I agree that I have watched the safety video in its entirety. EAST BATH ROD & GUN CLUB Liability Waiver and Release I hereby certify that I am the Member; or the adult parent or guardian of the Member who has the legal authority to execute this instrument on behalf of the Member and I expressly agree that the use of the East Bath Rod and Gun Club Inc. (“EBRGC”) grounds, shooting ranges and buildings (“Facilities”) shall be undertaken at Member’s own risk. I understand and acknowledge that I am fully aware of and agree that both I and the Member (if different from the undersigned) assumes the inherent risks, including but not limited to the risk of serious bodily injury, death, property loss or damage, associated with the Member’s use of the Facilities. I recognize my responsibility to ensure that the Member participates only in those activities for which he or she has the required skills, qualifications, training and physical conditioning, in addition to following all EBRGC rules, instructions or demands; posted, written or oral. I understand that EBRGC shall have no responsibility for any loss of any kind or to pay for any damages if said Member is injured. Accordingly, I agree personally and on behalf of the Member named above (if different from myself), as well as our respective, heirs, assigns and/or personal representative(s),that by execution of this waiver, I assume all risk to property or persons, including disability or death including but not limited to, physical and emotional injury of any kind, loss of physical function, ability or capacity, medical expenses, lost wages or income, loss of consortium and any other compensatory damage to myself or the Member resulting from my use or the Member’s use of the Facilities. To the fullest extent allowed by law, I hereby release EBRGC from any and all claims for damages on behalf of myself and the Member (if different from myself) as well as our respective, heirs, assigns and/or personal representative(s) which in any way arise from or relate to the use of the Facilities. I further agree to hold harmless and indemnify EBRGC, its officers, directors, governors, faculty, staff, volunteers, employees and agents, from and against any present or future claim, cause of action, loss or liability for injury to person or property, which I or the Member may suffer, arising from or relating to the use of the Facilities, regardless of resulting from any cause whatsoever, and regardless of fault.
Range and Safety Rules Range Hours: - Monday - Sunday 8am to Sunset
General Range Rules Ranges are for the use of East Bath Rod & Gun Club Members Only! Any person using a range must be a current club member in good standing and be able to produce a club membership card upon request. All members are requested to check any person using the range to ensure that he or she is a club member. Members not able to produce a current membership card must leave the range and can return with their current membership card. The members only rule does not apply to club organized/sponsored shooting events such as, but not limited to, summer trapshooting, suburban trap league, block shoots, and sanctioned training held at the club. Sanctioned shooting events may have additional/different rules. Inquires can be made to the board. - Ranges are open 8am until Sunset daily.
- Guests of members are NOT allowed to use the ranges.
- Guests of members must NOT be on the shooting line or the ranges and all children must be supervised at all times.
- Under-aged Junior members must be accompanied by an Adult at all times.
- Always keep your firearm/bow pointed in a safe direction. Know your target and whats beyond.
- Always keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire.
- Always keep your firearm/bow unloaded until ready to use.
- All firearms must have a safety flag in the chamber while on the bench, be unloaded and must be pointed down range.
- Paper targets only. Targets must be hung from the Rubber inside the Backstops.
- ONLY shoot at targets inside the backstops, NOT at the ROOF, BAFFLES, FLOOR, GROUND, SAFETY BERM or ANYTHING ELSE.
- Use only approved ammunition, NO armor piercing (green or black tips), tracers (red tips) or incendiary rounds (blue or silver tips).
- No rapid fire, 2 seconds in between shots. No firearm may be fired on club property in full automatic mode. No Bump Stocks.
- No shooting in front of the shooting benches or tables without permission or drawing from a holster without permission.
- No angled shots! All shots must be straight at the backstops. Only shoot at your own target.
- Clean up, Sweep up, Take down targets and Put brass in buckets. Put misfires in the DUD can.
- Pistol Range: Rifle calibers even if chambered in a pistol are not allowed on the Pistol Range at any time.
- Pistol Range: Pistol calibers and Rimfire 22 short, 22 long and 22LR (long rifle) ONLY!
- Pistol Range: The .44 magnum and all Pistol calibers with energy above the .44 mag (750 ft-lb) must be used at 25 yards only.
- Pistol Range: Pistol or Rimfire calibers with energy in excess of (1400 ft-lb) must be shot on the rifle range.
- Archery Range: Broadheads are allowed only at backstops you supply, do not shoot broadheads at the archery backstops!
- Trap Range: The trap range can only be used during club sanctioned events.
- Rifle Range: All shooting must be done while you or the firearm is resting on top of the fixed shooting bench.
- Rifle Range: No more than 5 rounds in the magazine and chamber combined.
- Rifle Range: No 50 BMG
I declare that I am a competent adult and that I have the legal authority to execute this waiver of claims and release. I have carefully read and made the determination to sign this liability waiver in my best interest and the best interest of the Member of my own free will and I am not impaired in any way or under any undue influence. I understand and agree that no oral or written representations can or will alter the contents of this document. It is my intention to use the facilities safely and legally and to the extent that the Member is a person other than myself, I will ensure that the Member also uses the facilities safely and legally and abides by all rules and laws governing its use. I agree that this instrument shall be governed by the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (excluding its conflict of laws principles).
Today's Date: February 17, 2025 |