PURPOSE: Helps to improve the texture and appearance of your skin. CLIENTS WHO SHOULD NOT BE TREATED: • Clients with active cold sores or warts, skin with open wounds, sunburn, excessively sensitive skin, dermatitis or inflammatory rosacea in the area to be treated. Inform the aesthetician if you have any history of herpes simplex. • Clients with a history of allergies (especially allergies to salicylates like aspirin), rashes, or other skin reactions, or those who may be sensitive to any of the components in this treatment. • Clients who have taken Accutane within the last year. • Clients who are pregnant or nursing. • Clients who have recently received chemotherapy or radiation therapy. • Clients with vitiligo. • Clients with a history of an autoimmune disease (such as rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, lupus, multiple sclerosis, etc) or any condition that may weaken their immune system. NOTE* Clients who have had medical cosmetic facial treatments or procedures (i.e, laser therapy, surgical procedures, cosmetic filler, microdermabrasion, etc.) should wait until skin sensitivity completely resolves before receiving a SkinMedica Chemical Peel. ONE WEEK BEFORE YOUR SKINMEDICA CHEMICAL PEEL, AVOID THESE PRODUCTS AND/OR PROCEDURES: • Electrolysis • Waxing • Depilatory creams • Laser Hair Removal THREE DAYS BEFORE YOUR SKINMEDICA CHEMICAL PEEL, AVOID THESE PRODUCTS AND/OR PROCEDURES: • Retin-A, Renova, Differin, Tazorac • Any products containing retinol, alpha-hydroxy acid (AHA) or beta-hydroxy acid (BHA), or benzoyl peroxide • Any exfoliating products that may be drying or irritating ADVERSE EXPERIENCES THAT MAY OCCUR AFTER YOUR SKINMEDICA CHEMICAL PEEL It is common and expected that your skin will be red, dry, possibly itchy and/or irritated. It is also possible that other adverse experiences may occur. Although rare, the following adverse experiences have been reported by patients: Skin breakout of acne, rash, swelling, redness and burning Consent Agreement I affirm that I have stated all my known medical conditions and answered all questions honestly. I agree to keep the provider updated as to any changes in my medical profile and understand that there shall be no liability on the provider and Metropolitan Day Spa should I fail to do so. My questions regarding the treatment have been answered satisfactorily. I understand the treatment and accept any risks. I hereby release the provider and Metropolitan Day Spa from all liabilities associated with the above indicated treatment. I agree that this consent supersedes any previous verbal or written disclosures. This consent is valid for all of my facial treatments in the future as well. Today's Date: February 8, 2025 |