MEMBERSHIP AGREEMENT This Agreement is made and entered into this day of February 14, 2025 and expires on the TBD between the Clearwater Community Sailing Association, Inc., d/b/a Clearwater Community Sailing Center, hereinafter called CCSC and Participant hereinafter called Member, for the use of the CCSC equipment, facilities and programs. The parties agree to the terms and conditions as set forth in this agreement and all CCSC policies. RULES APPLICABLE TO MEMBERS A. All facilities/equipment must be returned in as good a condition as when received. Cost of any repairs beyond wear and tear will be borne by the Member. B. The Member agrees to indemnify and save and hold harmless CCSC and the City of Clearwater and to accept all liability arising out of, or resulting from any accident, illness, sickness or other injuries, including death, at any time occurring to persons (other than employees of the City or CCSC, while acting in their capacity as employees), and damage to property of others during time of rental. The Member shall not incur any debts on behalf of CCSC. C. Use of sailing center boats is based solely on availability as determined by CCSC Staff. D. Lifejackets must be worn at all times while aboard any CCSC boat, dock, or any other area deemed necessary by CCSC staff. Shoes/protective footwear must be worn at all times while on CCSC property, CCSC boats, or in any CCSC program or activity. E. Parking at the center is included as a privilege of membership. F. Members shall demonstrate proficiency on boats they wish to use. G. Minors must be supervised at all times by a responsible adult, and the term “minors,” as used in this provision shall be defined as anyone under the age of eighteen (18). H. CCSC staff shall be the final arbiters in determining if weather conditions are acceptable for sailing. I. CCSC staff shall be the final arbiters in determining the appropriate boating boundaries. J. No modifications of the CCSC boats shall be allowed. K. Set up, breakdown and cleaning of the boats shall be the member's responsibility. L. Boats shall be in a half hour before closing. M. This agreement shall be subject to immediate termination or suspension by CCSC, in the event that it is deemed by CCSC that the member has failed to comply with these rules; Member shall not be entitled to a refund of membership fees in the event of termination due to failed compliance with the aforementioned rules. N. The Member understands that nothing herein shall constitute a waiver by the City of Clearwater of its sovereign immunity and the limitations set forth in Section 768.28 Florida Statutes. O. The Member understands that the Member is giving his/her consent for the uncompensated use of his/her name and picture in any media account, water sports program(s), or any future public relations media of the CCSC or City of Clearwater. Note: Signature of the person-representing Member signifies that the terms and conditions above have been read and understood and that Member shall abide by said terms and conditions. AGREEMENT MUST BE SIGNED AND RETURNED February 14, 2025