Warning: Under Colorado law, an equine professional is not liable for an injury to or the death of a participant in equine activities, resulting from the inherent risks of equine activities pursuant to Section 13-21-119, Colorado Revised Statutes. READ THIS AGREEMENT CAREFULLY BEFORE SIGNING IT. YOUR SIGNATURE INDICATES YOUR UNDERSTANDING OF AND AGREEMENT TO ITS TERMS. 1. By signing this waiver of liability, I expressly assume and am fully aware of the inherent risks of equine activities including but not limited to loss, damage, serious injury and/or death, and agree to indemnify and completely release and hold harmless all parties, either directly or indirectly involved, including but not limited to the horse owner, land owner, Lessor, Lessee and/or renter, tenant, sponsor, agent, representative, official and their respective families, partners, heirs, and associates of any and all liability and/or claims for any injury (physical and/or psychological), damage, loss or fatality regardless of whether injury or loss resulted, directly or indirectly, from the negligent acts or omissions of said parties. 2. I further hereby agree to waive any and all legal claims including but not limited to death, injury to myself, my horse, or my personal property which may arise as a result of riding horses or participating in equine events or being on the property or while under the guidance of Sunrise Equine, LLC personnel at 3455 North Field St., Fort Collins, CO 80524, on said property at the barn/shop or anywhere on the premises including but not limited to the grounds, arena, pen, corral or trails. 3. I fully understand and I am aware that the waiver of liability I am voluntarily signing is binding when I am riding on the property and/or when I am around horses at this location. I also agree to make no claims against maintain an action against land and property owners or attempt recovery from any of the state parties in this contract for any loss, injury, damage or death resulting from any and all inherent risks of equine activities. If rider is under 18, this form shall be submitted and signed by rider's parent or legal guardian. Today's date: March 13, 2025 INSTRUCTIONS: Please put all family members on the same waiver. If the adult in the family is not riding, simply select "minors". If the adult in the family is riding, please select "Adult" and "Minors". If you already have a login account in Equine Office, please fill out your waiver from there instead of using this link. |