit my everyday activity.*
I have or have had back or spinal surgery within the last 12 months.*
I have or have had diabetes, drug or diet controlled, OR gestational diabetes within the last 12 months.*
I have or have had an uncorrected hernia that limits my physical abilities.*
I have or have had active or untreated ulcers, problem wounds, or ulcer surgery within the last 6 months.*
I have had ostomy surgery and do not have medical clearance to swim or engage in physical activity.*
I have had dehydration requiring medical intervention within the last 7 days.*
I have had active or untreated stomach or intestinal ulcers or ulcer surgery within the last 6 months.*
I have had frequent heartburn, regurgitation, or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).*
I have had active or uncontrolled ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease.*
I have had bariatric surgery within the last 12 months.*
I am taking prescription medications (with the exception of birth control or anti-malarial drugs other than mefloquine/Lariam).*

If you answered NO to all of the questions above, a medical evaluation is not required.

If you answered YES to a medical question above, please take the 'SSI Medical Form' found here:  https://www.diventures.com/forms to your physician for approval PRIOR TO class.

Participant Statement: I have answered all questions honestly, and understand that I accept responsibility for any consequences resulting from any questions I may have answered inaccurately or for my failure to disclose any existing or past health conditions.


I understand that regardless of my answers above, I will need medical clearance from a physician (must be either an MD, DO, PA, or NP) prior to any training since this is for a professional course. That form can be found here: https://www.diventures.com/forms*


(Form not to be used within the European Union and various other countries depending on local laws/regulations - The Training Center and its SSI Professionals are responsible for knowing and adhering to laws/local regulations).




Additionally, as the parent/guardian of the above named participant, I have read this document in its entirety prior to affixing my signature hereto. I have represented to Releasees that I have authority to sign this document on behalf of my minor child (the participant), myself and the other parent/guardian of said child. I agree, on behalf of myself, the other parent/guardian, and my minor child to be bound to all the terms and conditions of this Agreement. I understand all terms of this document, understand that I have given up and will continue to give up substantial rights by signing it, am aware of the document’s legal consequences, and have signed this document freely, voluntarily, and without any inducement, assurance or guarantee being made to me. I intend my signature to be a complete and unconditional release of all liability on behalf of myself, the other parent, and the participant to the greatest extent allowed by law and further agree to indemnify and hold harmless the above named Releasees from any and all liability and causes of action arising from the activities and actions described herein. I understand the risks of injury while swimming, scuba diving and/or snorkeling, and have had the opportunity to personally witness and fully discuss the activities or instructional program with a staff member prior to commencement of my minor child’s swimming, scuba diving and/or snorkeling activities.

By signing below the parent or court-appointed legal guardian agrees that they are also subject to all the terms of this document, as set forth above.
Parent or Guardian's Name

First Name*

Last Name*


Parent or Guardian's Date of Birth*
Parent or Guardian's Information

To Aid in Equipment Selection:

Height *

Shoe size *
T-shirt size:*
Parent or Guardian's Signature*
Electronic Signature Consent*
By checking here, you are consenting to the use of your electronic signature in lieu of an original signature on paper. After consent, you may, upon written request to us, obtain a paper copy of an electronic record. No fee will be charged for such copy and no special hardware or software is required to view it. Your agreement to use an electronic signature with us for any documents will continue until such time as you notify us in writing that you no longer wish to use an electronic signature. There is no penalty for withdrawing your consent. You should always make sure that we have a current email address in order to contact you regarding any changes, if necessary.

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