Release of liability, waiver of claims, assumption of risks and indemnity agreement. By signing this document, you are waiving certain legal rights, including the right to sue. I, (the undersigned), wish to participate at my own risk in The 580 Offered Activities (Axetreme Axe Throwing, 580 Greens, 580 Darts, 580 Corner Pocket Pool, 580 Cornhole) at Five-Eighty Taproom & Playhouse LLC (Operator). I am aware these activities are potentially hazardous, physically strenuous, and involve certain risks of injury. Those risks include but are not limited to; the risk of property damage, serious injury, paralysis, permanent disability, loss of limbs resulting from my negligence and/or others, malfunction of the equipment and injuries resulting from the throwing/hitting instruments (axes, knives, stars, darts, golf clubs and balls, etc.) including other participants not using proper safety procedures. In addition, I recognize that participating in any of these activities could result in permanent injury or death. I also understand that there is an inherent risk of injury to myself and others from these factors, from the equipment, and from other players. Even though these activities are supervised by Five-Eighty Taproom & Playhouse LLC personnel, I understand that I am solely responsible for the safety and well-being of myself and the minors in my care. Despite these and other risks, and with full understanding of such risks, I wish to participate in the 580 Offered Activities and hereby assume the risks. I hereby agree to hold the Operator harmless and agree to indemnify them against any or all claims, action suits, procedures, cost expenses (including attorney’s fees and expenses), damages and liabilities arising out of, connected with, or resulting from participation in 580 Offered Activities. Including without limitation, those resulting from the manufacture, selection delivery, possession, use or operation of such equipment. I, on behalf of myself, my estate, heirs, executors, administrators and assigns do hereby indemnify the owners of Five-Eighty Taproom & Playhouse LLC, their suppliers, and their respective agents, officers and employees from any and all claims, actions, lawsuits, procedures, costs, expenses, damages and/or liabilities whatsoever connected with, or resulting from any of the 580 Offered Activities or spectating and from the use of equipment or premises whether resulting from the negligence of any party or otherwise. I further agree to indemnify the same said parties against any and all liabilities that may arise between myself and a third party. I understand that it is recommended that I have accidental medical coverage and agree that if I do not have accidental medical coverage, I will be financially responsible for any and all charges and fees incurred in the rendering of said treatment. In case of an injury, I authorize the staff of Five-Eighty Taproom & Playhouse LLC to render first aid and I hereby authorize said staff to act for me in case of an emergency. I also waive and release Operator from any and all liability for any and all injuries and illness that occur while participating in 580 Offered A. I agree to obey the Safety Instructions and Regulations & Requirements and to use the equipment so as not to injure myself or others. I agree that my right to participate in 580 Offered Activities and to use the equipment may be terminated without refund if I fail to follow such Safety Instructions and Regulations & Requirements. I accept full responsibility for the return of all equipment in good condition or to pay replacement costs upon termination of the game. I have read and fully understand this “Liability Waiver” and recognize that it is a legally binding contract. If I have any doubts concerning any aspect of its content, I will not participate until I obtain legal advice. I certify that I am at least 18 years of age (if under 18, see below) and in good health and do not suffer from a heart condition or other ailments/conditions which could be exacerbated by the exertion involved in any 580 Offered Activity and that I further intend to be bound by this agreement. Media Release: I hereby grant Five-Eighty Taproom & Playhouse LLC, its successors and partners the right to record my likeness and/or voice on tape, film or digital media. I also allow them to edit such tape, film, or digital media at their discretion and to incorporate the same into video, TV, radio, web or print advertisement, or video for Five-Eighty Taproom & Playhouse LLC promotions without payment of fees. Please Note: Waivers are kept on file and will continue in full force and effect until and unless withdrawn by Participant in writing, delivered to Operator. Today's date: March 13, 2025 |