TOVO Residential Camp Program 2024 Permission Slip Welcome to TOVO. We are delighted your child will be participating in a wonderful experience with us. Please fill out and sign the following information. Terms and Conditions I, the parent or guardian of the below child, give permission for my child to receive emergency medical or surgical treatment and hospitalization if necessary. I understand that every attempt will be made to contact me, or the person named below, before taking any medical action. I hereby waive and release the TOVO Management from any liability for any injury or illness incurred while at camp. I UNDERSTAND THAT THERE IS A RISK TO MY CHILD AS A RESULT OF CAMP ACTIVITIES, AND KNOWINGLY AND VOLUNTARILY ASSUME ALL RISK OF SUCH INJURY. I will be financially responsible for any medical attention needed during camp or resulting from an injury received at camp. I hereby certify the named athlete is physically able to participate in the Soccer Camp and that I know of no restrictions, physical impairments, or any other facts, which in any manner limit his/her participation in such a program. I understand TOVO retains the right to use for publicity purposes, photographs of campers taken at camp. TOVO Residential Camp Program 2024 Medical & Health Insurance Information Form I hereby certify the named camper is physically able to participate in the TOVO Soccer Camp and that I know of no restrictions, physical impairments, or any other facts, which in any manner limit his/her participation in such a program. INSURANCE INFORMATION I, the parent of , give permission for my child to receive emergency medical or surgical treatment and hospitalization if necessary. I understand that every attempt will be made to contact me, or the named person below, before taking this action. I hereby waive and release the Camp Management from any liability for any injury or illness incurred while at camp. I UNDERSTAND THAT THERE IS A RISK OF INJURY TO MY CHILD AS A RESULT OF CAMP ACTIVITIES, AND KNOWINGLY AND VOLUNTARILY ASSUME ALL RISK OF SUCH INJURY. I will be financially responsible for any medical attention needed during camp or resulting from an injury received at camp. TOVO Residential Camp Program 2024 COVID19 Waiver A parent or guardian must complete the below screening prior to check in at camp. I am aware of the risk of illness, including viral and bacterial illnesses, while my child is at the program. I am aware that my child will interact in close proximity to and with other children and adults for extended periods of time while at the program. Although the program maintains proper (and enhanced) hygiene and infection control practices, it is impossible to guarantee that your child (or anyone else at the program) will not become sick or be exposed to illness, including COVID-19. By signing this document, you acknowledge your understanding that during the program your child will spend a significant amount of time around many children and adults, and that it is possible that your child may become sick with or exposed to any illness, including COVID-19, whether at camp or elsewhere. Today's Date: December 28, 2024 |