
Registration Form - Welcome to TLS!

Waiver of Liability

Emergency Medical Information and Release, Waiver of Liability

WARNING: Under Alabama Law, an equine activity sponsor or equine professional is not liable for an injury or death of a participant in equine activities resulting from the inherent risks of equine activities, pursuant to the Equine Activities Liability Protection Act

I agree to, or I agree to allow this child to, participate in activities offered by Twin Lakes Stable LLC. I understand that I, or this child, shall abide by all barn rules as a condition of participation. I am aware that equine activities may cause accident or injury as a direct or indirect result of participation. I agree to assume all risks involved in my or in this child's participation in ALL activities at Twin Lakes Stable. I further agree to release Twin Lakes Stable LLC, its owner Hannah Padgett, its employees, volunteers and agents from any responsibility should an accident occur.

I hereby authorize Twin Lakes Stable to secure medical treatment for Rider listed below in any emergency which may occur while she/he is riding or at the barn.


Effective January 1, 2021, you must cancel your lesson at least 24 hours prior to your lesson time to avoid a $25.00 cancellation charge. If you must miss your scheduled lesson for any reason, other than sickness or emergency, you will be charged if you do not contact the barn 24 hours in advance. Lessons cancelled 12 hours before their lesson time ARE eligible for make-up lessons but will still be charged a cancellation fee. Lessons cancelled less than 12 hours before their lesson time or any rider who fails to attend his or her lesson without notice (considered a “NO-SHOW”) are NOT eligible for a make-up lesson but will still be charged a cancellation fee. This cancellation policy applies to single pay lessons as well as monthly pay lessons. Your credit card will be charged for the cancellation fee if you fail to pay on (or before) the next lesson. Any rider more than 10 minutes late to their lesson will be considered a “NO-SHOW” and will forfeit that lesson and be charged a cancellation fee. Riders are required to be at the barn a minimum of fifteen minutes BEFORE their lesson starts to ensure full riding time. 


Lessons missed due to illness, injury or severe weather may be made up within 30 days of the missed lesson. Lessons can be made up during regular business hours. There is no make-up lesson for missed lessons due to “NO-SHOWS” or lessons not cancelled within the required 12-hour timeframe. There are no refunds on lessons. If you schedule a make-up lesson and cannot make it, you must call and cancel, or you forfeit the make-up lesson. You are only allowed to reschedule a make-up lesson ONE TIME. **Make-up lessons are in addition to your regular monthly lessons.**


I authorize Twin Lakes Stable to charge my credit/debit card, plus a 4% credit card fee, indicated below on the 1st of each month if my payment has not been received for lessons, training, show fees, cancellation fees or boarding in the form of cash or check.

If for any reason I must have a vet or farrier out for my horse and I do not pay prior, or within 3 days, of vet/farrier visit, I authorize Twin Lakes Stable to charge my credit/debit card for payment, plus a 4% credit card fee. 

I understand that this authorization will remain in effect until I cancel it in writing, and I agree to notify Twin Lakes Stable in writing of any changes in my account information or termination of this authorization at least 15 days prior to the next billing date. Termination of this authorization is only for clients choosing to discontinue lessons, training or boarding with Twin Lakes Stable. If the above noted payment dates fall on a weekend or holiday, I understand that the payments may be executed on the next business day. In the case of a credit card transaction being declined for any reason I understand there will be a $50 inconvenience fee or 15% late charge, whichever is greater, added to my bill. I certify that I am an authorized user of this credit card and will not dispute these scheduled transactions with my bank or credit card company: so long as the transactions correspond to the terms indicated in this authorization form.

Code of Conduct

TLS Adult & Youth Competitors

Twin Lakes Stable has always been known for our GREAT camaraderie between one another and our competitors.


TLS Equestrian Programs are designed to create an educational and competitive experience within an atmosphere of sportsmanship. TLS strives to develop and realize individual and team potential by promoting high standards of competence, character, civility and citizenship.


Given our belief that Equestrian competition provides a unique opportunity for the development of physical conditioning, athletic skill, and character traits, we expect TLS equestrians to strive for the following:


  • To develop the skills necessary to participate competently as an equestrian.
  • To demonstrate knowledge of the rules and conventions as an equestrian.
  • To demonstrate knowledge of the strategies in and out of the show arena.
  • To demonstrate a level of physical conditioning and fitness sufficient to participate competently in and out of the show arena.
  • To demonstrate knowledge of healthy behaviors including nutritional issues.
  • To understand the necessity of abstaining from the use of tobacco and other drugs in order to achieve the positive benefits of athletics and beyond.


  • To be dependable in fulfilling obligations and commitments.
  • To accept responsibility for consequences of actions; to not make excuses or blame others.
  • To strive to excel.
  • To be committed.
  • To persevere, give 100% effort and not give up in the face of setbacks.
  • To demonstrate truthfulness.
  • To control anger and frustration and refrain from displays of temper and bad language.
  • To accept losing and winning graciously; by congratulating opponents and by not sulking or displaying other negative behaviors.


  • To practice good manners in and out the ring.
  • To refrain from “trash talk” and other put-downs of opponents and teammates, especially when representing Twin Lakes as this could result in expulsion from current competition and without refund.
  • Continuous negative talk can result in suspension and/or expulsion from Twin Lakes Stable indefinitely.
  • To treat all persons respectfully, regardless of individual differences and to show respect for legitimate authority (e.g., Coaches, Trainers, Instructors).
  • To be fair and treat others as one wishes to be treated.
  • To listen to and try to understand others.
  • To be compassionate and sensitive to others.
  • To actively support teammates and others


  • To be faithful to the ideals of the Equestrian sport including sportsmanship.
  • To keep commitments to the team.
  • To show team spirit, encourage others and contribute to good morale.
  • To put the good of your team ahead of personal goals.
  • To set a good example for barn-mates, younger equestrians, supporters, and the entire Saddlebred community.

PARENT CODE (for riders under 21)

Parents play a vital role in the development of student athletes and the success of Twin Lakes’ program. Therefore, we expect parents to do the following:

  • Be a positive role model through their own actions to make sure their child has the best equestrian experience possible.
  • Be a “TEAM” fan, not a “MY KID” fan.
  • Weigh what children say; sometimes they will tend to slant the truth to their advantage.
  • Show respect for the opposing competitors, coaches, spectators and support groups.
  • Be respectful of all officials’ decisions.
  • Don’t instruct your children before or after a class, because it may conflict with the trainer/coach’s/instructors plans and strategies.
  • Praise student-athletes in their attempt to improve themselves as students, as young equestrians and as people.
  • Gain an understanding and appreciation for the rules of the sport.
  • Recognize and show appreciation for an outstanding ride by either teammate or a student from another stable.
  • Help their child learn that success is experienced in the development of their skills and that they can feel good about themselves, win or lose!
  • Take time to talk with Coaches/Instructors in an appropriate manner, including proper time and place, if there is a concern. Be sure to follow the designated chain of command and go right to the source (Coach). Refrain from voicing concerns, trash talk, negativity, bad mouthing, etc. to other parents, teammates, etc. This will not be tolerated and will result in suspension or expulsion from TLS and without refund.
  • Please reinforce our tobacco and other drug-free policies by refraining from use of any such substances before and during competition.
  • You will also be responsible for behavior and actions of additional friends, family members, etc. that are invited to attend horse shows.


  • In any situation we believe in safety first and foremost. Your coaches, trainers and instructors always have the rider’s best interest in mind.
  • Just like people, horses can have bad days too. Should a situation arise where a horse and/or rider are out of control and your trainer feels you are at risk, trainer will remove you or your child from a situation that may digress.
  • Trainers have the right to remove horse/rider from class without refunds or re-dos.
  • If you are removed from a class, the most important thing to remember is to learn from the situation at hand.
  • As a TLS rider, we like to take these situations in stride. Rise above the occasion and show your positive and willing attitude as the proud TLS equestrian that you are.

NOTE: For your safety, as well as the safety for your horse and others we are a NO TOLERANCE team and barn. We expect every Equestrian Adult & Child athlete in our program to abide by all the rules and regulations developed for each individual and individual team. For any violation of the Code of Conduct or any other rule or regulation of the TLS, equestrian athlete may be subject to discipline, including, but not limited to, exclusion from extracurricular activities, suspension, and/or expulsion, consistent with rules, regulation, and TLS policies.

I have read the Code of Conduct put forth by Twin Lakes Stable and agree to abide by such rules. As a rider, and/or parent, I understand the consequences of not abiding by Twin Lakes’ Code of Conduct and will not engage in trash talk, and/or slander, should I be expelled or asked to leave. 

Today's date: October 25, 2024

First Rider's Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*

First Rider's Date of Birth*
First Rider's Information



Are there any special medical conditions that we need to be aware of?

Name of Rider’s Physician:


How did you learn about Twin Lakes Stable?
First Rider's Signature*
Second Rider's Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*
Second Rider's Date of Birth*
Second Rider's Information



Are there any special medical conditions that we need to be aware of?

Name of Rider’s Physician:


How did you learn about Twin Lakes Stable?
Third Rider's Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*
Third Rider's Date of Birth*
Third Rider's Information



Are there any special medical conditions that we need to be aware of?

Name of Rider’s Physician:


How did you learn about Twin Lakes Stable?
Fourth Rider's Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*
Fourth Rider's Date of Birth*
Fourth Rider's Information



Are there any special medical conditions that we need to be aware of?

Name of Rider’s Physician:


How did you learn about Twin Lakes Stable?
Fifth Rider's Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*
Fifth Rider's Date of Birth*
Fifth Rider's Information



Are there any special medical conditions that we need to be aware of?

Name of Rider’s Physician:


How did you learn about Twin Lakes Stable?
Sixth Rider's Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*
Sixth Rider's Date of Birth*
Sixth Rider's Information



Are there any special medical conditions that we need to be aware of?

Name of Rider’s Physician:


How did you learn about Twin Lakes Stable?
Seventh Rider's Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*
Seventh Rider's Date of Birth*
Seventh Rider's Information



Are there any special medical conditions that we need to be aware of?

Name of Rider’s Physician:


How did you learn about Twin Lakes Stable?
Eighth Rider's Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*
Eighth Rider's Date of Birth*
Eighth Rider's Information



Are there any special medical conditions that we need to be aware of?

Name of Rider’s Physician:


How did you learn about Twin Lakes Stable?
Ninth Rider's Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*
Ninth Rider's Date of Birth*
Ninth Rider's Information



Are there any special medical conditions that we need to be aware of?

Name of Rider’s Physician:


How did you learn about Twin Lakes Stable?
Tenth Rider's Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*
Tenth Rider's Date of Birth*
Tenth Rider's Information



Are there any special medical conditions that we need to be aware of?

Name of Rider’s Physician:


How did you learn about Twin Lakes Stable?
Rider's Address
Address Line 1:*
Street address, P.O. box, company name, c/o
Address Line 2:
Apartment, suite, unit, building, floor, etc.
Parent or Guardian's Email Address


Confirm Email*
Check to receive information, news, and discounts by e-mail.
Emergency Contact

First Name*

Last Name*

Emergency Contact's Phone Number*

Insurance Carrier*

Insurance Policy Number*
Photo Release Form

Here at Twin Lakes we are very proud of our students, and their families, and from time to time will use their picture(s) on our website, Facebook page or other advertising media. At NO time will we divulge private information.

I/WE DO permit TLS to use photos or other images of my child as described above.
I/WE DO NOT permit TLS to use photos or other images of my child as described above.
Additional Parent/Guardian Information
Check One:


Address (if different from above)

Place of Business


Parent(s) or Court-Appointed Legal Guardian(s) must sign for any participating minor (those under 18 years of age) and agree that they and the minor are subject to all the terms of this document, as set forth above.

By signing below the Parent or Court-Appointed Legal Guardian agrees that they are also subject to all the terms of this document, as set forth above.
Parent or Guardian's Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*

Parent or Guardian's Date of Birth*
Parent or Guardian's Information



Are there any special medical conditions that we need to be aware of?

Name of Rider’s Physician:


How did you learn about Twin Lakes Stable?
Parent or Guardian's Signature*
Electronic Signature Consent*
By checking here, you are consenting to the use of your electronic signature in lieu of an original signature on paper. You have the right to request that you sign a paper copy instead. By checking here, you are waiving that right. After consent, you may, upon written request to us, obtain a paper copy of an electronic record. No fee will be charged for such copy and no special hardware or software is required to view it. Your agreement to use an electronic signature with us for any documents will continue until such time as you notify us in writing that you no longer wish to use an electronic signature. There is no penalty for withdrawing your consent. You should always make sure that we have a current email address in order to contact you regarding any changes, if necessary.

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