I grant to The Primping Place, its representatives, employees and Neurotris the right to take photographs, videos and/or testimonials of me and my property in connection with before and after photographs, videos and/or testimonials used to promote cosmetic treaments. I authorize The Primping Place, its assigns, transferees and NeurotrIS to copyright, use and publish the same in print, electronically and digitally. I agree that The Primping Place and Neurotris may use such photographs, videos and/or testimonials of me with or without my name and for any lawful purpose, including for example such purposes as publicity, illustration, advertising, social media and Web content. I hereby hold harmless and release The Primping Place and Neurotris from all claims, demands and causes of action which I may have by reason of this authorization. Contraindications: -Active Cancer -Cardiac Pacemakers -Seizures -Metal Plates/Implants -Pins in Area of Treatment -Diabetes (Physician apporval needed) -Surgery Within 6 Months -Phlebitis/Thrombosis -Any Blood Thinners -Spinal Problems -Mental Instability -Epilepsy -Pregnancy/Breast Feeding -Broken Blood Vessel on Surface of Skin -Skin Irritation |