
Gray Quarry, Inc.

The Instructor named below hereby acknowledges and agrees that before Instructor can conduct any training at the Gray Quarry, the following requirements must be met:

1. Signed Dive Shop Agreement* is on file (one agreement per Dive Shop, not Instructor).

2. Signed Instructor Acknowledgement*.

3. Proof of current Instructor liability insurance (through Dive Shop or individual policy) that also shows Gray Quarry as additional insured.

4. Proof of current liability insurance for any Dive Professional (e.g. Divemaster) assisting the Instructor.

5. Signed Liability Release* for:

a. Instructor,

b. All Dive Professionals assisting, AND

c. All students/other divers.

6. Collected Pass Fees for:

a. Instructor (covered if Dive Shop purchases Annual Pass), AND

b. All students/other divers.

7. Receipt of Gray Quarry Qualified Instructor Credential (Directions for obtaining the Qualified Instructor Credential are posted on the Instructors & Dive Shop Information page at www.grayquarry.com).

* To be completed electronically at www.grayquarry.com.

The Instructor named above acknowledges and agrees to comply with the current Gray Quarry Rules for Professional Instructors and Dive Professionals posted on the Instructors & Dive Shop Information page at www.grayquarry.com. Instructor acknowledges that Gray Quarry may modify these requirements from time-to-time by posting updated guidelines on the website.

The Instructor named above acknowledges and agrees to abide by and to ensure that all divers/students with Instructor’s group abide by the Gray Quarry Guidelines and Safety Information posted on the Gray Quarry website at: https://grayquarry.com/reservations. Instructor acknowledges that Gray Quarry may modify these requirements from time-to-time by posting updated guidelines on the website.



Exhibit A

Gray Quarry Rules for Instructors and Dive Professionals


  • Summary. Before conducting any training at the Gray Quarry, each individual Instructor MUST have completed ALL of the following requirements:

​Instructors through Dive Shops

1. Signed Dive Shop Agreement* is on file (one agreement per Dive Shop).

2. Signed Instructor Acknowledgement*.

3. Proof of current Instructor liability insurance (through Dive Shop or individual policy) that also shows Gray Quarry as additional insured.

4. Proof of current liability insurance for any Dive Professional (e.g. Divemaster) assisting the Instructor.

5. Signed Liability Release* for:

a. Instructor,

b. All Dive Professionals assisting, AND

c. All students/other divers.

6. Collected Pass Fees for:

a. Instructor (covered if Dive Shop purchases Annual Pass), AND

b. All students/other divers.

7. Receipt of Gray Quarry Qualified Instructor Credential.

Independent Dive Instructors

1. Signed Independent Instructor Agreement*.

2. Proof of current Instructor liability insurance showing Gray Quarry as an additional insured.

3. Proof of current liability insurance for any Dive Professional (e.g. Divemaster) assisting the Instructor.

4. Signed Liability Release* for:

a. Instructor,

b. All Dive Professionals assisting, AND

c. All students/other divers.

5. Collected Pass Fees for:

a. Instructor, AND

b. All students/other divers.

6. Receipt of Gray Quarry Qualified Instructor Credential.

* To be completed electronically at www.grayquarry.com.

  • Agreement/Acknowledgement. Each Dive Shop sending Instructors to train students at Gray Quarry must electronically sign a Dive Shop Agreement AND every Instructor training through the Dive Shop must electronically sign an Instructor Acknowledgement.

Each Independent Instructor (not affiliated with a Dive Shop) must electronically sign an Independent Instructor Agreement. Independent Instructors do not need to sign the Instructor Acknowledgement because it is part of his/her Agreement.

These documents are available on the Instructors & Dive Shop Information page at www.grayquarry.com.

  • Insurance. Each Instructor must meet two (2) requirements for proof of insurance: Proof that the Instructor and any Dive Professional assisting the Instructor is covered by the Dive Shop/Independent Instructor liability insurance policy or proof of the Instructor’s/Dive Professional’s individual liability insurance policy.
  • If Instructor is covered by a Dive Shop policy, Gray Quarry, Inc. must be listed as an additional insured on the liability policy of the Instructor. If the Instructor has provided proof of an individual policy, Gray Quarry, Inc. must be listed as an additional insured on the Instructor’s individual policy.

Proof of insurance should be emailed to grayquarry@gmail.com. You are responsible for keeping your current insurance information on-file with Gray Quarry (for example, if your policy expires mid-year, you must provide proof of renewal before you use the Gray Quarry again).

  • Liability Releases. Each Dive Professional (Instructor, Dive Masters etc.), student and recreational diver coming to Gray Quarry through the Dive Shop or with an independent Instructor must complete a Liability Release and Assumption of Risk Agreement (“Release”) and submit it electronically prior to utilizing the facility. This Release must be completed for the current calendar year. Beginning January 1 of each year, a new Release must be signed, even if you have signed a Release in a prior year. The link to the Release and a QR code that you may use to complete this on your personal electronic device is available at: https://grayquarry.com/reservations.
  • Gray Quarry Entrance Fees. An appropriate Annual Pass, or Daily Pass, must be purchased for each Dive Professional, student, and recreational diver coming through the Dive Shop or with an Independent Instructor. 

​Type of Pass: Dive Shop Annual Pass

Who the Pass Covers: All Dive Professionals when performing training on behalf of the Dive Shop (does NOT cover recreational diving for Dive Professionals when not training).

Cost: $300* Per Instructor Per Calendar Year

*$250 if purchased prior to 1/15/23

​Type of Pass: Instructor Annual Pass

Who the Pass Covers: For recreational diving of Instructors (associated with a Dive Shop) and their family members residing in the same household, provided that the Dive Shop has purchased a Dive Shop Annual Pass.

Cost: $150 Per household Per calendar year

​Type of Pass: Family Annual Pass

Who the Pass Covers: Recreational diving for all family members residing in the same household.

May be purchased by Independent Instructors to be used for training by Instructor and his/her accompanying Dive Professionals and for recreational diving for the Instructor and his/her family residing in the same household.

Cost: $300* Per household Per calendar year

*$250 if purchased prior to 1/1/23

Type of Pass: Daily Pass

Who the Pass Covers: Dive Professionals while teaching (if Dive Shop / Independent Instructor has not purchased an Annual Pass)

Dive students

Dive Professionals diving for recreation

Recreational Divers

Cost: $15 Per person Per day

  • Gray Quarry Qualified Instructor Credential. Before training at Gray Quarry, each Instructor must obtain a Gray Quarry Qualified Instructor Credential. Gray Quarry will issue the Instructor Credential upon its verification of the following: Current Dive Shop Agreement or Independent Instructor Agreement, as applicable, is onfile.
  • If training through a Dive Shop, Instructor Acknowledgement has been signed by Instructor.
  • Proof of current Instructor liability insurance (through Dive Shop or individual policy) that also shows Gray Quarry as an additional insured.
  • Current Liability Release is on-file for Instructor.

Upon verification of the above, Instructor Credentials will be provided electronically to the Instructor.

  • Professional Responsibility. Dive Professionals shall conduct training at Gray Quarry’s facility in accordance with their certifying agency’s requirements. Gray Quarry is not responsible for oversight of or compliance with requirements for training activities of any kind. Such activities are the sole responsibility of the Dive Shop and Dive Professional.
  • Use of Gray Quarry Facility: Dive Shops/Dive Professionals are asked to be respectful of other divers and dive shops/dive professionals when utilizing the Gray Quarry facilities. Toward that end: Only activities related to scuba diving are permitted. Snorkeling is permitted with a personal flotation device. Swimming is not permitted. Non-diving companions may not enter the water at any time, regardless of depth.
  • You agree to comply with any requirements established by the Gray Quarry for carrying and displaying your Gray Quarry Qualified Instructor Credential.
  • Ensure your students practice proper buoyancy and do not do things that adversely affect visibility conditions (e.g. keep students from finning the bottom), unless scheduled in advance with Gray Quarry.
  • When the Gray Quarry is crowded, please occupy the minimum number of tables that your group needs. Please share space as needed.
  • Unload/load vehicles on the ramp as expeditiously as possible. Do not leave vehicles on the ramp when diving, without prior permission of Gray Quarry.
  • Please clean up after your group and properly dispose of all trash/debris.
  • Dive Shops/Instructors shall ensure that all divers/students with their group abide by the Gray Quarry Guidelines and Safety Information posted on the Gray Quarry website at: https://grayquarry.com/reservations.
  • Keep up to date with all communications provided by Gray Quarry to your designated email address.
  • Ensure divers/students in your group receive a brief on Emergency Information and Procedures.
  • Please contact Gray Quarry at least one (1) week in advance if you have a special request or special need that may affect the use of Gray Quarry by other Dive Professionals or recreational divers. Such special request may be granted by Gray Quarry in its sole discretion.

I Agree

Today's date: July 26, 2024

First Instructor's Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*

First Instructor's Age Acknowledgment*
First Instructor's Date of Birth*
I certify that I am 18 years of age or older
First Instructor's Signature*
Second Instructor's Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*

Second Instructor's Date of Birth*
Third Instructor's Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*

Third Instructor's Date of Birth*
Fourth Instructor's Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*

Fourth Instructor's Date of Birth*
Fifth Instructor's Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*

Fifth Instructor's Date of Birth*
Sixth Instructor's Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*

Sixth Instructor's Date of Birth*
Seventh Instructor's Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*

Seventh Instructor's Date of Birth*
Eighth Instructor's Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*

Eighth Instructor's Date of Birth*
Ninth Instructor's Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*

Ninth Instructor's Date of Birth*
Tenth Instructor's Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*

Tenth Instructor's Date of Birth*
Parent or Guardian's Email Address


Confirm Email*
Check to receive information, news, and discounts by e-mail.
Shop Affiliation

Which dive shop are you affiliated with? *
Parent(s) or court-appointed legal guardian(s) must sign for any participating minor (those under 18 years of age) and agree that they and the minor are subject to all the terms of this document, as set forth above.

By signing below the parent or court-appointed legal guardian agrees that they are also subject to all the terms of this document, as set forth above.
Parent or Guardian's Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*

Parent or Guardian's Age Acknowledgment*
Parent or Guardian's Date of Birth*
I certify that I am 18 years of age or older
Parent or Guardian's Signature*
Electronic Signature Consent*
By checking here, you are consenting to the use of your electronic signature in lieu of an original signature on paper. You have the right to request that you sign a paper copy instead. By checking here, you are waiving that right. After consent, you may, upon written request to us, obtain a paper copy of an electronic record. No fee will be charged for such copy and no special hardware or software is required to view it. Your agreement to use an electronic signature with us for any documents will continue until such time as you notify us in writing that you no longer wish to use an electronic signature. There is no penalty for withdrawing your consent. You should always make sure that we have a current email address in order to contact you regarding any changes, if necessary.

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