I hereby acknowledge that I wish to voluntarily enter onto and to engage in or observe shooting and other related shooting activities at One in the Chamber Sports Range and its Facilities (Referred to in this agreement as One in the Chamber Sports Range Facility or Facilities), further acknowledge and understand the “shooting and shooting related activities” shall include any and all activities of any kind whatsoever in which I engage, experience or observe while at One in the Chamber Sports Range. I voluntarily execute and agree to all terms listed.
I Agree I acknowledge and understand that shooting related activities are inherently hazardous and involve both known and unanticipated risks which could result in damage or destruction of property and physical or emotional injury, including paralysis or death, of myself or of other persons. The risks include, but are not limited to, being shot by others or shooting myself or others; partial or total loss of eyesight or hearing; inhalation or other harmful contact with lead or other contaminants and being struck by very hot, flaming, flying, or falling objects. I Agree I understand that such hazards and risks cannot be eliminated without compromising the essential qualities of shooting or shooting related activities. I further acknowledge and understand that the nature and condition of the outdoor range facilities, premises and environment is such that both known and unanticipated hazards exist which create or contribute to both known and unanticipated risks inherent to entering onto and using the One in the Chamber Sports Range Facility and in engaging in or observing any activities of any kind whatsoever while at One in the Chamber Sports Range Facility. I Agree I understand that such hazards and risks cannot be completely eliminated without compromising the essential qualities of shooting or shooting related activities. I further acknowledge and understand that the range personnel or other individuals may have a duty to undertake first-aid or rescue operations or procedures in the event any physical injury occurs, and that any such operations or procedures may result in compounded or increased damages or injuries. I fully assume any risk associated with shooting at One in the Chamber Sports Range Facility. I Agree I further acknowledge and understand that One in the Chamber Sports Range Facility makes no warranty as to the design, manufacture, maintenance, condition or fitness for any particular purpose of any of the One in the Chamber Sports Range Facilities or equipment including but not limited to firearms, rental firearms, targets, equipment, rental equipment, donated equipment, ammunition, eye and ear protection, shooting supplies or equipment, and first-aid supplies. I Agree I further acknowledge and understand that I am not a convicted felon, prohibited under federal or any state law or subject to any protective order that prevents me from possessing, shooting or renting a firearm. I Agree I agree to assume all responsibility and liability for any act or acts, including any negligence, reckless or criminal act or omission to act of anyone that is present at One in the Chamber Sports Range Facility with me as a social guest, family member, member of a group, or other shooter or observer or employee. I agree NOT to hold One in the Chamber Sports Range owners and it's employees liable for any actions made by any persons on the range. I Agree The 10 Commandments to Firearm Safety 1. Always keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction. 2. Always keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot. 3. Always keep the firearm unloaded until you are ready to use it. 4. Know your target and what’s beyond it. 5. Use correct ammunition. 6. If your firearm fails to fire when the trigger is pulled, keep your firearm pointed in a safe direction, unload and inspect it. 7. Always wear eye and ear protection when on the range. 8. With the firearm unloaded, be sure the barrel is clear of obstruction before shooting. Never look down the muzzle end of a firearm that you are shooting. 9. Don’t alter or modify your firearm, and have it serviced regularly. 10. Learn the mechanical and handling characteristics of the firearms you are using. I Agree Range Safety Procedures 1. ONCE each calendar year ALL customers must watch the Range Safety Video at the Range Office then sign and date the bottom of the Liability Waiver. 2. Minors (under 18) may shoot but only under the direct supervision of their parents/guardians. 3. All firearms must be CLEARED prior to entering and before exiting the range. 4. All ammunition and firearms brought onto the range are subject to inspection.The use of incendiaries (tracer) and armor piercing rounds are NOT permitted at this range facility. (Green Tip and Steel Core Ammo). 5. The range is not responsible for personal property or equipment left unsupervised. 6. Listen and do what the Range Safety Officers (RSO's) tell you to do. 7. Patrons are responsible to sign in at the range office upon arrival. 8. This is a COLD RANGE! This means there are to be no loaded firearms anywhere within the Range facility EXCEPT at the firing line. The only exception to this is a holstered firearm. 9. Firearms are to be left at the firing line open and on safe while personnel are down range or at cease fire periods. All shooters will remain behind the yellow firing line during this time. 10. Rapid fire is NOT authorized on the Range. 11. The steel targets will NOT be engaged any closer than 10 yards. 12. We require that shooters and Non-Shooters in the shooting area wear eye and ear protection. 13. We recommend that shooters DO NOT wear open toed shoes/low cut shirts. 14. When patrons are finished for the day, they must clean-up their respective firing lane to include the removal of any paper targets from the target stand. 15. Eating on the firing line or shooting area is prohibited, customers may have drinks (non alcoholic) with secure lids/caps in the shooting area. 16. The use of tobacco products or vaping in the shooting areas is prohibited. Smoking and/or Vaping is permissible in the designated smoking area, which includes the parking lot and/or behind the concrete blocks located behind the rifle firing line. I Agree
Today's Date: March 14, 2025