
Northern Colorado Rod & Gun Club (NCRGC)

2024/2025 Household Membership Application

NCRGC Household Membership Application


1. Please read all the instructions before completing this application. Most questions and mistakes are because members fail to read the instructions. If after reading the instructions you still have a question, please email membership@ncrgc.org and allow 1-2 business days for a response. Business days do not included weekends and holidays. 

2. CURRENT MEMBERS: Membership renewal takes place in July each year (July 1st to midnight on July 31st). Per the Bylaws, current members must complete all renewal actions (payment and application) by July 31st each year or they will forfeit their membership. There are no exceptions to this policy and if you miss the July 31st deadline, your only option is to reapply as a new member. Do not send the renewal link to anyone. We verify each application and if someone applies who is not a current member their application will be rejected and they will forfeit any monies paid. Likewise, whoever sent them the link will lose their opportunity to renew and they will forfeit any monies paid. 

3. NEW MEMBERS: Our annual open enrollment period starts on August 5th at 7 pm and it will remain open until all 800 slots are filled. You must complete all enrollment actions (payment and application) to be considered for enrollment. There is no guarantee as once the Club reaches 800 members, the enrollment period is over for that year. Additionally, new members must attend a safety orientation or they will forfeit their opportunity to join the Club along with any monies paid. 

4. Current members, please have your badge with you when you complete this application as you will need your five digit member number. New members leave blank as you will not be assigned a badge number until you attend a safety orientation. 

5. The Board-approved dues and fees for the membership year (September 1st to August 31st) are as follows:

  • Membership Dues: $150
  • Capital Improvement Fee: $150 (one-time fee for new members only). 
  • Range Cleanup Fee: $125 (charged to members who do not complete a range cleanup).
  • Lost Badge Fee: $25 
  • Instructor Program Fee: $150 (separate application process).

6. The adult completing this application will be designated as the Regular member and the spouse will be designated as the Associate member. An Associate member is entitled to all the rights, privileges and responsibilities of the Regular member with the exception of the right to vote on matters concerning the Club or to hold an elected office.

7. Badges are non-transferable and must not be shared.

8. The new gate combo goes into effect on September 1st each year so keep your old badge with you until then. 

9. All applicable blocks on this application must be completed. There is space for information on your spouse and children. If you are single, please leave these spaces blank.

10. We no longer require you to confirm your email address so be sure to type it correctly on the application.

11. Badges will be mailed to current members the second week in August. Please contact membership@ncrgc.org if you do not receive your badge by August 31st. New members will receive their badges at the safety orientation. 


Next you must AGREE to the HOUSEHOLD MEMBERSHIP POLICY, GUEST POLICY, HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT and RANGE SAFETY RULES. Please read this information carefully as you are accountable for knowing and following the rules. Thank you! 



The Club offers one type of membership--a Household membership is offered to:

  • Adult 18 years of age or older who can legally possess a firearm,
  • Their Spouse (by marriage or civil union recognized under Colorado law), and
  • Any children under 18 years of age (by blood or adoption, who are residents of the Adult's household, including a ward or foster child).

The adult is designated as the Regular member and the spouse is designated as the Associate member. Children under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a badged Regular or Associate member at all times while on Club property. Badges are issued to Regular and Associate members who complete a waiver and agree to follow the Range Safety Rules. Unexpired badges are club property and MUST be returned if requested upon suspension or early termination of membership. Failure to return badge(s) upon request may result in disciplinary action that could include cost of re-badging entire membership. The Board can set additional requirements for the issuance of badges (e.g., required safety orientations for new members). An Associate member is entitled to all the rights, privileges and responsibilities of the Regular member with the exception of the right to vote on matters concerning the Club or to hold an elected office. Badges are non-transferable and must not be shared.

I Agree
to follow the Household Membership Policy



A Household membership is authorized to bring a total of twelve (12) guests per year with no more than two (2) guests per visit, per badged Regular or Associate member. Regular and Associate members must accompany their guests at all times while on Club property. If only one Regular or Associate member with a badge are present, then only two (2) guests can be brought at one time. If both the Regular and Associate members with badges are present, then four (4) guests can be brought at one time. The Regular or Associate member is responsible for ensuring that guest waivers are completed, range safety rules are followed, and guest badges are worn. Guest badges are non-transferrable and good only for one day. Subsequent visits require a new waiver and badge. Failure to follow the guest policy constitutes a serious safety violation which may result in suspension or expulsion. 

I Agree
to follow the Guest Policy



In return for instruction in the use of firearms, use of the premises, membership in, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, intending to be bound hereby, I agree to the following:

  1. I agree to indemnify, hold harmless and defend the Northern Colorado Rod & Gun Club, the Weaver Ranch, and any of their employees, directors, officers, or agents (hereinafter collectively the “NCRGC”) from any and all fault, liability, costs, expenses, claims, demands, lawsuits or causes of action arising out of, related to or connected with the discharge of firearms, the course of instruction, the NCRGC’s range, buildings, land and premises (hereinafter, the “Premises”) and my presence on or use of said Premises. Should any such claim, demand, or lawsuit arise or be asserted in any way whatsoever, whether arising under the laws of the United States, the State of Colorado or under any theory of law or equity, I will indemnify, hold harmless and defend NCRGC, from any and all costs, expenses or liability including but not limited to, the cost of any settlement or judgment made or rendered against NCRGC, whether individually or jointly with me together with all costs of court and other costs or expenses, including attorneys’ fees, incurred in connection with any such claim demand or lawsuit.
  2. I also waive for myself, my heirs, executors, administrators and personal representatives any and all rights and claims for damages, losses, demands and any other actions whatsoever which I may have or which may arise against NCRGC, including, but not limited to, any and all injuries, damages or illnesses suffered by me or to my property, which may, in any way whatsoever, arise out of, be related to or be connected with any course of instruction, the Premises, my presence on or use of said Premises, my property (whether or not entrusted to NCRGC) and the discharge of firearms. I recognize that the use of firearms carries inherent risks of personal injury or death and my participation in any activity described above may subject me to such risk. It is my intention to waive and release NCRGC from any such claims.
  3. I further expressly assume the risk of entering the Premises and of taking part in activities on the Premises which include, but are not limited to, the discharge of firearms and the firing of live ammunition.
  4. I have read and understand this agreement and no representation has been made to me which in any way contravenes any provision of this agreement. No modification of this Agreement may be made unless in writing signed by the parties.
  5. I agree to abide by all NCRGC Range Safety Rules and procedures.
  6. I agree that whenever possible each provision of this instrument shall be interpreted in such manner as to be effective and valid under applicable law but if any provision shall be prohibited by or deemed invalid under law, such provision shall be ineffective to the extent of such prohibition of invalidity without invalidating the remainder of such provision or the remaining provisions of this instrument. I agree that this instrument shall be construed under the law of the State of Colorado.

I Agree
to the Hold Harmless Agreement



Administrative Range Rules

  • Use of this Club is restricted to members and escorted guests, except for participation in events open to the general public.
  • Keep the gate locked upon entry and exit, except when a sign is posted for public events.
  • Wear your ID badge so that it is visible at all times.
  • You are responsible for your family members and guests. Maximum twelve guests per year, no more than two guests per visit, per badged Regular or Associate member.     
  • Dogs or other pets, with the exception of certified service dogs, are not allowed on the Weaver Ranch.
  • Conduct yourself in a manner that is responsible and respectful to the Weaver Ranch, Club property and other members.
  • Participate in at least one range cleanup each year (fee charged if you do not participate).
  • The hours of operation are sunrise to sunset.
  • Smoking (including vaping), alcohol, and drugs (including recreational) are not allowed on Club property. 
  • Presence of livestock or wildlife on or in vicinity of any range closes the range. 
  • Call 911 in the event of an emergency and then notify the Chief Range Safety Officer.

Gun Handling Rules

  • Always keep the gun pointed in a safe direction. 
  • Always keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot. 
  • Always keep the gun unloaded until ready to use. 
  • Yell out “CEASE FIRE” if you see an unsafe condition.
  • Know your target and what is beyond. 
  • Be sure the gun is safe to operate.
  • Know how to use the gun safely. 
  • Use only the correct ammunition for your gun. 
  • Wear eye and ear protection. 
  • Never use alcohol or drugs before or while shooting. 
  • Store guns so they are not accessible to unauthorized persons. 
  • Be aware that certain types of guns and many shooting activities require additional safety precautions.

General & Specific Range Rules – Pistol Range

  • Handguns only—semi-auto, revolver, air, black powder, etc. No rifles or shotguns.
  • Pistol Caliber Carbines (PCCs) and braces of any type are not allowed on the Pistol Range.
  • Raise range flag when range is in use. Lower range flag when range is not in use.  
  • Communicate with all shooters when range is HOT and when range is COLD. Double check!
  • When range is HOT, you may handle and discharge your firearm. Stay behind red firing line.
  • When range is COLD, do not touch firearm, magazine, etc. Stay behind yellow ready line. 
  • SAFE your firearm before going COLD. Remove magazine, empty cylinder, open action and leave facing up, point muzzle downrange, engage safety (if applicable), and bench firearm.   
  • Yell CEASE FIRE if you believe an unsafe condition exists or a safety infraction has occurred.
  • If you hear CEASE FIRE, stop firing, keep muzzle pointed downrange, and await instructions.  
  • Armor piercing, tracer, explosive, or incendiary ammunition and targets are prohibited.
  • Shoot only in your designated lane (no cross shooting). Know where others are at all times.
  • Shoot only at pre-made cardboard targets or commercial steel at base of backstop berm. 
  • Do not shoot at target frames, holders, guardrails, posts, cover, livestock, wildlife, etc.
  • Drawing from holsters is allowed on shooting stations 1 through 5 only.
  • Keep your range clean—pick up spent casings, misfired ammunition, used targets, and trash.
  • Failure to observe these rules is cause for suspension or expulsion from the Club.

General & Specific Range Rules – Rifle Range

  • Rifles allowed on all shooting lanes. Handguns and shotguns allowed on lanes 1 – 10 only.
  • Pistol Caliber Carbines (PCCs) are allowed on the Rifle Range.
  • Fully automatic, echo triggers, burst, or bump firing is not allowed. 
  • You can shoot the numbered steel lane markers (muzzle velocity must be less than 3,000 fps on lanes 1 - 10).  
  • Raise range flag when range is in use. Lower range flag when range is not in use.
  • Communicate with all shooters when range is HOT and when range is COLD. Double check!
  • When range is HOT, you may handle and discharge your firearm. Stay behind red firing line.
  • When range is COLD, do not touch firearm, magazine, etc. Stay behind yellow ready line.
  • SAFE your firearm before going COLD. Remove magazine, empty cylinder, open action and leave facing up, point muzzle downrange, engage safety (if applicable), and bench firearm. 
  • Yell CEASE FIRE if you believe an unsafe condition exists or a safety infraction has occurred.
  • If you hear CEASE FIRE, stop firing, keep muzzle pointed downrange, and await instructions.
  • Armor piercing, tracer, explosive, or incendiary ammunition and targets are prohibited.
  • Shoot only in your designated lane (no cross shooting). Know where others are at all times.
  • Shoot only at authorized targets—no glass, clays, loose particle board, rocks, or metal objects, except commercial steel targets placed at least 25 yards in front of firing line.  
  • Do not shoot at target frames, holders, guardrails, posts, cover, livestock, wildlife, etc.
  • Keep your range clean—pick up spent casings, misfired ammunition, used targets, and trash.
  • Failure to observe these rules is cause for suspension or expulsion from the Club.

General & Specific Range Rules – Tactical Bays

  • Members are allowed to use Tactical Bays 1 and 2 during non-sanctioned events providing they are certified via the Club’s website. Keep a copy of the certification on you at all times.
  • Tactical Bays are closed when Shotgun Fields (Skeet and Trap) are in use due to potential overspray of shot. Manual Thrower can be used when Tactical Bays 1 and 2 are in use.
  • Activities allowed include drawing from a holster, crossing the firing line, engaging multiple targets, rapid fire, transition drills, various shooting positions, shooting on the move, etc.
  • Handguns only—semi-auto, revolver, air, black powder, etc. No rifles or shotguns.   
  • Range Safety Rules and Gun Handling Rules apply to the use of the Tactical Bays.
  • Only one active shooter at a time may use the bay. Know where others are at all times.
  • Raise range flag when range is in use. Lower range flag when range is not in use.  
  • Communicate with all shooters when range is HOT and when range is COLD. Double check!
  • Yell CEASE FIRE if you believe an unsafe condition exists or a safety infraction has occurred.
  • If you hear CEASE FIRE, stop firing, keep muzzle pointed downrange, and await instructions.  
  • Armor piercing, tracer, explosive, or incendiary ammunition and targets are prohibited.
  • Do not shoot at target frames, holders, guardrails, posts, cover, livestock, wildlife, etc.
  • Keep your range clean—pick up spent casings, misfired ammunition, used targets, and trash.
  • Failure to observe these rules is cause for suspension or expulsion from the Club.

General & Specific Range Rules – Shotgun Fields

  • Shotguns only with fixed stocks and target loads 7 1/2 – 9 shot only (no slugs).
  • Shotgun Fields (Skeet and Trap) are closed when Tactical Bays are in use due to potential overspray of shot. Manual Thrower can be used when Tactical Bays 1 and 2 are in use.
  • Raise range flag when range is in use. Lower range flag when range is not in use.  
  • Communicate with all shooters when range is HOT and when range is COLD. Double check!
  • Keep actions/breaches open when not on a shooting station. Reopen after shooting.
  • Do not load shotgun until you are on your station. Load from standing position.
  • Never pass in front of Skeet or Trap houses when range is HOT. 
  • Yell CEASE FIRE if you believe an unsafe condition exists or a safety infraction has occurred.
  • If you hear CEASE FIRE, stop firing, keep muzzle pointed downrange, and await instructions.  
  • Armor piercing, tracer, explosive, or incendiary ammunition and targets are prohibited.
  • Do not shoot at target frames, holders, guardrails, posts, cover, livestock, wildlife, etc.
  • Keep your range clean—pick up spent casings, misfired ammunition, used targets, and trash.
  • Failure to observe these rules is cause for suspension or expulsion from the Club.

General & Specific Range Rules – Archery Range

  • Firearms are not allowed on the Archery Range.  
  • Raise range flag when range is in use. Lower range flag when range is not in use. 
  • Yell CEASE FIRE if you believe an unsafe condition exists or a safety infraction has occurred.
  • If you hear CEASE FIRE, stop firing, keep arrow pointed downrange, and await instructions.  
  • Never use alcohol or drugs before or while shooting. 
  • Shoot only at designated targets from designated firing positions.
  • Keep your range clean—pick up used targets and trash.
  • Field point target tips only. Broadhead arrows are not allowed as they damage the targets.
  • Only authorized personnel can move targets.
  • Do not nock an arrow until you are ready to draw and shoot.
  • Do not draw your bow until you have identified your shot point and are ready to shoot.
  • For release shooters, do not place your finger near the trigger until your pin is on the shot point of your target.
  • Archery is a silent sport and so are most archers. Pay attention to signs and arrows to avoid walking into an active shooting lane.
  • Failure to observe these rules is cause for suspension or expulsion from the Club.

General & Specific Range Rules – Manual Throwers

  • Shotguns only with fixed stocks and target loads 7 1/2 – 9 shot only (no slugs).
  • Shotgun Fields (Skeet and Trap) are closed when Tactical Bays are in use due to potential overspray of shot. Manual Thrower can be used when Tactical Bays 1 and 2 are in use.
  • Raise range flag when range is in use. Lower range flag when range is not in use.  
  • Use the manual clay throwers at your own risk as they can cause serious injury.
  • Read the operating instructions and warnings in the clay storage box before use.
  • Keep hands and body outside the throwing arm path indicator areas. 
  • Load the trap magazine from the rear of the trap.
  • Shoot from the area to the left of the thrower on the platform.
  • Be aware of your line of fire and do not shoot the sheds.
  • Utilize two people for sitting-style thrower and one or two people for post-style thrower. 
  • Watch out for scatter pieces that result from cracked or broken targets.
  • When finished, secure covers on throwers, pick up all broken clays larger than a quarter and put them in the trash, and place unbroken clays in the clay storage box.   
  • Failure to observe these rules is cause for suspension or expulsion from the Club.

I Agree
to follow the Range Safety Rules 


Next you must enter information about YOURSELF (the Regular member) and your SPOUSE (the Associate member) and CHILDREN (if applicable). 

Select ADULT if you DO NOT have children under 18 years of age that reside in the household.

Select ADULT and MINOR(S) and then the # of Minors if you HAVE children under 18 years of age that reside in the household.

First Regular Member's Name

First Name*

Last Name*

First Regular Member's Age Acknowledgment*
First Regular Member's Date of Birth*
I certify that I am 18 years of age or older
First Regular Member's Signature*
Second Regular Member's Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Second Regular Member's Date of Birth*
Third Regular Member's Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Third Regular Member's Date of Birth*
Fourth Regular Member's Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Fourth Regular Member's Date of Birth*
Fifth Regular Member's Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Fifth Regular Member's Date of Birth*
Sixth Regular Member's Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Sixth Regular Member's Date of Birth*
Seventh Regular Member's Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Seventh Regular Member's Date of Birth*
Eighth Regular Member's Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Eighth Regular Member's Date of Birth*
Ninth Regular Member's Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Ninth Regular Member's Date of Birth*
Tenth Regular Member's Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Tenth Regular Member's Date of Birth*
Regular Member's Address
Address Line 1:*
Street address, P.O. box, company name, c/o
Address Line 2:
Apartment, suite, unit, building, floor, etc.
Regular Member's Email Address

A signed copy of this waiver will be sent to the email address you provide.
Member Number


5-digit number located on the front of your badge (e.g., 18xxx). Do not use the gate code. Do not leave this field blank.
Spouse (Associate Member)


Complete ONLY if you have a spouse by marriage or civil union recognized by Colorado Law.

Spouse's First Name

Spouse's Last Name

Spouse's email address


If your spouse completes a badge application and receives a badge, they will be able to come to the range without you, bring children that are part of the household membership, bring up to 2 guests per visit, etc. If your spouse does not obtain their own badge, then they must be accompanied by you and they are required to complete a guest waiver and wear a guest badge every time they visit the range. Spouses do not count against the maximum 12 guests per year. 

Federal law prohibits an adult from signing a waiver for another adult. That is why your spouse has to complete their own application. We prefer to issue badges to spouses and have the resources to do that but it is completely up to you and your spouse.  

The Member Services Coordinator (MSC) will send a reminder email to the spouses of current members who have badges asking them to re-certify their spouse badge applications by August 31st each year. If the deadline is missed, the spouse will not receive a new badge and will have to start the process over, including attending a safety orientation. 

Spouses of new members who want their own badge must attend a safety orientation and after attendance, complete the spouse badge application on the NCRGC website (Current Members tab, Spouse Badge subtab).

Mandatory Safety Orientation


New members must attend one of the safety orientations in order to receive their badge and become a member of the Club. There will be no makeup dates offered. It is mandatory that you attend a safety orientation and if you do not attend, your application will be rejected, and you will not receive a refund. Please do not complete this application if you cannot attend one of the mandatory safety orientation dates. Safety orientations are conducted at the range (4809 West CR 72, Laporte CO 80535) on the following dates unless otherwise noted:

August 31 2024  from 1 pm - 3 pm (FC Senior Center)

September 7, 2024 from 1 pm - 3 pm (NCRGC Range)

September 8, 2023 from 1 pm - 3 pm (NCRGC Range)

The Regular member must sign for any children in the Household membership (those under 18 years of age) and agree that they and the children are subject to all the terms of this document, as set forth above.

By signing below the Regular member agrees that they are also subject to all the terms of this document, as set forth above.
Regular Member's Name

First Name*

Last Name*

Regular Member's Age Acknowledgment*
Regular Member's Date of Birth*
I certify that I am 18 years of age or older
Regular Member's Signature*
Electronic Signature Consent*
By checking here, you are consenting to the use of your electronic signature in lieu of an original signature on paper. You have the right to request that you sign a paper copy instead. By checking here, you are waiving that right. After consent, you may, upon written request to us, obtain a paper copy of an electronic record. No fee will be charged for such copy and no special hardware or software is required to view it. Your agreement to use an electronic signature with us for any documents will continue until such time as you notify us in writing that you no longer wish to use an electronic signature. There is no penalty for withdrawing your consent. You should always make sure that we have a current email address in order to contact you regarding any changes, if necessary.

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