My Jungle Gym Inc. is a facility that has amusement equipment for use in, but not limited to; jumping, climbing, tumbling, running, throwing, bouncing, swinging and playing. Such activities can cause injury. I acknowledge and understand there are inherently dangerous risks associated with participating in the activities
and facilities at My Jungle Gym Inc. that may cause injury or damage including, but not limited to; bumps, bruises, scrapes, cuts, contusions, fractures, paralysis or death. I willingly assume all risks on behalf of myself and any children listed below as participants or guests. I represent that I am the parent, legal guardian or have obtained the authority or permission of the parent(s) or legal guardian of the following named child participant(s) to execute this agreement on their behalf. I, on behalf of myself, my heirs, next of kin or executors, waive, release, and discharge My Jungle Gym Inc., its owners, officers, agents and employees and agree to hold harmless from all liability for its negligent acts or omissions resulting from participation in any and all activities that result in loss or damage to property and or any and all activities that cause physical or emotional injury to me or my child or children. I assume all costs associated with such injury or loss including, but not limited to, property loss, medical and legal expense. I agree to indemnify My Jungle Gym Inc., its owners, officers, agents, affiliates and employees for any defense cost or expense from any and all claims, liabilities, injuries or damages arising from participation or attendance. I understand and agree that this agreement is valid for this visit and any future visits and has no time limitations or expiration.
I approve, on behalf of myself and the participants identified above, the use of any photographic images taken by My Jungle Gym employees, representatives or equipment in marketing materials, including website or print media. I am of legal age, mentally competent and understand that I am giving up any right to bring a legal action or assert a claim against My Jungle Gym Inc., its owners, officers, agents, affiliates and employees for its negligence or for any defective product on its premises. Date: February 14, 2025 |