1.) I RELEASE, DISCHARGE AND AGREE NOT TO SUE Jarrett D Newby, Nancy Newby, Jarrett S Newby, Ali Newby, persons involved with NEWBSANITY Mud Gauntlet or NEWBSANITY Adventure Center, property owners and event personal from all claims, demands, actions, causes, of action, liability loss or injury (including death) of whatsoever kind, nature or description that may arise to my person and property, in any way resulting from or arising in connection with participating in the NEWBSANITY Mud Gauntlet or utilizing the NEWBSANITY Adventure Center while I am on or off the private property of the above mention party or parties. 2.) I ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR AND THE RISK of loss, damage or injury (including death) of whatsoever kind, nature or description that may arise to my person and property notwithstanding and negligence of the owner or owners while I am for any reason on their property voluntarily and upon reliance of my own judgment and ability and knowledge of the risks and hazards to myself and property while entering, upon departing such area. 3.) INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS Jarrett D Newby, Nancy Newby, Jarrett S Newby, Ali Newby, persons involved with NEWBSANITY Mud Gauntlet or NEWBSANITY Adventure Center, property owners and event personal in connection with damage, or cost each of them may incur due to my presence in the above described area. 4.) THIS RELEASE, ASSUMPTION OF RISK AND INDEMNITY, shall be binding upon my heir’s administrators, executors and assigns.
If any portions of this release assumption of risk and indemnity agreement is held invalid, the balance shall notwithstanding continue in full legal force and effect. I HAVE READ AND VOLUNTARITY SIGN THIS RELEASE, ASSUMPTION OF RISK AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT, AND I CERTIFY THAT NO ORAL REPRESENTATION STATEMENTS FOR INDUCEMENTS APART FROM THE FOREGOING WRITTEN AGREEMENT HAVE BEEN MADE. MINORS: IF UNDER 18, SIGNATURE OF PARENT OR GUARDIAN IS REQUIRED Date: February 14, 2025 |