

Necessary Permit

Each renter must possess a valid driver’s license in order to operate a personal watercraft. For an enjoyable trip on the water, renters and passengers must listen to and follow the safety guidelines, as well as verify the control checklist before departing.

Ride Protection

TRADA RENTALS has an insurance contract that clients must sign and date before every boat ride.


A security deposit is required for each personal watercraft being rented. The sum is of $1000 per personal watercraft, payable by credit card, debit card, or cash and will be returned at the end of the rental period, depending on the condition of the watercraft upon return.

Late arrival on site and late departure on the water

The renter must present themselves at TRADA RENTALS’ kiosk 30 minutes before their scheduled departure on the water in order to benefit fully of the rental period. The rental period cannot be extended in the event of a late arrival on site.

The renters assume the entire responsibility in the event of a late arrival when returning the watercrafts and/or equipment. Fees of 5$ per minute will be applied starting one minute after the scheduled return time.


The renter must cancel his/her reservation by phoning TRADA RENTALS 48hrs IN ADVANCE, or else the sum paid in non-reimbursable and non-transferable. In the event that the renter notifies us, that he will not be able to make it, the day of the reservation, the sum will be credited (for a duration of one month) in order to carry out another rental. The renter must then phone TRADA RENTALS to plan a reservation at a future date.

Unavailability of rented watercrafts

No matter the reason, if a rented watercraft is unavailable, TRADA RENTALS will provide another watercraft, and in the event that it is impossible, the deposit as well as the sum of the reservation will be returned to the client.

Weather and late arrivals

TRADA RENTALS is not responsible for changes regarding weather and/or bad weather and late arrivals. Forbidden in the watercraft

No equipment other that what is transmitted by TRADA RENTALS is permitted in the watercraft, with the exception of:

  • Cell phone;
  • Security sheet provided by TRADA RENTALS ;
  • Piece of ID and driver’s license in case of police verifications. [Https://www.examenbateau.com/canada/faq_rules-fr]

During Navigation

It is prohibited to meet others and attach the rented watercraft to another boat (or any other motorized or non-motorized vehicle), to tow another vehicle, or to offer these services.

The renter must :

  • At all times, wear a life jacket ;
  • Adopt secure nautical conduct in accordance with the water’s regulations ;
  • Respect speed limits ; and
  • Be prudent, courteous and respectful of other people sharing the water.

Damage and cleanliness of watercraft and/or equipment

  • Fees will be charged if the rented watercraft is not brought back with an acceptable level of cleanliness. It is the renter’s responsibility to keep the watercraft clean. The renter is also responsible for any and all damages caused to the watercraft during their rental (such as damage to the hull, steering, paint, or any other damage(s) caused by the renter or passengers).

Loss and theft of watercraft and/or equipment

  • The rental company is not responsible for any lost or stolen items. The renter is legally responsible for any watercraft and/or equipment that are not returned.

Accidents and/or sanctions linked to nautical security

  • Trada Rentals is IN NO WAY responsible for accidents and/or sanctions linked to nautical security that occur during the rental, nor are they responsible for the way the renter operates the watercraft. The renter is personally responsible for any and all accidents, sanctions and/or infractions that occur during the rental. 

March 6, 2025



By signing this document, you renounce certain legal rights, including the

right to sue in the circumstances described in this agreement. Read attentively.

(for participants aged 18 years and up)

1. This is a legally binding contract; thus you must clarify all questions or worries before signing. As a participant, participating in the services offered by “Location Trada S.E.N.C.”, which can be resumed by the rental of personal watercrafts, the undersigned, being the participant, recognizes and accepts the following conditions:


2. “Location Trada S.E.N.C.” and its trainers, instructors, agents, employees, volunteers, directors et representatives (collectively the ”organisation”), as well as its affiliated provincial association and its national association (collectively the “affiliates”), are not responsible for injuries, personal injuries, damages, damage to property, expenses, loss of revenue ou losses of any nature incurred to a participant, during or after the offered service, caused by the risks and dangers associated with the service offer or caused by any possible nature including, but not limited to, negligence of the organisation or its affiliates.

Description of risks

3. I am participating voluntarily in this service offered by the organization. In consideration of my participation, I recognize by the following that I am aware of the risks and dangers associated or connected with the service offer. The risks and dangers include, but are not limited to, injuries:

a) Following the dangers of the service offer in which I am participating in;

b) Following performing physically tiring and demanding techniques;

c) Following the nautical dangers, terrain obstacles, waves, unstable surfaces, and

extreme climatic conditions;

d) Following vigorous physical efforts, tiring cardiovascular trainings and rapid


e) Following the exercise and stretching of diverse muscle groups;

f) Following having incorrectly used equipment or having experienced mechanical

problems with the equipment;

g) Following a contact, a collision, a fall, or being hit by another participant or by


h) Following severe soft tissue trauma, fractured bones or injuries to the spinal cord

that can permanently paralyse the participant;

i) Following surface scratches, confusion, confinement, or flying objects or debris;

j) Following drowning including, but not limited to, equipment breaking or confusion, falling off the boat/motor boat into the water, capsizing or losing consciousness in the water;

k) Following cold water provoking hypothermia and the potential risks and dangers above-mentioned.

4. Also, I am aware :

a) That I am expecting to wear an approved personal flotation device when I am on the water, unless government rules provide exceptions for activities;

b) That injuries incurred can be severe;

c) That I may suffer from anxiety if I try to outdo myself during activities, events and programs;;

d) That I can brush other participants;

f) That the risk of injuries diminishes if I follow all the rules established for the participation; and

g) That the risk of injuries increases if I am tired.

Responsibility waiver and renunciation

5. In consideration that “Location Trada S.E.N.C.” and it’s associates are permitting me to participate, I accept:

a) To endorse that my physical condition has been verified by a doctor to participate;

b) That the only one responsible for the participant’s security is that participant;

c) To retire myself if I notice an unusual danger or an unsafe condition; or if I feel unable or unfit to continue safely;

d) To assume that all risks that arise, are associated or related to my participation; and

e) To liberate from all claims that I may have now or in the future against the organisation and its affiliates;

f) To voluntarily accept and entirely assume all risks and possibilities of personal injuries, death, property damage, expenses and losses related, including loss of revenue, following my participation to the activities, events and programs of “Location Trada S.E.N.C” ; and

g) To liberate forever « Location Trada S.E.N.C. '' and its affiliates of all responsibility as well as of all claims, demands, actions, damages (including direct, indirect, special and/or consecutive), losses, actions, jugements, and costs (including legal fees) (collectively, “claims'') that I may have now or in the future, that can arise after or that are related to my participation to activities, no matter what these claims may have been caused by, including, but not limited to, negligence, gross negligence, inadequate rescue, omissions, carelessness, contract breaking and/or the breaking of statutory tasks of care by “Location Trada S.E.N.C.” or its affiliates.


6. I recognize that I have read and understood this agreement, that I have executed this agreement voluntarily, and that this agreement is Je reconnais que j’ai lu et compris cette entente, que j’ai exécuté volontairement cette entente, et que cette entente est binding for me, my inheritors, my spouse, my children, my parents, mes tutors, my loved ones, mes executors, the administrators and my legal representatives or personnel. 


March 6, 2025

Control List for User’s Security 

Apparel and Security Equipment

You must wear a life jacket provided by Trada Rentals. We also recommend that you :

  • Wear a wetsuit or an appropriately protecting swimsuit ;
  • Wear water shoes, glasses are advised.
  • Keep the lanyard attached

Personal Watercraft Control

Attach the cord solidly to your life jacket and keep it there at all times. That way, if you fall off the personal watercraft, THE motor will stop.

Understand how to start and stop the personal watercraft

  • To start the motor, make sure the cord is attached and press the start button.
  • To stop the motor, press the stop button. Stopping the motor will not result in the personal watercraft immobilizing and will cause a slight loss of directional
  • control.

Understand operational controls

  • The accelerator controls your speed. Press the accelerator lever on the handlebars to accelerate and release the lever to slow down.
  • The handlebars guide the jet that controls the direction of the personal watercraft.
  • Without a SLIGHT acceleration, you will be unable to direct the personal watercraft.

What to do if the personal watercraft capsides (flips upside down)?

  • Make sure the motor is turned off ;
  • Swim to the back of the PWC and put your foot on the pedal ;
  • Put your weight on that foot and try to reach the hull (the opposite side of the rear end where your foot is placed) ;
  • Make all possible movements towards yourself to flip it back until it’s right side up.

Stay alert and avoid collisions

Do not release the accelerator when you are trying to steer

You need the accelerator to steer.

Take necessary measures to avoid collisions

Do not forget that personal watercraft and boats do not have breaks.

Scan your surroundings at all times

  • Be on the lookout for people, objects and other boats (including personal watercrafts).
  • Be attentif to conditions limiting your visibility or that block your vision of other people.

Act defensively

  • Operate at a safe speed..
  • Maintain a safe distance between you and people, objects, and other boats (including personal watercrafts).
  • Do not follow directly behind other boats and personal watercrafts.
  • Do not approach others to spray or splash them with water.
  • Avoid turning abruptly or in any way that could make it difficult for others to Initials avoid you, or understand where you are going.

Other dangers

Avoid aggressive maneuvers

You are riding a high performance boat, it is not a toy.

Drive within your limits and avoid aggressive maneuvers to reduce the risk of

losing control, being ejected or crashing.

Tight turns, wake jumps or waves can increase the risk of back injuries

(paralysis), facial injuries, and fractures of the legs, ankles or other bones. 

Do not jump over wakes or waves.

Do not accelerate when someone is behind the personal watercraft

Items such as long hair, ample clothing or life jacket straps can get caught in the ____ and lead to serious injuries or drowning.

Do not accelerate when someone is standing or swimming behind the personal watercraft. The water and/or debris coming out of the propeller can cause serious injuries.

Other safety rules and information

Follow the rental agency’s rules and the laws on pleasure boat navigation

Consult all rules that the rental agency provides and all laws that apply to pleasure boat navigation.

Know the waters

Know the zone in which you will be operating the personal watercraft and observe all navigational signs and signals.

Please ask one of our employees to clarify anything that you do not fully understand.

  • Do you understand that you must constantly scan your surroundings, act defensively and avoid aggressive maneuvers?
  • Do you understand that personal watercrafts do not have breaks, but have a reverse system?
  • Do you understand that you should never release the accelerator when trying to avoid people, objects or other boats (including personal watercrafts)?
  • Do you have any other questions regarding the personal watercraft or how to operate it? 

March 6, 2025

First  Name

First Name*

Last Name*

First  Date of Birth*
First  Signature*
Second Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Second Date of Birth*
Third Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Third Date of Birth*
Fourth Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Fourth Date of Birth*
Fifth Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Fifth Date of Birth*
Sixth Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Sixth Date of Birth*
Seventh Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Seventh Date of Birth*
Eighth Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Eighth Date of Birth*
Ninth Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Ninth Date of Birth*
Tenth Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Tenth Date of Birth*
Parent or Guardian's Email Address


Confirm Email*
Check to receive information, news, and discounts by e-mail.
Parent or Guardian's Driver's License / ID Card

Driver's License / ID Card Number*

Issuing State*
Parent(s) or Court-Appointed Legal Guardian(s) must sign for any participating minor (those under 18 years of age) and agree that they and the minor are subject to all the terms of this document, as set forth above.

By signing below the Parent or Court-Appointed Legal Guardian agrees that they are also subject to all the terms of this document, as set forth above.
Parent or Guardian's Name

First Name*

Last Name*


Parent or Guardian's Date of Birth*
Parent or Guardian's Signature*
Electronic Signature Consent*
By checking here, you are consenting to the use of your electronic signature in lieu of an original signature on paper. You have the right to request that you sign a paper copy instead. By checking here, you are waiving that right. After consent, you may, upon written request to us, obtain a paper copy of an electronic record. No fee will be charged for such copy and no special hardware or software is required to view it. Your agreement to use an electronic signature with us for any documents will continue until such time as you notify us in writing that you no longer wish to use an electronic signature. There is no penalty for withdrawing your consent. You should always make sure that we have a current email address in order to contact you regarding any changes, if necessary.

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