

Are you ready to enrol? Complete and sign this form.

Commercial SCUBA Diver 30m

Commercial SCUBA Diver Program (OSD) (includes Nitrox, Dive Accident Management, WHMIS, Oxygen Administrator & 1st aid for Divers) 

2024 Fees:

Online Theory/Course Registration Fee: $1750 Non refundable/Non Transferable + GST= $1837.50

Tuition: $7995

Books: $295 + GST

Prep Week: $895

PADI Open Water $795

Class sizes are limited!

Commercial SCUBA Diver Course Date:
Please select the course date you would like to attend *
OSD April 08, 2024
OSD August 06, 2024
OSD November 4, 2024
First Participant's Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*

First Participant's Date of Birth*
First Participant's Information
Gender *
Canadian or International Student? *

If your are an international student: Citizenship: *
Do you have a recreational diving certification? *
You may voluntarily provide the personal information for the 3 questions listed below: Do you identify yourself as an Indigenous person, that is, First Nations, Métis, or Inuit? *
If you answered "Yes", please indicate if you are:
First Nations.
Do you have a long-term physical or mental health condition that limits the kind of activity that you can perform on a daily basis?*
Are you receiving funding for the program of study? *

If other:
Are you applying for the Divers Guesthouse? *


Please be advised that under the section 61 of Private Training Act, the registrar is authorized to collect, use and disclose personal information in accordance with the registrars regulatory duties under that Act. Accordingly, this institution is authorized to disclose your personal information to the registrar for regulatory purposes.

I consent to the sharing, in accordance with the applicable Provincial privacy legislation, of my enrolment and reporting information between DIVESAFE International and Immigration, refugees and Citizenship Canada, as necessary, for the purposes of the International Student Program. I consent to the sharing of student grades with potential employers. I consent to the parameters of this contract.

Type YES in the box below to confirm you understand this policy *

Student Statement of Rights

DiveSafe International is certified with the Private Training Institutions Branch (PTIB) of the British Columbia Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Training.

Before you enrol at a certified private training institution, you should be aware of your rights and responsibilities.

You have the right to be treated fairly and respectfully by the institution.

You have the right to a student enrolment contract that includes the following information:

* amount of tuition and any additional fee for your program

* if your program includes a work experience, the requirements to participate in the work experience and the geographic area where it will be provided

* whether the program was approved by PTIB or does not require approval.

Make sure you read the contract before signing. The institution must provide you with a signed copy.

You have the right to access the institution’s dispute resolution process and to be protected against retaliation for making a complaint.

You have the right to make a claim to PTIB for a tuition refund if:

* your institution ceased to hold a certificate before you completed an approved program

* you were misled about a significant aspect of your approved program.

You must file the claim within one year of completing, being dismissed or withdrawing from your program.

For more information about PTIB and how to be an informed student, go to:



1. if the institution receives tuition from the student, or a person on behalf of the student, the institution will refund the student, or the person who paid on behalf of the student, the tuition that was paid in relation to the program in which the student is enrolled if:

a. the institution receives a notice of withdrawal from the student no later than seven days after the the effective contract date and before the contract start date;

b. the student, or the student's parent or legal guardian, signs the student enrolment contract seven days or less before the contract start date and the institution receives a notice of withdrawal from the student between the date the student, or the students parent or legal guardian, signed the student enrolment contract and the contract start date; or

c. the student does not attend a work experience component and the institution does not provide all of the hours of instruction of the work experience component within 30 days of the contract end date.

2. The institution will refund the tuition for the program and all related fees paid by the student or a person on behalf of the student enrolled in the program if the student is enrolled in the program without having met the admission requirements and did not misrepresent his or her knowledge or skills when applying for admission.

3. If a student does not attend any of the first 30% of the hours of instruction to be provided by the contract term, the institution may retain up to 50% of the tuition paid under the student enrolment contract unless the program is provided solely through distance education.

4. Unless the program is provided solely through distance education, if the institution receives a notice of withdrawal from a student:

a. more than 7 days after the effective contract date and

i. at least 30 days before the contract start date, the institution may retain up to 10% of the tuition due under the student enrolment contract, to a maximum of $1000.

ii. less than 30 days before the contract start date, the institution may retain up to 20% of the tuition due under the student enrolment contract, to a maximum of $1300.

b. after the contract start date

i. but before 11% of the hours of instruction to be provided during the contract term have been provided, the institution may retain up to 30% of the tuition due under the student enrolment contract.

ii.and after 10% but before 30% of the hours of instruction to be provided during the contract term have been provided, the institution may retain up to 50% of the tuition due under the student enrolment contract.

5. Unless the program is provided solely through distance education, if the institution provides a notice of dismissal to a student and the date the institution delivers the notice to the student is:

a. before 10% of the hours of instruction to be provided during the contract term have been provided, the institution may retain up to 30% of the tuition due under the student enrolment contract..

b. after 10% but before 30% of the hours of instruction to be provided during the contract term have been provided, the institution may retain up to 50% of the tuition due under the student enrolment contract.

6. The institution will refund fees charged for course materials paid for but not received if the student provides a notice of withdrawal to the institution or the institution provides a a notice of dismissal ot the student.

7. Refunds required under this policy will be paid to the student, or a person who paid the tuition or fees on behalf of the student, within 30 days:

a. of the date the institution receives a students notice of withdrawal.

b. of the date the institution provides a notice of dismissal to the student.

c. of the date that the registrar provides notice to the institution that the institution is not complying with section 1C of this policy or 2

d. after the first 30% of the hours of instruction if section 3 of this policy applies.

8. If an international student delivers a copy of a refusal of a study permit to the institution, sections 1a 1b 4 7 & 8 of this policy apply as if the copy of the refusal were a notice of withdrawal, unless:

a. the international student requests an additional letter of acceptance for the same program that was the subject of the refusal of a study permit or

b. the program is provided solely through distance education

There will be a 2.5% fee if paying by credit card

Media Release:

You grant permission to DIVESAFE International (a division of Korol Marine Services Ltd.) to use your name and/or media images, including voice, photographs, video, and other forms of media in brochures, newsletters, magazines, electronic media and any other forms of media. You hereby waiver any right to inspect or approve the finished photographs or printed or electronic matter that may be used in conjunction with them now or in the future, whether that use is known to you or unknown, and you waive any right to royalties or other compensation arising from or related to the use of the photographs, video or voice items. You hereby agree to release, defend and hold harmless, DiveSafe International (a division of Korol Marine Services Ltd.) and subordinates, including any firm publishing and/or distributing the finished product in whole or in part, whether on paper or via electronic media, from and against any claims, damages or liability arising from or related to the used of the said materials, including but not limited to any misuse, distortion, blurring, alteration, optical illusion or use in composite form, either intentionally or otherwise, that may occur or be produced in taking processing, reduction or production of the finished product, its publication or distribution.


PARKING - Parking fees do NOT apply while at the Divers Guesthouse or at the DIVESAFE office/classrooms.

PARKING - Parking fees DO apply to the Discovery Marina at $5/day.

Apply for the Divers Guesthouse at https://waiver.smartwaiver.com/w/rqbhve2bwe2ogjhvugxsqq/web/

Please note that alcohol and drugs are not permitted on any DiveSafe property at any time.

By signing this document I, the undersigned, have read and fully understand these policies and all its terms. I execute this signature voluntarily and with full knowledge of its significance. 

First Participant's Signature*
Second Participant's Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*
Second Participant's Date of Birth*
Second Participant's Information
Gender *
Canadian or International Student? *

If your are an international student: Citizenship: *
Do you have a recreational diving certification? *
You may voluntarily provide the personal information for the 3 questions listed below: Do you identify yourself as an Indigenous person, that is, First Nations, Métis, or Inuit? *
If you answered "Yes", please indicate if you are:
First Nations.
Do you have a long-term physical or mental health condition that limits the kind of activity that you can perform on a daily basis?*
Are you receiving funding for the program of study? *

If other:
Are you applying for the Divers Guesthouse? *


Please be advised that under the section 61 of Private Training Act, the registrar is authorized to collect, use and disclose personal information in accordance with the registrars regulatory duties under that Act. Accordingly, this institution is authorized to disclose your personal information to the registrar for regulatory purposes.

I consent to the sharing, in accordance with the applicable Provincial privacy legislation, of my enrolment and reporting information between DIVESAFE International and Immigration, refugees and Citizenship Canada, as necessary, for the purposes of the International Student Program. I consent to the sharing of student grades with potential employers. I consent to the parameters of this contract.

Type YES in the box below to confirm you understand this policy *

Student Statement of Rights

DiveSafe International is certified with the Private Training Institutions Branch (PTIB) of the British Columbia Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Training.

Before you enrol at a certified private training institution, you should be aware of your rights and responsibilities.

You have the right to be treated fairly and respectfully by the institution.

You have the right to a student enrolment contract that includes the following information:

* amount of tuition and any additional fee for your program

* if your program includes a work experience, the requirements to participate in the work experience and the geographic area where it will be provided

* whether the program was approved by PTIB or does not require approval.

Make sure you read the contract before signing. The institution must provide you with a signed copy.

You have the right to access the institution’s dispute resolution process and to be protected against retaliation for making a complaint.

You have the right to make a claim to PTIB for a tuition refund if:

* your institution ceased to hold a certificate before you completed an approved program

* you were misled about a significant aspect of your approved program.

You must file the claim within one year of completing, being dismissed or withdrawing from your program.

For more information about PTIB and how to be an informed student, go to:



1. if the institution receives tuition from the student, or a person on behalf of the student, the institution will refund the student, or the person who paid on behalf of the student, the tuition that was paid in relation to the program in which the student is enrolled if:

a. the institution receives a notice of withdrawal from the student no later than seven days after the the effective contract date and before the contract start date;

b. the student, or the student's parent or legal guardian, signs the student enrolment contract seven days or less before the contract start date and the institution receives a notice of withdrawal from the student between the date the student, or the students parent or legal guardian, signed the student enrolment contract and the contract start date; or

c. the student does not attend a work experience component and the institution does not provide all of the hours of instruction of the work experience component within 30 days of the contract end date.

2. The institution will refund the tuition for the program and all related fees paid by the student or a person on behalf of the student enrolled in the program if the student is enrolled in the program without having met the admission requirements and did not misrepresent his or her knowledge or skills when applying for admission.

3. If a student does not attend any of the first 30% of the hours of instruction to be provided by the contract term, the institution may retain up to 50% of the tuition paid under the student enrolment contract unless the program is provided solely through distance education.

4. Unless the program is provided solely through distance education, if the institution receives a notice of withdrawal from a student:

a. more than 7 days after the effective contract date and

i. at least 30 days before the contract start date, the institution may retain up to 10% of the tuition due under the student enrolment contract, to a maximum of $1000.

ii. less than 30 days before the contract start date, the institution may retain up to 20% of the tuition due under the student enrolment contract, to a maximum of $1300.

b. after the contract start date

i. but before 11% of the hours of instruction to be provided during the contract term have been provided, the institution may retain up to 30% of the tuition due under the student enrolment contract.

ii.and after 10% but before 30% of the hours of instruction to be provided during the contract term have been provided, the institution may retain up to 50% of the tuition due under the student enrolment contract.

5. Unless the program is provided solely through distance education, if the institution provides a notice of dismissal to a student and the date the institution delivers the notice to the student is:

a. before 10% of the hours of instruction to be provided during the contract term have been provided, the institution may retain up to 30% of the tuition due under the student enrolment contract..

b. after 10% but before 30% of the hours of instruction to be provided during the contract term have been provided, the institution may retain up to 50% of the tuition due under the student enrolment contract.

6. The institution will refund fees charged for course materials paid for but not received if the student provides a notice of withdrawal to the institution or the institution provides a a notice of dismissal ot the student.

7. Refunds required under this policy will be paid to the student, or a person who paid the tuition or fees on behalf of the student, within 30 days:

a. of the date the institution receives a students notice of withdrawal.

b. of the date the institution provides a notice of dismissal to the student.

c. of the date that the registrar provides notice to the institution that the institution is not complying with section 1C of this policy or 2

d. after the first 30% of the hours of instruction if section 3 of this policy applies.

8. If an international student delivers a copy of a refusal of a study permit to the institution, sections 1a 1b 4 7 & 8 of this policy apply as if the copy of the refusal were a notice of withdrawal, unless:

a. the international student requests an additional letter of acceptance for the same program that was the subject of the refusal of a study permit or

b. the program is provided solely through distance education

There will be a 2.5% fee if paying by credit card

Media Release:

You grant permission to DIVESAFE International (a division of Korol Marine Services Ltd.) to use your name and/or media images, including voice, photographs, video, and other forms of media in brochures, newsletters, magazines, electronic media and any other forms of media. You hereby waiver any right to inspect or approve the finished photographs or printed or electronic matter that may be used in conjunction with them now or in the future, whether that use is known to you or unknown, and you waive any right to royalties or other compensation arising from or related to the use of the photographs, video or voice items. You hereby agree to release, defend and hold harmless, DiveSafe International (a division of Korol Marine Services Ltd.) and subordinates, including any firm publishing and/or distributing the finished product in whole or in part, whether on paper or via electronic media, from and against any claims, damages or liability arising from or related to the used of the said materials, including but not limited to any misuse, distortion, blurring, alteration, optical illusion or use in composite form, either intentionally or otherwise, that may occur or be produced in taking processing, reduction or production of the finished product, its publication or distribution.


PARKING - Parking fees do NOT apply while at the Divers Guesthouse or at the DIVESAFE office/classrooms.

PARKING - Parking fees DO apply to the Discovery Marina at $5/day.

Apply for the Divers Guesthouse at https://waiver.smartwaiver.com/w/rqbhve2bwe2ogjhvugxsqq/web/

Please note that alcohol and drugs are not permitted on any DiveSafe property at any time.

By signing this document I, the undersigned, have read and fully understand these policies and all its terms. I execute this signature voluntarily and with full knowledge of its significance. 

Third Participant's Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*
Third Participant's Date of Birth*
Third Participant's Information
Gender *
Canadian or International Student? *

If your are an international student: Citizenship: *
Do you have a recreational diving certification? *
You may voluntarily provide the personal information for the 3 questions listed below: Do you identify yourself as an Indigenous person, that is, First Nations, Métis, or Inuit? *
If you answered "Yes", please indicate if you are:
First Nations.
Do you have a long-term physical or mental health condition that limits the kind of activity that you can perform on a daily basis?*
Are you receiving funding for the program of study? *

If other:
Are you applying for the Divers Guesthouse? *


Please be advised that under the section 61 of Private Training Act, the registrar is authorized to collect, use and disclose personal information in accordance with the registrars regulatory duties under that Act. Accordingly, this institution is authorized to disclose your personal information to the registrar for regulatory purposes.

I consent to the sharing, in accordance with the applicable Provincial privacy legislation, of my enrolment and reporting information between DIVESAFE International and Immigration, refugees and Citizenship Canada, as necessary, for the purposes of the International Student Program. I consent to the sharing of student grades with potential employers. I consent to the parameters of this contract.

Type YES in the box below to confirm you understand this policy *

Student Statement of Rights

DiveSafe International is certified with the Private Training Institutions Branch (PTIB) of the British Columbia Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Training.

Before you enrol at a certified private training institution, you should be aware of your rights and responsibilities.

You have the right to be treated fairly and respectfully by the institution.

You have the right to a student enrolment contract that includes the following information:

* amount of tuition and any additional fee for your program

* if your program includes a work experience, the requirements to participate in the work experience and the geographic area where it will be provided

* whether the program was approved by PTIB or does not require approval.

Make sure you read the contract before signing. The institution must provide you with a signed copy.

You have the right to access the institution’s dispute resolution process and to be protected against retaliation for making a complaint.

You have the right to make a claim to PTIB for a tuition refund if:

* your institution ceased to hold a certificate before you completed an approved program

* you were misled about a significant aspect of your approved program.

You must file the claim within one year of completing, being dismissed or withdrawing from your program.

For more information about PTIB and how to be an informed student, go to:



1. if the institution receives tuition from the student, or a person on behalf of the student, the institution will refund the student, or the person who paid on behalf of the student, the tuition that was paid in relation to the program in which the student is enrolled if:

a. the institution receives a notice of withdrawal from the student no later than seven days after the the effective contract date and before the contract start date;

b. the student, or the student's parent or legal guardian, signs the student enrolment contract seven days or less before the contract start date and the institution receives a notice of withdrawal from the student between the date the student, or the students parent or legal guardian, signed the student enrolment contract and the contract start date; or

c. the student does not attend a work experience component and the institution does not provide all of the hours of instruction of the work experience component within 30 days of the contract end date.

2. The institution will refund the tuition for the program and all related fees paid by the student or a person on behalf of the student enrolled in the program if the student is enrolled in the program without having met the admission requirements and did not misrepresent his or her knowledge or skills when applying for admission.

3. If a student does not attend any of the first 30% of the hours of instruction to be provided by the contract term, the institution may retain up to 50% of the tuition paid under the student enrolment contract unless the program is provided solely through distance education.

4. Unless the program is provided solely through distance education, if the institution receives a notice of withdrawal from a student:

a. more than 7 days after the effective contract date and

i. at least 30 days before the contract start date, the institution may retain up to 10% of the tuition due under the student enrolment contract, to a maximum of $1000.

ii. less than 30 days before the contract start date, the institution may retain up to 20% of the tuition due under the student enrolment contract, to a maximum of $1300.

b. after the contract start date

i. but before 11% of the hours of instruction to be provided during the contract term have been provided, the institution may retain up to 30% of the tuition due under the student enrolment contract.

ii.and after 10% but before 30% of the hours of instruction to be provided during the contract term have been provided, the institution may retain up to 50% of the tuition due under the student enrolment contract.

5. Unless the program is provided solely through distance education, if the institution provides a notice of dismissal to a student and the date the institution delivers the notice to the student is:

a. before 10% of the hours of instruction to be provided during the contract term have been provided, the institution may retain up to 30% of the tuition due under the student enrolment contract..

b. after 10% but before 30% of the hours of instruction to be provided during the contract term have been provided, the institution may retain up to 50% of the tuition due under the student enrolment contract.

6. The institution will refund fees charged for course materials paid for but not received if the student provides a notice of withdrawal to the institution or the institution provides a a notice of dismissal ot the student.

7. Refunds required under this policy will be paid to the student, or a person who paid the tuition or fees on behalf of the student, within 30 days:

a. of the date the institution receives a students notice of withdrawal.

b. of the date the institution provides a notice of dismissal to the student.

c. of the date that the registrar provides notice to the institution that the institution is not complying with section 1C of this policy or 2

d. after the first 30% of the hours of instruction if section 3 of this policy applies.

8. If an international student delivers a copy of a refusal of a study permit to the institution, sections 1a 1b 4 7 & 8 of this policy apply as if the copy of the refusal were a notice of withdrawal, unless:

a. the international student requests an additional letter of acceptance for the same program that was the subject of the refusal of a study permit or

b. the program is provided solely through distance education

There will be a 2.5% fee if paying by credit card

Media Release:

You grant permission to DIVESAFE International (a division of Korol Marine Services Ltd.) to use your name and/or media images, including voice, photographs, video, and other forms of media in brochures, newsletters, magazines, electronic media and any other forms of media. You hereby waiver any right to inspect or approve the finished photographs or printed or electronic matter that may be used in conjunction with them now or in the future, whether that use is known to you or unknown, and you waive any right to royalties or other compensation arising from or related to the use of the photographs, video or voice items. You hereby agree to release, defend and hold harmless, DiveSafe International (a division of Korol Marine Services Ltd.) and subordinates, including any firm publishing and/or distributing the finished product in whole or in part, whether on paper or via electronic media, from and against any claims, damages or liability arising from or related to the used of the said materials, including but not limited to any misuse, distortion, blurring, alteration, optical illusion or use in composite form, either intentionally or otherwise, that may occur or be produced in taking processing, reduction or production of the finished product, its publication or distribution.


PARKING - Parking fees do NOT apply while at the Divers Guesthouse or at the DIVESAFE office/classrooms.

PARKING - Parking fees DO apply to the Discovery Marina at $5/day.

Apply for the Divers Guesthouse at https://waiver.smartwaiver.com/w/rqbhve2bwe2ogjhvugxsqq/web/

Please note that alcohol and drugs are not permitted on any DiveSafe property at any time.

By signing this document I, the undersigned, have read and fully understand these policies and all its terms. I execute this signature voluntarily and with full knowledge of its significance. 

Fourth Participant's Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*
Fourth Participant's Date of Birth*
Fourth Participant's Information
Gender *
Canadian or International Student? *

If your are an international student: Citizenship: *
Do you have a recreational diving certification? *
You may voluntarily provide the personal information for the 3 questions listed below: Do you identify yourself as an Indigenous person, that is, First Nations, Métis, or Inuit? *
If you answered "Yes", please indicate if you are:
First Nations.
Do you have a long-term physical or mental health condition that limits the kind of activity that you can perform on a daily basis?*
Are you receiving funding for the program of study? *

If other:
Are you applying for the Divers Guesthouse? *


Please be advised that under the section 61 of Private Training Act, the registrar is authorized to collect, use and disclose personal information in accordance with the registrars regulatory duties under that Act. Accordingly, this institution is authorized to disclose your personal information to the registrar for regulatory purposes.

I consent to the sharing, in accordance with the applicable Provincial privacy legislation, of my enrolment and reporting information between DIVESAFE International and Immigration, refugees and Citizenship Canada, as necessary, for the purposes of the International Student Program. I consent to the sharing of student grades with potential employers. I consent to the parameters of this contract.

Type YES in the box below to confirm you understand this policy *

Student Statement of Rights

DiveSafe International is certified with the Private Training Institutions Branch (PTIB) of the British Columbia Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Training.

Before you enrol at a certified private training institution, you should be aware of your rights and responsibilities.

You have the right to be treated fairly and respectfully by the institution.

You have the right to a student enrolment contract that includes the following information:

* amount of tuition and any additional fee for your program

* if your program includes a work experience, the requirements to participate in the work experience and the geographic area where it will be provided

* whether the program was approved by PTIB or does not require approval.

Make sure you read the contract before signing. The institution must provide you with a signed copy.

You have the right to access the institution’s dispute resolution process and to be protected against retaliation for making a complaint.

You have the right to make a claim to PTIB for a tuition refund if:

* your institution ceased to hold a certificate before you completed an approved program

* you were misled about a significant aspect of your approved program.

You must file the claim within one year of completing, being dismissed or withdrawing from your program.

For more information about PTIB and how to be an informed student, go to:



1. if the institution receives tuition from the student, or a person on behalf of the student, the institution will refund the student, or the person who paid on behalf of the student, the tuition that was paid in relation to the program in which the student is enrolled if:

a. the institution receives a notice of withdrawal from the student no later than seven days after the the effective contract date and before the contract start date;

b. the student, or the student's parent or legal guardian, signs the student enrolment contract seven days or less before the contract start date and the institution receives a notice of withdrawal from the student between the date the student, or the students parent or legal guardian, signed the student enrolment contract and the contract start date; or

c. the student does not attend a work experience component and the institution does not provide all of the hours of instruction of the work experience component within 30 days of the contract end date.

2. The institution will refund the tuition for the program and all related fees paid by the student or a person on behalf of the student enrolled in the program if the student is enrolled in the program without having met the admission requirements and did not misrepresent his or her knowledge or skills when applying for admission.

3. If a student does not attend any of the first 30% of the hours of instruction to be provided by the contract term, the institution may retain up to 50% of the tuition paid under the student enrolment contract unless the program is provided solely through distance education.

4. Unless the program is provided solely through distance education, if the institution receives a notice of withdrawal from a student:

a. more than 7 days after the effective contract date and

i. at least 30 days before the contract start date, the institution may retain up to 10% of the tuition due under the student enrolment contract, to a maximum of $1000.

ii. less than 30 days before the contract start date, the institution may retain up to 20% of the tuition due under the student enrolment contract, to a maximum of $1300.

b. after the contract start date

i. but before 11% of the hours of instruction to be provided during the contract term have been provided, the institution may retain up to 30% of the tuition due under the student enrolment contract.

ii.and after 10% but before 30% of the hours of instruction to be provided during the contract term have been provided, the institution may retain up to 50% of the tuition due under the student enrolment contract.

5. Unless the program is provided solely through distance education, if the institution provides a notice of dismissal to a student and the date the institution delivers the notice to the student is:

a. before 10% of the hours of instruction to be provided during the contract term have been provided, the institution may retain up to 30% of the tuition due under the student enrolment contract..

b. after 10% but before 30% of the hours of instruction to be provided during the contract term have been provided, the institution may retain up to 50% of the tuition due under the student enrolment contract.

6. The institution will refund fees charged for course materials paid for but not received if the student provides a notice of withdrawal to the institution or the institution provides a a notice of dismissal ot the student.

7. Refunds required under this policy will be paid to the student, or a person who paid the tuition or fees on behalf of the student, within 30 days:

a. of the date the institution receives a students notice of withdrawal.

b. of the date the institution provides a notice of dismissal to the student.

c. of the date that the registrar provides notice to the institution that the institution is not complying with section 1C of this policy or 2

d. after the first 30% of the hours of instruction if section 3 of this policy applies.

8. If an international student delivers a copy of a refusal of a study permit to the institution, sections 1a 1b 4 7 & 8 of this policy apply as if the copy of the refusal were a notice of withdrawal, unless:

a. the international student requests an additional letter of acceptance for the same program that was the subject of the refusal of a study permit or

b. the program is provided solely through distance education

There will be a 2.5% fee if paying by credit card

Media Release:

You grant permission to DIVESAFE International (a division of Korol Marine Services Ltd.) to use your name and/or media images, including voice, photographs, video, and other forms of media in brochures, newsletters, magazines, electronic media and any other forms of media. You hereby waiver any right to inspect or approve the finished photographs or printed or electronic matter that may be used in conjunction with them now or in the future, whether that use is known to you or unknown, and you waive any right to royalties or other compensation arising from or related to the use of the photographs, video or voice items. You hereby agree to release, defend and hold harmless, DiveSafe International (a division of Korol Marine Services Ltd.) and subordinates, including any firm publishing and/or distributing the finished product in whole or in part, whether on paper or via electronic media, from and against any claims, damages or liability arising from or related to the used of the said materials, including but not limited to any misuse, distortion, blurring, alteration, optical illusion or use in composite form, either intentionally or otherwise, that may occur or be produced in taking processing, reduction or production of the finished product, its publication or distribution.


PARKING - Parking fees do NOT apply while at the Divers Guesthouse or at the DIVESAFE office/classrooms.

PARKING - Parking fees DO apply to the Discovery Marina at $5/day.

Apply for the Divers Guesthouse at https://waiver.smartwaiver.com/w/rqbhve2bwe2ogjhvugxsqq/web/

Please note that alcohol and drugs are not permitted on any DiveSafe property at any time.

By signing this document I, the undersigned, have read and fully understand these policies and all its terms. I execute this signature voluntarily and with full knowledge of its significance. 

Fifth Participant's Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*
Fifth Participant's Date of Birth*
Fifth Participant's Information
Gender *
Canadian or International Student? *

If your are an international student: Citizenship: *
Do you have a recreational diving certification? *
You may voluntarily provide the personal information for the 3 questions listed below: Do you identify yourself as an Indigenous person, that is, First Nations, Métis, or Inuit? *
If you answered "Yes", please indicate if you are:
First Nations.
Do you have a long-term physical or mental health condition that limits the kind of activity that you can perform on a daily basis?*
Are you receiving funding for the program of study? *

If other:
Are you applying for the Divers Guesthouse? *


Please be advised that under the section 61 of Private Training Act, the registrar is authorized to collect, use and disclose personal information in accordance with the registrars regulatory duties under that Act. Accordingly, this institution is authorized to disclose your personal information to the registrar for regulatory purposes.

I consent to the sharing, in accordance with the applicable Provincial privacy legislation, of my enrolment and reporting information between DIVESAFE International and Immigration, refugees and Citizenship Canada, as necessary, for the purposes of the International Student Program. I consent to the sharing of student grades with potential employers. I consent to the parameters of this contract.

Type YES in the box below to confirm you understand this policy *

Student Statement of Rights

DiveSafe International is certified with the Private Training Institutions Branch (PTIB) of the British Columbia Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Training.

Before you enrol at a certified private training institution, you should be aware of your rights and responsibilities.

You have the right to be treated fairly and respectfully by the institution.

You have the right to a student enrolment contract that includes the following information:

* amount of tuition and any additional fee for your program

* if your program includes a work experience, the requirements to participate in the work experience and the geographic area where it will be provided

* whether the program was approved by PTIB or does not require approval.

Make sure you read the contract before signing. The institution must provide you with a signed copy.

You have the right to access the institution’s dispute resolution process and to be protected against retaliation for making a complaint.

You have the right to make a claim to PTIB for a tuition refund if:

* your institution ceased to hold a certificate before you completed an approved program

* you were misled about a significant aspect of your approved program.

You must file the claim within one year of completing, being dismissed or withdrawing from your program.

For more information about PTIB and how to be an informed student, go to:



1. if the institution receives tuition from the student, or a person on behalf of the student, the institution will refund the student, or the person who paid on behalf of the student, the tuition that was paid in relation to the program in which the student is enrolled if:

a. the institution receives a notice of withdrawal from the student no later than seven days after the the effective contract date and before the contract start date;

b. the student, or the student's parent or legal guardian, signs the student enrolment contract seven days or less before the contract start date and the institution receives a notice of withdrawal from the student between the date the student, or the students parent or legal guardian, signed the student enrolment contract and the contract start date; or

c. the student does not attend a work experience component and the institution does not provide all of the hours of instruction of the work experience component within 30 days of the contract end date.

2. The institution will refund the tuition for the program and all related fees paid by the student or a person on behalf of the student enrolled in the program if the student is enrolled in the program without having met the admission requirements and did not misrepresent his or her knowledge or skills when applying for admission.

3. If a student does not attend any of the first 30% of the hours of instruction to be provided by the contract term, the institution may retain up to 50% of the tuition paid under the student enrolment contract unless the program is provided solely through distance education.

4. Unless the program is provided solely through distance education, if the institution receives a notice of withdrawal from a student:

a. more than 7 days after the effective contract date and

i. at least 30 days before the contract start date, the institution may retain up to 10% of the tuition due under the student enrolment contract, to a maximum of $1000.

ii. less than 30 days before the contract start date, the institution may retain up to 20% of the tuition due under the student enrolment contract, to a maximum of $1300.

b. after the contract start date

i. but before 11% of the hours of instruction to be provided during the contract term have been provided, the institution may retain up to 30% of the tuition due under the student enrolment contract.

ii.and after 10% but before 30% of the hours of instruction to be provided during the contract term have been provided, the institution may retain up to 50% of the tuition due under the student enrolment contract.

5. Unless the program is provided solely through distance education, if the institution provides a notice of dismissal to a student and the date the institution delivers the notice to the student is:

a. before 10% of the hours of instruction to be provided during the contract term have been provided, the institution may retain up to 30% of the tuition due under the student enrolment contract..

b. after 10% but before 30% of the hours of instruction to be provided during the contract term have been provided, the institution may retain up to 50% of the tuition due under the student enrolment contract.

6. The institution will refund fees charged for course materials paid for but not received if the student provides a notice of withdrawal to the institution or the institution provides a a notice of dismissal ot the student.

7. Refunds required under this policy will be paid to the student, or a person who paid the tuition or fees on behalf of the student, within 30 days:

a. of the date the institution receives a students notice of withdrawal.

b. of the date the institution provides a notice of dismissal to the student.

c. of the date that the registrar provides notice to the institution that the institution is not complying with section 1C of this policy or 2

d. after the first 30% of the hours of instruction if section 3 of this policy applies.

8. If an international student delivers a copy of a refusal of a study permit to the institution, sections 1a 1b 4 7 & 8 of this policy apply as if the copy of the refusal were a notice of withdrawal, unless:

a. the international student requests an additional letter of acceptance for the same program that was the subject of the refusal of a study permit or

b. the program is provided solely through distance education

There will be a 2.5% fee if paying by credit card

Media Release:

You grant permission to DIVESAFE International (a division of Korol Marine Services Ltd.) to use your name and/or media images, including voice, photographs, video, and other forms of media in brochures, newsletters, magazines, electronic media and any other forms of media. You hereby waiver any right to inspect or approve the finished photographs or printed or electronic matter that may be used in conjunction with them now or in the future, whether that use is known to you or unknown, and you waive any right to royalties or other compensation arising from or related to the use of the photographs, video or voice items. You hereby agree to release, defend and hold harmless, DiveSafe International (a division of Korol Marine Services Ltd.) and subordinates, including any firm publishing and/or distributing the finished product in whole or in part, whether on paper or via electronic media, from and against any claims, damages or liability arising from or related to the used of the said materials, including but not limited to any misuse, distortion, blurring, alteration, optical illusion or use in composite form, either intentionally or otherwise, that may occur or be produced in taking processing, reduction or production of the finished product, its publication or distribution.


PARKING - Parking fees do NOT apply while at the Divers Guesthouse or at the DIVESAFE office/classrooms.

PARKING - Parking fees DO apply to the Discovery Marina at $5/day.

Apply for the Divers Guesthouse at https://waiver.smartwaiver.com/w/rqbhve2bwe2ogjhvugxsqq/web/

Please note that alcohol and drugs are not permitted on any DiveSafe property at any time.

By signing this document I, the undersigned, have read and fully understand these policies and all its terms. I execute this signature voluntarily and with full knowledge of its significance. 

Sixth Participant's Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*
Sixth Participant's Date of Birth*
Sixth Participant's Information
Gender *
Canadian or International Student? *

If your are an international student: Citizenship: *
Do you have a recreational diving certification? *
You may voluntarily provide the personal information for the 3 questions listed below: Do you identify yourself as an Indigenous person, that is, First Nations, Métis, or Inuit? *
If you answered "Yes", please indicate if you are:
First Nations.
Do you have a long-term physical or mental health condition that limits the kind of activity that you can perform on a daily basis?*
Are you receiving funding for the program of study? *

If other:
Are you applying for the Divers Guesthouse? *


Please be advised that under the section 61 of Private Training Act, the registrar is authorized to collect, use and disclose personal information in accordance with the registrars regulatory duties under that Act. Accordingly, this institution is authorized to disclose your personal information to the registrar for regulatory purposes.

I consent to the sharing, in accordance with the applicable Provincial privacy legislation, of my enrolment and reporting information between DIVESAFE International and Immigration, refugees and Citizenship Canada, as necessary, for the purposes of the International Student Program. I consent to the sharing of student grades with potential employers. I consent to the parameters of this contract.

Type YES in the box below to confirm you understand this policy *

Student Statement of Rights

DiveSafe International is certified with the Private Training Institutions Branch (PTIB) of the British Columbia Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Training.

Before you enrol at a certified private training institution, you should be aware of your rights and responsibilities.

You have the right to be treated fairly and respectfully by the institution.

You have the right to a student enrolment contract that includes the following information:

* amount of tuition and any additional fee for your program

* if your program includes a work experience, the requirements to participate in the work experience and the geographic area where it will be provided

* whether the program was approved by PTIB or does not require approval.

Make sure you read the contract before signing. The institution must provide you with a signed copy.

You have the right to access the institution’s dispute resolution process and to be protected against retaliation for making a complaint.

You have the right to make a claim to PTIB for a tuition refund if:

* your institution ceased to hold a certificate before you completed an approved program

* you were misled about a significant aspect of your approved program.

You must file the claim within one year of completing, being dismissed or withdrawing from your program.

For more information about PTIB and how to be an informed student, go to:



1. if the institution receives tuition from the student, or a person on behalf of the student, the institution will refund the student, or the person who paid on behalf of the student, the tuition that was paid in relation to the program in which the student is enrolled if:

a. the institution receives a notice of withdrawal from the student no later than seven days after the the effective contract date and before the contract start date;

b. the student, or the student's parent or legal guardian, signs the student enrolment contract seven days or less before the contract start date and the institution receives a notice of withdrawal from the student between the date the student, or the students parent or legal guardian, signed the student enrolment contract and the contract start date; or

c. the student does not attend a work experience component and the institution does not provide all of the hours of instruction of the work experience component within 30 days of the contract end date.

2. The institution will refund the tuition for the program and all related fees paid by the student or a person on behalf of the student enrolled in the program if the student is enrolled in the program without having met the admission requirements and did not misrepresent his or her knowledge or skills when applying for admission.

3. If a student does not attend any of the first 30% of the hours of instruction to be provided by the contract term, the institution may retain up to 50% of the tuition paid under the student enrolment contract unless the program is provided solely through distance education.

4. Unless the program is provided solely through distance education, if the institution receives a notice of withdrawal from a student:

a. more than 7 days after the effective contract date and

i. at least 30 days before the contract start date, the institution may retain up to 10% of the tuition due under the student enrolment contract, to a maximum of $1000.

ii. less than 30 days before the contract start date, the institution may retain up to 20% of the tuition due under the student enrolment contract, to a maximum of $1300.

b. after the contract start date

i. but before 11% of the hours of instruction to be provided during the contract term have been provided, the institution may retain up to 30% of the tuition due under the student enrolment contract.

ii.and after 10% but before 30% of the hours of instruction to be provided during the contract term have been provided, the institution may retain up to 50% of the tuition due under the student enrolment contract.

5. Unless the program is provided solely through distance education, if the institution provides a notice of dismissal to a student and the date the institution delivers the notice to the student is:

a. before 10% of the hours of instruction to be provided during the contract term have been provided, the institution may retain up to 30% of the tuition due under the student enrolment contract..

b. after 10% but before 30% of the hours of instruction to be provided during the contract term have been provided, the institution may retain up to 50% of the tuition due under the student enrolment contract.

6. The institution will refund fees charged for course materials paid for but not received if the student provides a notice of withdrawal to the institution or the institution provides a a notice of dismissal ot the student.

7. Refunds required under this policy will be paid to the student, or a person who paid the tuition or fees on behalf of the student, within 30 days:

a. of the date the institution receives a students notice of withdrawal.

b. of the date the institution provides a notice of dismissal to the student.

c. of the date that the registrar provides notice to the institution that the institution is not complying with section 1C of this policy or 2

d. after the first 30% of the hours of instruction if section 3 of this policy applies.

8. If an international student delivers a copy of a refusal of a study permit to the institution, sections 1a 1b 4 7 & 8 of this policy apply as if the copy of the refusal were a notice of withdrawal, unless:

a. the international student requests an additional letter of acceptance for the same program that was the subject of the refusal of a study permit or

b. the program is provided solely through distance education

There will be a 2.5% fee if paying by credit card

Media Release:

You grant permission to DIVESAFE International (a division of Korol Marine Services Ltd.) to use your name and/or media images, including voice, photographs, video, and other forms of media in brochures, newsletters, magazines, electronic media and any other forms of media. You hereby waiver any right to inspect or approve the finished photographs or printed or electronic matter that may be used in conjunction with them now or in the future, whether that use is known to you or unknown, and you waive any right to royalties or other compensation arising from or related to the use of the photographs, video or voice items. You hereby agree to release, defend and hold harmless, DiveSafe International (a division of Korol Marine Services Ltd.) and subordinates, including any firm publishing and/or distributing the finished product in whole or in part, whether on paper or via electronic media, from and against any claims, damages or liability arising from or related to the used of the said materials, including but not limited to any misuse, distortion, blurring, alteration, optical illusion or use in composite form, either intentionally or otherwise, that may occur or be produced in taking processing, reduction or production of the finished product, its publication or distribution.


PARKING - Parking fees do NOT apply while at the Divers Guesthouse or at the DIVESAFE office/classrooms.

PARKING - Parking fees DO apply to the Discovery Marina at $5/day.

Apply for the Divers Guesthouse at https://waiver.smartwaiver.com/w/rqbhve2bwe2ogjhvugxsqq/web/

Please note that alcohol and drugs are not permitted on any DiveSafe property at any time.

By signing this document I, the undersigned, have read and fully understand these policies and all its terms. I execute this signature voluntarily and with full knowledge of its significance. 

Seventh Participant's Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*
Seventh Participant's Date of Birth*
Seventh Participant's Information
Gender *
Canadian or International Student? *

If your are an international student: Citizenship: *
Do you have a recreational diving certification? *
You may voluntarily provide the personal information for the 3 questions listed below: Do you identify yourself as an Indigenous person, that is, First Nations, Métis, or Inuit? *
If you answered "Yes", please indicate if you are:
First Nations.
Do you have a long-term physical or mental health condition that limits the kind of activity that you can perform on a daily basis?*
Are you receiving funding for the program of study? *

If other:
Are you applying for the Divers Guesthouse? *


Please be advised that under the section 61 of Private Training Act, the registrar is authorized to collect, use and disclose personal information in accordance with the registrars regulatory duties under that Act. Accordingly, this institution is authorized to disclose your personal information to the registrar for regulatory purposes.

I consent to the sharing, in accordance with the applicable Provincial privacy legislation, of my enrolment and reporting information between DIVESAFE International and Immigration, refugees and Citizenship Canada, as necessary, for the purposes of the International Student Program. I consent to the sharing of student grades with potential employers. I consent to the parameters of this contract.

Type YES in the box below to confirm you understand this policy *

Student Statement of Rights

DiveSafe International is certified with the Private Training Institutions Branch (PTIB) of the British Columbia Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Training.

Before you enrol at a certified private training institution, you should be aware of your rights and responsibilities.

You have the right to be treated fairly and respectfully by the institution.

You have the right to a student enrolment contract that includes the following information:

* amount of tuition and any additional fee for your program

* if your program includes a work experience, the requirements to participate in the work experience and the geographic area where it will be provided

* whether the program was approved by PTIB or does not require approval.

Make sure you read the contract before signing. The institution must provide you with a signed copy.

You have the right to access the institution’s dispute resolution process and to be protected against retaliation for making a complaint.

You have the right to make a claim to PTIB for a tuition refund if:

* your institution ceased to hold a certificate before you completed an approved program

* you were misled about a significant aspect of your approved program.

You must file the claim within one year of completing, being dismissed or withdrawing from your program.

For more information about PTIB and how to be an informed student, go to:



1. if the institution receives tuition from the student, or a person on behalf of the student, the institution will refund the student, or the person who paid on behalf of the student, the tuition that was paid in relation to the program in which the student is enrolled if:

a. the institution receives a notice of withdrawal from the student no later than seven days after the the effective contract date and before the contract start date;

b. the student, or the student's parent or legal guardian, signs the student enrolment contract seven days or less before the contract start date and the institution receives a notice of withdrawal from the student between the date the student, or the students parent or legal guardian, signed the student enrolment contract and the contract start date; or

c. the student does not attend a work experience component and the institution does not provide all of the hours of instruction of the work experience component within 30 days of the contract end date.

2. The institution will refund the tuition for the program and all related fees paid by the student or a person on behalf of the student enrolled in the program if the student is enrolled in the program without having met the admission requirements and did not misrepresent his or her knowledge or skills when applying for admission.

3. If a student does not attend any of the first 30% of the hours of instruction to be provided by the contract term, the institution may retain up to 50% of the tuition paid under the student enrolment contract unless the program is provided solely through distance education.

4. Unless the program is provided solely through distance education, if the institution receives a notice of withdrawal from a student:

a. more than 7 days after the effective contract date and

i. at least 30 days before the contract start date, the institution may retain up to 10% of the tuition due under the student enrolment contract, to a maximum of $1000.

ii. less than 30 days before the contract start date, the institution may retain up to 20% of the tuition due under the student enrolment contract, to a maximum of $1300.

b. after the contract start date

i. but before 11% of the hours of instruction to be provided during the contract term have been provided, the institution may retain up to 30% of the tuition due under the student enrolment contract.

ii.and after 10% but before 30% of the hours of instruction to be provided during the contract term have been provided, the institution may retain up to 50% of the tuition due under the student enrolment contract.

5. Unless the program is provided solely through distance education, if the institution provides a notice of dismissal to a student and the date the institution delivers the notice to the student is:

a. before 10% of the hours of instruction to be provided during the contract term have been provided, the institution may retain up to 30% of the tuition due under the student enrolment contract..

b. after 10% but before 30% of the hours of instruction to be provided during the contract term have been provided, the institution may retain up to 50% of the tuition due under the student enrolment contract.

6. The institution will refund fees charged for course materials paid for but not received if the student provides a notice of withdrawal to the institution or the institution provides a a notice of dismissal ot the student.

7. Refunds required under this policy will be paid to the student, or a person who paid the tuition or fees on behalf of the student, within 30 days:

a. of the date the institution receives a students notice of withdrawal.

b. of the date the institution provides a notice of dismissal to the student.

c. of the date that the registrar provides notice to the institution that the institution is not complying with section 1C of this policy or 2

d. after the first 30% of the hours of instruction if section 3 of this policy applies.

8. If an international student delivers a copy of a refusal of a study permit to the institution, sections 1a 1b 4 7 & 8 of this policy apply as if the copy of the refusal were a notice of withdrawal, unless:

a. the international student requests an additional letter of acceptance for the same program that was the subject of the refusal of a study permit or

b. the program is provided solely through distance education

There will be a 2.5% fee if paying by credit card

Media Release:

You grant permission to DIVESAFE International (a division of Korol Marine Services Ltd.) to use your name and/or media images, including voice, photographs, video, and other forms of media in brochures, newsletters, magazines, electronic media and any other forms of media. You hereby waiver any right to inspect or approve the finished photographs or printed or electronic matter that may be used in conjunction with them now or in the future, whether that use is known to you or unknown, and you waive any right to royalties or other compensation arising from or related to the use of the photographs, video or voice items. You hereby agree to release, defend and hold harmless, DiveSafe International (a division of Korol Marine Services Ltd.) and subordinates, including any firm publishing and/or distributing the finished product in whole or in part, whether on paper or via electronic media, from and against any claims, damages or liability arising from or related to the used of the said materials, including but not limited to any misuse, distortion, blurring, alteration, optical illusion or use in composite form, either intentionally or otherwise, that may occur or be produced in taking processing, reduction or production of the finished product, its publication or distribution.


PARKING - Parking fees do NOT apply while at the Divers Guesthouse or at the DIVESAFE office/classrooms.

PARKING - Parking fees DO apply to the Discovery Marina at $5/day.

Apply for the Divers Guesthouse at https://waiver.smartwaiver.com/w/rqbhve2bwe2ogjhvugxsqq/web/

Please note that alcohol and drugs are not permitted on any DiveSafe property at any time.

By signing this document I, the undersigned, have read and fully understand these policies and all its terms. I execute this signature voluntarily and with full knowledge of its significance. 

Eighth Participant's Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*
Eighth Participant's Date of Birth*
Eighth Participant's Information
Gender *
Canadian or International Student? *

If your are an international student: Citizenship: *
Do you have a recreational diving certification? *
You may voluntarily provide the personal information for the 3 questions listed below: Do you identify yourself as an Indigenous person, that is, First Nations, Métis, or Inuit? *
If you answered "Yes", please indicate if you are:
First Nations.
Do you have a long-term physical or mental health condition that limits the kind of activity that you can perform on a daily basis?*
Are you receiving funding for the program of study? *

If other:
Are you applying for the Divers Guesthouse? *


Please be advised that under the section 61 of Private Training Act, the registrar is authorized to collect, use and disclose personal information in accordance with the registrars regulatory duties under that Act. Accordingly, this institution is authorized to disclose your personal information to the registrar for regulatory purposes.

I consent to the sharing, in accordance with the applicable Provincial privacy legislation, of my enrolment and reporting information between DIVESAFE International and Immigration, refugees and Citizenship Canada, as necessary, for the purposes of the International Student Program. I consent to the sharing of student grades with potential employers. I consent to the parameters of this contract.

Type YES in the box below to confirm you understand this policy *

Student Statement of Rights

DiveSafe International is certified with the Private Training Institutions Branch (PTIB) of the British Columbia Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Training.

Before you enrol at a certified private training institution, you should be aware of your rights and responsibilities.

You have the right to be treated fairly and respectfully by the institution.

You have the right to a student enrolment contract that includes the following information:

* amount of tuition and any additional fee for your program

* if your program includes a work experience, the requirements to participate in the work experience and the geographic area where it will be provided

* whether the program was approved by PTIB or does not require approval.

Make sure you read the contract before signing. The institution must provide you with a signed copy.

You have the right to access the institution’s dispute resolution process and to be protected against retaliation for making a complaint.

You have the right to make a claim to PTIB for a tuition refund if:

* your institution ceased to hold a certificate before you completed an approved program

* you were misled about a significant aspect of your approved program.

You must file the claim within one year of completing, being dismissed or withdrawing from your program.

For more information about PTIB and how to be an informed student, go to:



1. if the institution receives tuition from the student, or a person on behalf of the student, the institution will refund the student, or the person who paid on behalf of the student, the tuition that was paid in relation to the program in which the student is enrolled if:

a. the institution receives a notice of withdrawal from the student no later than seven days after the the effective contract date and before the contract start date;

b. the student, or the student's parent or legal guardian, signs the student enrolment contract seven days or less before the contract start date and the institution receives a notice of withdrawal from the student between the date the student, or the students parent or legal guardian, signed the student enrolment contract and the contract start date; or

c. the student does not attend a work experience component and the institution does not provide all of the hours of instruction of the work experience component within 30 days of the contract end date.

2. The institution will refund the tuition for the program and all related fees paid by the student or a person on behalf of the student enrolled in the program if the student is enrolled in the program without having met the admission requirements and did not misrepresent his or her knowledge or skills when applying for admission.

3. If a student does not attend any of the first 30% of the hours of instruction to be provided by the contract term, the institution may retain up to 50% of the tuition paid under the student enrolment contract unless the program is provided solely through distance education.

4. Unless the program is provided solely through distance education, if the institution receives a notice of withdrawal from a student:

a. more than 7 days after the effective contract date and

i. at least 30 days before the contract start date, the institution may retain up to 10% of the tuition due under the student enrolment contract, to a maximum of $1000.

ii. less than 30 days before the contract start date, the institution may retain up to 20% of the tuition due under the student enrolment contract, to a maximum of $1300.

b. after the contract start date

i. but before 11% of the hours of instruction to be provided during the contract term have been provided, the institution may retain up to 30% of the tuition due under the student enrolment contract.

ii.and after 10% but before 30% of the hours of instruction to be provided during the contract term have been provided, the institution may retain up to 50% of the tuition due under the student enrolment contract.

5. Unless the program is provided solely through distance education, if the institution provides a notice of dismissal to a student and the date the institution delivers the notice to the student is:

a. before 10% of the hours of instruction to be provided during the contract term have been provided, the institution may retain up to 30% of the tuition due under the student enrolment contract..

b. after 10% but before 30% of the hours of instruction to be provided during the contract term have been provided, the institution may retain up to 50% of the tuition due under the student enrolment contract.

6. The institution will refund fees charged for course materials paid for but not received if the student provides a notice of withdrawal to the institution or the institution provides a a notice of dismissal ot the student.

7. Refunds required under this policy will be paid to the student, or a person who paid the tuition or fees on behalf of the student, within 30 days:

a. of the date the institution receives a students notice of withdrawal.

b. of the date the institution provides a notice of dismissal to the student.

c. of the date that the registrar provides notice to the institution that the institution is not complying with section 1C of this policy or 2

d. after the first 30% of the hours of instruction if section 3 of this policy applies.

8. If an international student delivers a copy of a refusal of a study permit to the institution, sections 1a 1b 4 7 & 8 of this policy apply as if the copy of the refusal were a notice of withdrawal, unless:

a. the international student requests an additional letter of acceptance for the same program that was the subject of the refusal of a study permit or

b. the program is provided solely through distance education

There will be a 2.5% fee if paying by credit card

Media Release:

You grant permission to DIVESAFE International (a division of Korol Marine Services Ltd.) to use your name and/or media images, including voice, photographs, video, and other forms of media in brochures, newsletters, magazines, electronic media and any other forms of media. You hereby waiver any right to inspect or approve the finished photographs or printed or electronic matter that may be used in conjunction with them now or in the future, whether that use is known to you or unknown, and you waive any right to royalties or other compensation arising from or related to the use of the photographs, video or voice items. You hereby agree to release, defend and hold harmless, DiveSafe International (a division of Korol Marine Services Ltd.) and subordinates, including any firm publishing and/or distributing the finished product in whole or in part, whether on paper or via electronic media, from and against any claims, damages or liability arising from or related to the used of the said materials, including but not limited to any misuse, distortion, blurring, alteration, optical illusion or use in composite form, either intentionally or otherwise, that may occur or be produced in taking processing, reduction or production of the finished product, its publication or distribution.


PARKING - Parking fees do NOT apply while at the Divers Guesthouse or at the DIVESAFE office/classrooms.

PARKING - Parking fees DO apply to the Discovery Marina at $5/day.

Apply for the Divers Guesthouse at https://waiver.smartwaiver.com/w/rqbhve2bwe2ogjhvugxsqq/web/

Please note that alcohol and drugs are not permitted on any DiveSafe property at any time.

By signing this document I, the undersigned, have read and fully understand these policies and all its terms. I execute this signature voluntarily and with full knowledge of its significance. 

Ninth Participant's Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*
Ninth Participant's Date of Birth*
Ninth Participant's Information
Gender *
Canadian or International Student? *

If your are an international student: Citizenship: *
Do you have a recreational diving certification? *
You may voluntarily provide the personal information for the 3 questions listed below: Do you identify yourself as an Indigenous person, that is, First Nations, Métis, or Inuit? *
If you answered "Yes", please indicate if you are:
First Nations.
Do you have a long-term physical or mental health condition that limits the kind of activity that you can perform on a daily basis?*
Are you receiving funding for the program of study? *

If other:
Are you applying for the Divers Guesthouse? *


Please be advised that under the section 61 of Private Training Act, the registrar is authorized to collect, use and disclose personal information in accordance with the registrars regulatory duties under that Act. Accordingly, this institution is authorized to disclose your personal information to the registrar for regulatory purposes.

I consent to the sharing, in accordance with the applicable Provincial privacy legislation, of my enrolment and reporting information between DIVESAFE International and Immigration, refugees and Citizenship Canada, as necessary, for the purposes of the International Student Program. I consent to the sharing of student grades with potential employers. I consent to the parameters of this contract.

Type YES in the box below to confirm you understand this policy *

Student Statement of Rights

DiveSafe International is certified with the Private Training Institutions Branch (PTIB) of the British Columbia Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Training.

Before you enrol at a certified private training institution, you should be aware of your rights and responsibilities.

You have the right to be treated fairly and respectfully by the institution.

You have the right to a student enrolment contract that includes the following information:

* amount of tuition and any additional fee for your program

* if your program includes a work experience, the requirements to participate in the work experience and the geographic area where it will be provided

* whether the program was approved by PTIB or does not require approval.

Make sure you read the contract before signing. The institution must provide you with a signed copy.

You have the right to access the institution’s dispute resolution process and to be protected against retaliation for making a complaint.

You have the right to make a claim to PTIB for a tuition refund if:

* your institution ceased to hold a certificate before you completed an approved program

* you were misled about a significant aspect of your approved program.

You must file the claim within one year of completing, being dismissed or withdrawing from your program.

For more information about PTIB and how to be an informed student, go to:



1. if the institution receives tuition from the student, or a person on behalf of the student, the institution will refund the student, or the person who paid on behalf of the student, the tuition that was paid in relation to the program in which the student is enrolled if:

a. the institution receives a notice of withdrawal from the student no later than seven days after the the effective contract date and before the contract start date;

b. the student, or the student's parent or legal guardian, signs the student enrolment contract seven days or less before the contract start date and the institution receives a notice of withdrawal from the student between the date the student, or the students parent or legal guardian, signed the student enrolment contract and the contract start date; or

c. the student does not attend a work experience component and the institution does not provide all of the hours of instruction of the work experience component within 30 days of the contract end date.

2. The institution will refund the tuition for the program and all related fees paid by the student or a person on behalf of the student enrolled in the program if the student is enrolled in the program without having met the admission requirements and did not misrepresent his or her knowledge or skills when applying for admission.

3. If a student does not attend any of the first 30% of the hours of instruction to be provided by the contract term, the institution may retain up to 50% of the tuition paid under the student enrolment contract unless the program is provided solely through distance education.

4. Unless the program is provided solely through distance education, if the institution receives a notice of withdrawal from a student:

a. more than 7 days after the effective contract date and

i. at least 30 days before the contract start date, the institution may retain up to 10% of the tuition due under the student enrolment contract, to a maximum of $1000.

ii. less than 30 days before the contract start date, the institution may retain up to 20% of the tuition due under the student enrolment contract, to a maximum of $1300.

b. after the contract start date

i. but before 11% of the hours of instruction to be provided during the contract term have been provided, the institution may retain up to 30% of the tuition due under the student enrolment contract.

ii.and after 10% but before 30% of the hours of instruction to be provided during the contract term have been provided, the institution may retain up to 50% of the tuition due under the student enrolment contract.

5. Unless the program is provided solely through distance education, if the institution provides a notice of dismissal to a student and the date the institution delivers the notice to the student is:

a. before 10% of the hours of instruction to be provided during the contract term have been provided, the institution may retain up to 30% of the tuition due under the student enrolment contract..

b. after 10% but before 30% of the hours of instruction to be provided during the contract term have been provided, the institution may retain up to 50% of the tuition due under the student enrolment contract.

6. The institution will refund fees charged for course materials paid for but not received if the student provides a notice of withdrawal to the institution or the institution provides a a notice of dismissal ot the student.

7. Refunds required under this policy will be paid to the student, or a person who paid the tuition or fees on behalf of the student, within 30 days:

a. of the date the institution receives a students notice of withdrawal.

b. of the date the institution provides a notice of dismissal to the student.

c. of the date that the registrar provides notice to the institution that the institution is not complying with section 1C of this policy or 2

d. after the first 30% of the hours of instruction if section 3 of this policy applies.

8. If an international student delivers a copy of a refusal of a study permit to the institution, sections 1a 1b 4 7 & 8 of this policy apply as if the copy of the refusal were a notice of withdrawal, unless:

a. the international student requests an additional letter of acceptance for the same program that was the subject of the refusal of a study permit or

b. the program is provided solely through distance education

There will be a 2.5% fee if paying by credit card

Media Release:

You grant permission to DIVESAFE International (a division of Korol Marine Services Ltd.) to use your name and/or media images, including voice, photographs, video, and other forms of media in brochures, newsletters, magazines, electronic media and any other forms of media. You hereby waiver any right to inspect or approve the finished photographs or printed or electronic matter that may be used in conjunction with them now or in the future, whether that use is known to you or unknown, and you waive any right to royalties or other compensation arising from or related to the use of the photographs, video or voice items. You hereby agree to release, defend and hold harmless, DiveSafe International (a division of Korol Marine Services Ltd.) and subordinates, including any firm publishing and/or distributing the finished product in whole or in part, whether on paper or via electronic media, from and against any claims, damages or liability arising from or related to the used of the said materials, including but not limited to any misuse, distortion, blurring, alteration, optical illusion or use in composite form, either intentionally or otherwise, that may occur or be produced in taking processing, reduction or production of the finished product, its publication or distribution.


PARKING - Parking fees do NOT apply while at the Divers Guesthouse or at the DIVESAFE office/classrooms.

PARKING - Parking fees DO apply to the Discovery Marina at $5/day.

Apply for the Divers Guesthouse at https://waiver.smartwaiver.com/w/rqbhve2bwe2ogjhvugxsqq/web/

Please note that alcohol and drugs are not permitted on any DiveSafe property at any time.

By signing this document I, the undersigned, have read and fully understand these policies and all its terms. I execute this signature voluntarily and with full knowledge of its significance. 

Tenth Participant's Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*
Tenth Participant's Date of Birth*
Tenth Participant's Information
Gender *
Canadian or International Student? *

If your are an international student: Citizenship: *
Do you have a recreational diving certification? *
You may voluntarily provide the personal information for the 3 questions listed below: Do you identify yourself as an Indigenous person, that is, First Nations, Métis, or Inuit? *
If you answered "Yes", please indicate if you are:
First Nations.
Do you have a long-term physical or mental health condition that limits the kind of activity that you can perform on a daily basis?*
Are you receiving funding for the program of study? *

If other:
Are you applying for the Divers Guesthouse? *


Please be advised that under the section 61 of Private Training Act, the registrar is authorized to collect, use and disclose personal information in accordance with the registrars regulatory duties under that Act. Accordingly, this institution is authorized to disclose your personal information to the registrar for regulatory purposes.

I consent to the sharing, in accordance with the applicable Provincial privacy legislation, of my enrolment and reporting information between DIVESAFE International and Immigration, refugees and Citizenship Canada, as necessary, for the purposes of the International Student Program. I consent to the sharing of student grades with potential employers. I consent to the parameters of this contract.

Type YES in the box below to confirm you understand this policy *

Student Statement of Rights

DiveSafe International is certified with the Private Training Institutions Branch (PTIB) of the British Columbia Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Training.

Before you enrol at a certified private training institution, you should be aware of your rights and responsibilities.

You have the right to be treated fairly and respectfully by the institution.

You have the right to a student enrolment contract that includes the following information:

* amount of tuition and any additional fee for your program

* if your program includes a work experience, the requirements to participate in the work experience and the geographic area where it will be provided

* whether the program was approved by PTIB or does not require approval.

Make sure you read the contract before signing. The institution must provide you with a signed copy.

You have the right to access the institution’s dispute resolution process and to be protected against retaliation for making a complaint.

You have the right to make a claim to PTIB for a tuition refund if:

* your institution ceased to hold a certificate before you completed an approved program

* you were misled about a significant aspect of your approved program.

You must file the claim within one year of completing, being dismissed or withdrawing from your program.

For more information about PTIB and how to be an informed student, go to:



1. if the institution receives tuition from the student, or a person on behalf of the student, the institution will refund the student, or the person who paid on behalf of the student, the tuition that was paid in relation to the program in which the student is enrolled if:

a. the institution receives a notice of withdrawal from the student no later than seven days after the the effective contract date and before the contract start date;

b. the student, or the student's parent or legal guardian, signs the student enrolment contract seven days or less before the contract start date and the institution receives a notice of withdrawal from the student between the date the student, or the students parent or legal guardian, signed the student enrolment contract and the contract start date; or

c. the student does not attend a work experience component and the institution does not provide all of the hours of instruction of the work experience component within 30 days of the contract end date.

2. The institution will refund the tuition for the program and all related fees paid by the student or a person on behalf of the student enrolled in the program if the student is enrolled in the program without having met the admission requirements and did not misrepresent his or her knowledge or skills when applying for admission.

3. If a student does not attend any of the first 30% of the hours of instruction to be provided by the contract term, the institution may retain up to 50% of the tuition paid under the student enrolment contract unless the program is provided solely through distance education.

4. Unless the program is provided solely through distance education, if the institution receives a notice of withdrawal from a student:

a. more than 7 days after the effective contract date and

i. at least 30 days before the contract start date, the institution may retain up to 10% of the tuition due under the student enrolment contract, to a maximum of $1000.

ii. less than 30 days before the contract start date, the institution may retain up to 20% of the tuition due under the student enrolment contract, to a maximum of $1300.

b. after the contract start date

i. but before 11% of the hours of instruction to be provided during the contract term have been provided, the institution may retain up to 30% of the tuition due under the student enrolment contract.

ii.and after 10% but before 30% of the hours of instruction to be provided during the contract term have been provided, the institution may retain up to 50% of the tuition due under the student enrolment contract.

5. Unless the program is provided solely through distance education, if the institution provides a notice of dismissal to a student and the date the institution delivers the notice to the student is:

a. before 10% of the hours of instruction to be provided during the contract term have been provided, the institution may retain up to 30% of the tuition due under the student enrolment contract..

b. after 10% but before 30% of the hours of instruction to be provided during the contract term have been provided, the institution may retain up to 50% of the tuition due under the student enrolment contract.

6. The institution will refund fees charged for course materials paid for but not received if the student provides a notice of withdrawal to the institution or the institution provides a a notice of dismissal ot the student.

7. Refunds required under this policy will be paid to the student, or a person who paid the tuition or fees on behalf of the student, within 30 days:

a. of the date the institution receives a students notice of withdrawal.

b. of the date the institution provides a notice of dismissal to the student.

c. of the date that the registrar provides notice to the institution that the institution is not complying with section 1C of this policy or 2

d. after the first 30% of the hours of instruction if section 3 of this policy applies.

8. If an international student delivers a copy of a refusal of a study permit to the institution, sections 1a 1b 4 7 & 8 of this policy apply as if the copy of the refusal were a notice of withdrawal, unless:

a. the international student requests an additional letter of acceptance for the same program that was the subject of the refusal of a study permit or

b. the program is provided solely through distance education

There will be a 2.5% fee if paying by credit card

Media Release:

You grant permission to DIVESAFE International (a division of Korol Marine Services Ltd.) to use your name and/or media images, including voice, photographs, video, and other forms of media in brochures, newsletters, magazines, electronic media and any other forms of media. You hereby waiver any right to inspect or approve the finished photographs or printed or electronic matter that may be used in conjunction with them now or in the future, whether that use is known to you or unknown, and you waive any right to royalties or other compensation arising from or related to the use of the photographs, video or voice items. You hereby agree to release, defend and hold harmless, DiveSafe International (a division of Korol Marine Services Ltd.) and subordinates, including any firm publishing and/or distributing the finished product in whole or in part, whether on paper or via electronic media, from and against any claims, damages or liability arising from or related to the used of the said materials, including but not limited to any misuse, distortion, blurring, alteration, optical illusion or use in composite form, either intentionally or otherwise, that may occur or be produced in taking processing, reduction or production of the finished product, its publication or distribution.


PARKING - Parking fees do NOT apply while at the Divers Guesthouse or at the DIVESAFE office/classrooms.

PARKING - Parking fees DO apply to the Discovery Marina at $5/day.

Apply for the Divers Guesthouse at https://waiver.smartwaiver.com/w/rqbhve2bwe2ogjhvugxsqq/web/

Please note that alcohol and drugs are not permitted on any DiveSafe property at any time.

By signing this document I, the undersigned, have read and fully understand these policies and all its terms. I execute this signature voluntarily and with full knowledge of its significance. 

Participant's Address
Address Line 1:*
Street address, P.O. box, company name, c/o
Address Line 2:
Apartment, suite, unit, building, floor, etc.
Parent or Guardian's Email Address


Confirm Email*
Check to receive information, news, and discounts by e-mail.
Emergency Contact

First Name*

Last Name*

Emergency Contact's Phone Number*

Emergency Contact's Relation to Participant
Prepatory Week - Starts 1 week before the Commercial SCUBA Course- Students must attend if you DO NOT have 20 logged and signed drysuit dives.

A prerequisite for the Commerical SCUBA Course is 20 logged dives minimum. Applicants without the prerequisite will be signed up for Prep Week, where they will complete these dives with DiveSafe one week prior to their course start date.  Cost $895

In order to skip Prep Week, you must provide the following:

-20 logged dives totalling a minimum of 10 hours of diving

-All dives done in a drysuit

-Within the past year

-Signed by a dive partner

-Logged in a recreational logbook (we will not accept computer logs)

Please select from the drop down menu.*
Padi Open Water

A prerequisite for the Commercial SCUBA course is to have a recreational dive ticket. DiveSafe offers the Padi Open Water course 2 weeks before the course start date. Please indicate below if you require Padi Open Water YES or NO. Cost $795

I need the Padi Open Water Course offered through DiveSafe $795*
Will you be purchasing through DiveSafe (students get 10% discount on equipment purchases)
Click to customize multiple option*
No, I have gear already
purchasing some equipment with DiveSafe
purchasing elsewhere
Parent(s) or Court-Appointed Legal Guardian(s) must sign for any participating minor (those under 18 years of age) and agree that they and the minor are subject to all the terms of this document, as set forth above.

By signing below the Parent or Court-Appointed Legal Guardian agrees that they are also subject to all the terms of this document, as set forth above.
Parent or Guardian's Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*

Parent or Guardian's Date of Birth*
Parent or Guardian's Information
Gender *
Canadian or International Student? *

If your are an international student: Citizenship: *
Do you have a recreational diving certification? *
You may voluntarily provide the personal information for the 3 questions listed below: Do you identify yourself as an Indigenous person, that is, First Nations, Métis, or Inuit? *
If you answered "Yes", please indicate if you are:
First Nations.
Do you have a long-term physical or mental health condition that limits the kind of activity that you can perform on a daily basis?*
Are you receiving funding for the program of study? *

If other:
Are you applying for the Divers Guesthouse? *


Please be advised that under the section 61 of Private Training Act, the registrar is authorized to collect, use and disclose personal information in accordance with the registrars regulatory duties under that Act. Accordingly, this institution is authorized to disclose your personal information to the registrar for regulatory purposes.

I consent to the sharing, in accordance with the applicable Provincial privacy legislation, of my enrolment and reporting information between DIVESAFE International and Immigration, refugees and Citizenship Canada, as necessary, for the purposes of the International Student Program. I consent to the sharing of student grades with potential employers. I consent to the parameters of this contract.

Type YES in the box below to confirm you understand this policy *

Student Statement of Rights

DiveSafe International is certified with the Private Training Institutions Branch (PTIB) of the British Columbia Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Training.

Before you enrol at a certified private training institution, you should be aware of your rights and responsibilities.

You have the right to be treated fairly and respectfully by the institution.

You have the right to a student enrolment contract that includes the following information:

* amount of tuition and any additional fee for your program

* if your program includes a work experience, the requirements to participate in the work experience and the geographic area where it will be provided

* whether the program was approved by PTIB or does not require approval.

Make sure you read the contract before signing. The institution must provide you with a signed copy.

You have the right to access the institution’s dispute resolution process and to be protected against retaliation for making a complaint.

You have the right to make a claim to PTIB for a tuition refund if:

* your institution ceased to hold a certificate before you completed an approved program

* you were misled about a significant aspect of your approved program.

You must file the claim within one year of completing, being dismissed or withdrawing from your program.

For more information about PTIB and how to be an informed student, go to:



1. if the institution receives tuition from the student, or a person on behalf of the student, the institution will refund the student, or the person who paid on behalf of the student, the tuition that was paid in relation to the program in which the student is enrolled if:

a. the institution receives a notice of withdrawal from the student no later than seven days after the the effective contract date and before the contract start date;

b. the student, or the student's parent or legal guardian, signs the student enrolment contract seven days or less before the contract start date and the institution receives a notice of withdrawal from the student between the date the student, or the students parent or legal guardian, signed the student enrolment contract and the contract start date; or

c. the student does not attend a work experience component and the institution does not provide all of the hours of instruction of the work experience component within 30 days of the contract end date.

2. The institution will refund the tuition for the program and all related fees paid by the student or a person on behalf of the student enrolled in the program if the student is enrolled in the program without having met the admission requirements and did not misrepresent his or her knowledge or skills when applying for admission.

3. If a student does not attend any of the first 30% of the hours of instruction to be provided by the contract term, the institution may retain up to 50% of the tuition paid under the student enrolment contract unless the program is provided solely through distance education.

4. Unless the program is provided solely through distance education, if the institution receives a notice of withdrawal from a student:

a. more than 7 days after the effective contract date and

i. at least 30 days before the contract start date, the institution may retain up to 10% of the tuition due under the student enrolment contract, to a maximum of $1000.

ii. less than 30 days before the contract start date, the institution may retain up to 20% of the tuition due under the student enrolment contract, to a maximum of $1300.

b. after the contract start date

i. but before 11% of the hours of instruction to be provided during the contract term have been provided, the institution may retain up to 30% of the tuition due under the student enrolment contract.

ii.and after 10% but before 30% of the hours of instruction to be provided during the contract term have been provided, the institution may retain up to 50% of the tuition due under the student enrolment contract.

5. Unless the program is provided solely through distance education, if the institution provides a notice of dismissal to a student and the date the institution delivers the notice to the student is:

a. before 10% of the hours of instruction to be provided during the contract term have been provided, the institution may retain up to 30% of the tuition due under the student enrolment contract..

b. after 10% but before 30% of the hours of instruction to be provided during the contract term have been provided, the institution may retain up to 50% of the tuition due under the student enrolment contract.

6. The institution will refund fees charged for course materials paid for but not received if the student provides a notice of withdrawal to the institution or the institution provides a a notice of dismissal ot the student.

7. Refunds required under this policy will be paid to the student, or a person who paid the tuition or fees on behalf of the student, within 30 days:

a. of the date the institution receives a students notice of withdrawal.

b. of the date the institution provides a notice of dismissal to the student.

c. of the date that the registrar provides notice to the institution that the institution is not complying with section 1C of this policy or 2

d. after the first 30% of the hours of instruction if section 3 of this policy applies.

8. If an international student delivers a copy of a refusal of a study permit to the institution, sections 1a 1b 4 7 & 8 of this policy apply as if the copy of the refusal were a notice of withdrawal, unless:

a. the international student requests an additional letter of acceptance for the same program that was the subject of the refusal of a study permit or

b. the program is provided solely through distance education

There will be a 2.5% fee if paying by credit card

Media Release:

You grant permission to DIVESAFE International (a division of Korol Marine Services Ltd.) to use your name and/or media images, including voice, photographs, video, and other forms of media in brochures, newsletters, magazines, electronic media and any other forms of media. You hereby waiver any right to inspect or approve the finished photographs or printed or electronic matter that may be used in conjunction with them now or in the future, whether that use is known to you or unknown, and you waive any right to royalties or other compensation arising from or related to the use of the photographs, video or voice items. You hereby agree to release, defend and hold harmless, DiveSafe International (a division of Korol Marine Services Ltd.) and subordinates, including any firm publishing and/or distributing the finished product in whole or in part, whether on paper or via electronic media, from and against any claims, damages or liability arising from or related to the used of the said materials, including but not limited to any misuse, distortion, blurring, alteration, optical illusion or use in composite form, either intentionally or otherwise, that may occur or be produced in taking processing, reduction or production of the finished product, its publication or distribution.


PARKING - Parking fees do NOT apply while at the Divers Guesthouse or at the DIVESAFE office/classrooms.

PARKING - Parking fees DO apply to the Discovery Marina at $5/day.

Apply for the Divers Guesthouse at https://waiver.smartwaiver.com/w/rqbhve2bwe2ogjhvugxsqq/web/

Please note that alcohol and drugs are not permitted on any DiveSafe property at any time.

By signing this document I, the undersigned, have read and fully understand these policies and all its terms. I execute this signature voluntarily and with full knowledge of its significance. 

Parent or Guardian's Signature*
Electronic Signature Consent*
By checking here, you are consenting to the use of your electronic signature in lieu of an original signature on paper.

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