Adoption Contract and Conditional Bill of Sale 3 Sisters and Adopter enter into this Adoption Contract and Conditional Bill of Sale (“Agreement”) and hereby agree as follows: - Adopter shall pay 3 Sisters a fee (the “Adoption Fee”)
- Adopter acknowledges that the Adoption Fee is not the true value of the Adopted Horse, and that a part of the consideration of this transaction is Adopter’s providing humane conditions for the Adopted Horse in accordance with the charitable purposes of 3 Sisters and pursuant to the “Additional Terms and Conditions” that follow the signatures to this Agreement.
- In consideration of the Adoption Fee and Adopters agreement to abide by the conditions of this Agreement 3 Sisters shall relinquish possession of the Adopted Horse to the Adopter and Adopter shall accept the care, custody and control of the Adopted Horse subject to the terms of this Agreement, which include a “Trial Period” of sixty (60) days as provided in Section 5 a “Probationary Period” as provided in Section 6; and a “Right of First Refusal” as provided in Section 7.
Additional Terms and Conditions: 1. Amount Due in the event of Violation of Agreement. If Adopter fails to comply with any term of this Agreement, Adopter agrees to pay 3 Sisters an additional $1,500.00 plus all attorneys’ fees and all costs of legal action, including litigation that 3 Sisters may incur to enforce the terms of this Agreement. Adopter acknowledges that the additional $1,500.00 and costs are reasonable and just compensation to 3 Sisters in the event of Adopter’s breach of contract under the circumstances of this transaction and in view of 3 Sisters charitable purposes to provide for the humane care of horses. The compensation established is for a harm that is incapable or very difficult of accurate estimation at the time of the signing of this Agreement. In the event of Adopter’s non-compliance with any term of this Agreement, the $1,500.00 and costs shall be due whether or not 3 Sisters exercises its option to repossess the Adopted Horse pursuant to Section 11, below. 2. Liability and Risk of Loss. Upon Adopter taking possession of the Adopted Horse, the Adopter shall assume the risk of loss and liability of the Adopted Horse and Adopter agrees to indemnify and release 3 Sisters from any and all liability or claims associated with Adopter’s possession of the Adopted Horse. Possession for this purpose shall be when the Adopted Horse is loaded on the trailer that shall transport the Adopted Horse from its current location to the Boarding Facility/home. 3. Boarding Facility. Adopter shall provide 3 Sisters with a written memorandum (the “Facility Agreement”) from the Boarding Facility and any subsequent facility in advance of moving the Adopted Horse to the facility with the following: (a) The name, contact person, address, phone number of the facility; (b) Acknowledgement that the facility is aware of this Agreement and its conditions including: (i) That any claim or lien that the facility may have by agreement or operation of law is subordinate to the rights and interests of 3 Sisters including the right to repossess the Adopted Horse; (ii) That 3 Sisters has rights to inspect and repossess the Adopted Horse; and (iii) That the Adopter is able to provide the care and conditions for the Adopted Horse as required by this Agreement. If Adopter fails to provide the Facility Agreement to 3 Sisters, Adopter agrees that any boarding facility having possession of the Adopted Horse shall accept a copy of this Agreement as evidence of the Adopter’s express authority for 3 Sisters to inspect and repossess the Adopted Horse. 4. Transportation of Adopted Horse. Adopter shall arrange and pay for the transportation of the Adopted Horse, to include transporting the Adopted Horse from its current location to the Boarding Facility/home, including the return of the Adopted Horse to 3 Sisters (except as provided in Section (7.d)), and for any other transportation while the Adopted Horse is in Adopter’s care, custody and control. If agreement to transport adopted horse is arranged with 3 Sisters Equine Refuge the transportation fee will be at the established industry rate or agreed upon fee. 5. Trial Period. For a period of sixty (60) days following 3 Sisters signing of this Agreement (“Trial Period”) if the Adopted Horse is unsuitable to the Adopter for any reason the Adopter may return the Adopted Horse to 3 Sisters as follows: a. Notice of the intent to return the Adopted Horse must be received in writing by 3 Sisters within the Trial Period.
b. The Adopted Horse must be returned to 3 Sisters within seven (7) days of 3 Sisters notifying Adopter that a stall is open at a 3 Sisters facility.
c. If Adopter elects to return the Adopted Horse, Adopter shall arrange and pay for transporting the horse to 3 Sisters.
d. The Adopted Horse shall be returned in the condition it was received.
e. If registered in the name of the Adopter, Adopter shall provide the properly executed assignment documentation to 3 Sisters at the time of the delivery of the Adopted Horse.
f. If Adopter complies with Section 5 (a)through (d), 3 Sisters shall return the Adoption Fee to Adopter within fourteen (14) days of the Adopter delivering the Adopted Horse to 3 Sisters.
g. If Adopter returns the Adopted Horse but fails to comply with Section 5 (a) through (d), the Adoption Fee shall not be returned to Adopter. 6. Probationary Period. For a period of twelve (12) months following 3 Sisters’ signing of this Agreement (the “Probationary Period”), 3 Sisters will retain an irrevocable and equitable ownership interest of the Adopted Horse and the following shall apply: a. 3 Sisters may, at its sole discretion, conduct random and unannounced visits to inspect the Adopted Horse and its environment.
b. If 3 Sisters in its sole discretion determines that Adopter is not in compliance with this Agreement or that the Adopted Horse is in an unsatisfactory condition or environment, 3 Sisters shall have the right, but not the obligation, to (i) terminate this Agreement; (ii) terminate all interest and rights of possession that Adopter or its assignees may have in the Adopted Horse; and (iii) take possession of the Adopted Horse as provided in Section (6)(c), below.
c. If 3 Sisters reclaims possession of the Adopted Horse as provided in Section (6)(b), above, or Section 11, below, the following shall apply; (i) No court order shall be required for 3 Sisters to enter upon the facility in which the Adopted Horse is kept and to reclaim possession of the Adopted Horse; (ii) Adopter agrees to indemnify and release 3 Sisters from any and all liability or claims associated with any expenses (including by way of illustration, board, veterinary fees, farrier charges, transportation fees) related to possession of the Adopted Horse up to the date that the Adopted Horse is returned to 3 Sisters. (iii) Adopter further agrees to indemnify and release 3 Sisters from any and all liability or claims associated with 3 Sisters exercising its rights to reclaim the Adopted Horse.(iv) Adopter shall not be entitled to the return of the Adoption Fee. 7. Right of First Refusal. If within the span of the adopted horse’s life Adopter wishes to sell, lease, trade, give away or in any way change control of the Adopted Horse, 3 Sisters shall be offered a right of first refusal and the following terms shall apply: a. Adopter will notify 3 Sisters in writing of (i) Adopter’s intent; and (ii) provide 3 Sisters with proof of a bona fide offer, including name, address and telephone number of prospective buyer.
b. 3 Sisters shall have the option to purchase the Adopted Horse back for the amount of the lesser of (a) the Adoption Fee; or (b) any bona fide offer.
c. 3 Sisters shall have thirty (30) days following receipt of notice to provide written notice to Adopter of its intent to exercise the option, or the option shall be presumed to be waived.
d. 3 Sisters shall provide and pay for the transportation of the Adopted Horse if 3 Sisters exercises its option to purchase as provided herein. 8. Reporting/Inspections. a. Adopter shall provide a written “Status Report” to 3 Sisters in the third, sixth, and twelfth months of the term of this Agreement, provided however, in the event of serious injury or death a Status Report shall be given to 3 Sisters within seven (7) days of such event.
b. The Status Report shall contain the following: i. Current body shot photograph of the Adopted Horse.
ii. Narrative of the Adopted Horse’s progress an dcondition.
iii. Current boarding facility information, including contact, facility name, address, phone, and email.
iv. In the event of death, a veterinary’s statement as to the cause of death. c. After the three Status Reports required by Section 0(a), above, are received additional Status Reports are not mandatory, but are highly encouraged.
d. For the initial twelve (12) months following this agreement: i. Adopter shall provide to 3 Sisters [within seven (7) days of 3 Sister’s request] copies of any veterinary records, reports or receipts for care to the Adopted Horse.
ii. Adopter shall give written notice at least fourteen (14) days in advance of moving the Adopted Horse.
iii. Adopter agrees and gives express permission to any 3 Sisters staff or representatives to have the right to conduct random and unannounced visits to inspect the Adopted Horse. e. As provided in Section 3, Adopter shall notify any facility of this Agreement and provide 3 Sisters with the Facility Agreement. However, the failure to provide the Facility Agreement shall not impede 3 Sisters rights of inspection and repossession and Adopter agrees that any boarding facility having possession of the Adopted Horse shall accept a copy of this Agreement as evidence of the Adopter’s express authority for 3 Sisters to inspect and repossess the Adopted Horse.
f. Time is of the essence for the Adopter to provide the reports is of the essence and there is no grace period. 9. Care of the Horse. Adopter shall provide and pay for the proper training and care for the Adopted Horse including: a. Not commencing transitional training until the Adopted Horse has been residing at its new facility for a week. If the Adopted Horse is recovering from an injury, Adopter will commence training only after veterinary consent.
b. Proper training, food, water, shelter and/or care in accordance with 3 Sisters standards, including: (i) A stall that is no less than 12’ by 10’. (ii) 3-sided building that is 150 square feet per horse kept in the paddock or barn, and (iii) Pasture of at least one acre per large animal with at least 4’ tall visible, non-barb wire fencing. Adopter acknowledges that generally a horse needs 2% – 3% of its body weight in feed a day. That amounts to 20 – 30 lbs of hay and grain combined, for the average 1,000 lb horse.
c. Vaccinating the Adopted Horse yearly and maintaining a current Coggins according to applicable state laws or regulations.
d. De-worming the Adopted Horse at least twice a year.
e. Providing 3 Sisters access to all veterinary care documents of the Adopted Horse upon 3 Sisters’ request. Further, Adopter agrees that a copy of this Agreement is authorization for any veterinary to release veterinary records and billing for care to the Adopted Horse to 3 Sisters, and hereby authorizes and directs any veterinary to release information about the Adopted Horse to 3 Sisters.
f. Providing proper hoof care, with trimming approximately every six (6) to eight (8) weeks.
g. Proper veterinary care upon illness or injury to the Adopted Horse. 10. Auction Prohibited. a. The Adopted Horse shall never be sold in an auction under any circumstances. 11. Repossession of Adopted Horse. a. A material violation of this Agreement is grounds for 3 Sisters to void this Agreement at 3 Sisters’ sole discretion, and upon that election ownership of theAdopted Horse shall immediately revert to 3 Sisters, and the Adopted Horse may be removed from any premises by 3 Sisters and the provisions of Section 6.c) shall apply relative to such repossession.
b. 3 Sisters shall give notice of its intent to exercise the option to repossess the horse within six (6) months of the date that any report is due or inspection denied.
c. It is agreed and understood by the Adopter that the following shall be deemed material violations of this Agreement, by way of illustration and not by limitation: i. Failure to comply with Section 7, above, giving 3 Sisters the appropriate notice and time to exercise its right of first refusal.
ii. Failure to comply with Section 8, above, providing required reports and permitting inspections.
iii. Failure to comply with Section 9, above, providing for the proper care of the Adopted Horse.
iv. Failure to comply with Section 10, above, auctioning the Adopted Horse. d. The Adopter shall remain responsible for the damages referred to in Section 1, even if 3 Sisters exercises its right to repossess the Adopted Horse. 12. Condition and Temperament of the Adopted Horse. a. The Adopter accepts the Adopted Horse in its current condition “as is” and in its current location “where is”.
b. 3 Sisters makes no representation as to the Adopted Horse’s behavior or temperament and does not warrant or guarantee the condition, soundness, temperament, or training of the Adopted Horse.
c. The Adopter understands and acknowledges that being in the presence of horses and any and all activities involving horses are inherently dangerous.
d. 3 Sisters disclaims liability for any implied warranties, including implied warranties of "merchantability" and "fitness" for a specific purpose. 13. Assumption of the Risk of Equine Activity. The Adopter acknowledges that the Adopter has been notified and hereby assumes all of the risks inherent in equine activity, including, but not limited to, any of the following: (a) The propensity of an equine to behave in ways that may result in injury, death, or loss to persons on or around the equine; (b) The unpredictability of an equine's reaction to sounds, sudden movement, unfamiliar objects, persons, or other animals; (c) Hazards, including, but not limited to, surface or subsurface conditions; (d) A collision with another equine, another animal, a person, or an object; (e) The potential of an equine activity participant to act in a negligent manner that may contribute to injury, death, or loss to the person of the participant or to other persons, including, but not limited to, failing to maintain control over an equine or failing to act within the ability of the participant. The provisions of this paragraph shall survive the termination of this agreement. 14. Miscellaneous. a. All terms, conditions and obligations described within this Adoption Agreement shall be interpreted and governed by Oregon law.
b. If any dispute arises regarding the performance of this Agreement, the parties expressly agree that only those courts located within Deschutes County, Oregon will have jurisdiction to determine such disputes, and each party hereby consents to such jurisdiction.
c. The parties hereto hereby waive any right to trial by jury in matters arising out of this Agreement. 3 SISTERS AND ADOPTER HEREBY SPECIFICALLY ACKNOWLEDGE THE AFORESAID WAIVER OF RIGHT TO JURY TRIAL.
d. The individual signing on behalf of each of the parties hereby represents that said individual has the authority to sign on behalf of and bind the respective party.
e. For purposes of this agreement, and except as otherwise set forth in this agreement, this agreement shall be binding upon, and inure to the benefit of, the 3 Sisters and the Adopter, and the parties’ respective representatives, successors and permitted assigns. For purposes of this agreement, and except as otherwise set forth in this agreement, “3 Sisters” shall include, without limitation, the individual signing on behalf of 3 Sisters’ employees, agents, representatives, owners, successors and permitted assigns.
f. Adopter shall make all of its representatives, successors or assigns aware of the terms of this Agreement and shall agree to be bound by the terms of this Agreement. Adopter shall be responsible for any breach of this Agreement by any of its representatives, successors or assigns.
g. This Agreement supersedes and replaces any prior agreements between 3 Sisters and Adopter.
h. This Agreement may only be modified by written instrument executed by both parties.
i. This Agreement may not be assigned by Adopter without the prior written consent of the 3 Sisters, which 3 Sisters may withhold in its sole discretion.
j. This Agreement contains the entire agreement of the parties and any prioror concurrent and written or oral understandings are deemed merged into this agreement. There are no promises, agreements, representations or warranties other than those contained herein or expressly incorporated by reference.
k. No delay, failure or waiver of either party's exercise or partial exercise of any right or remedy under this Agreement shall operate to limit, impair, preclude, cancel, waive or otherwise affect such right or remedy. The remedies set forth in this Agreement are not exclusive. Election of one remedy shall not preclude the use of other remedies.
l. If any provision of this Agreement is held in valid, illegal or unenforceable, the validity, legality or enforceability of the remaining provisions shall in no way be affected or impaired thereby.
m. Adopter specifically acknowledges that this Agreement is A CONDITIONAL LIFETIME BILL OF SALE, and all requirements and restrictions contained herein, including but not limited to 3 Sisters to regain ownership, care, custody and control of the Adopted Horse, shall remain in effect regardless of change of purported changes in ownership or possession of the Adopted Horse at a later date.
n. Adopter agrees that this Agreement shall at all times remain attached to the Adopted Horse’s registration papers when available, or shall stand alone on its merits if such registration papers are not available.
o. Signatures to this instrument in counterparts are acceptable.
p. A copy, facsimile, scanned, or electronic signature or affirmation by Email or other Internet communication shall be binding and enforceable by law. Today's Date: March 14, 2025 |