FOR YOUR SAFETY AND THAT OF OTHER ABSEILERS, IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU READ OUR ABSEIL TERMS AND CONDITIONS AND THIS DECLARATION FORM THOROUGHLY BEFORE SIGNING OVERLEAF. BY SIGNING THIS FORM YOU ARE ACCEPTING THAT YOU UNDERSTAND THE NATURE OF THE ACTIVITY AND AGREE TO PARTICIPATE. ALSO, YOU ARE ACCEPTING THAT YOU WILL ABIDE BY OUR SAFETY RULES AND TERMS & CONDITIONS. If you are 18 or over you must complete and sign this form on your own behalf. If there are under 18 year olds in your group you are required to fill in their details and sign on their behalf. Participation Agreement - I, and any children named on this form under my supervision (“my children” together with “me”, “we”, “under 18s” or “us”) wish to participate in The Anfield Abseil, operated by Wire & Sky Ltd. (the “Operator”) on behalf of The Liverpool Football Club and Athletic Grounds Limited (the “Company” or “LFC”), on the date of this form.
- I (we) agree to fully cooperate with all safety instructions provided to me (us) by the Company.
- I (we) agree to wear the safety equipment provided for the purposes of the abseil and not to tamper, remove or adjust it in any way before or during the activity.
- I (we) are aware of the physical exertion, psychological strain and forces exerted required to participate in the abseil; and do not suffer from and / or are not undergoing medical treatment for any pre-existing physical injuries, conditions, symptoms or congenital defects that may be aggravated as a result of participation. These include but are not limited to high blood pressure, epilepsy, back and / or neck problems and heart conditions.
- I (we) have not undergone an operation within the past 12 months.
- I (we) acknowledge that it was my (our) responsibility to determine whether I (we) would be in a fit state of health to participate in the abseil prior to arrival as advised at the time of booking by LFC. I (we) agree that I (we) do not have any existing medical conditions that I (we) am / are aware of, that could put my (our) health or that of others’ at risk.
- I, or the under 18 I am supervising, am not under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
- To the best of my knowledge, I am not pregnant and nor are any under 18 year olds I may be supervising.
- I (we) agree that we will not take any loose items onto the abseil platform including mobile phones.
Acknowledgement of Risk
LFC and the Operator have taken all reasonable steps to provide you with the level of care and assurances of safety appropriate to these activities. However you should be aware that certain inherent risks remain which are integral to the abseil which cannot be eliminated without destroying it’s unique character. Amongst other things, some of the risks can contribute to: - The loss or damage of personal clothing and / or equipment,
- Feelings of fear, apprehension or discomfort
- Accidental injury, illness, trauma which in extreme but thankfully very rare cases, can be very serious.
The level of real (as opposed to perceived) risk associate with the abseil is very low. But please let LFC or the Operator know if you are uncomfortable with the perceived risk level at any point and our staff will do their best to assist and reassure you. However, please do be aware that if you are unable to abseil LFC cannot issue a refund. Challenging elements of the experience that you may encounter include: Height: The abseil platform is 35 metres high and very exposed. Physical Effort: The abseil involves a degree of physical strength in your arms as you will be required to lower yourself using the belay device provided (although you will be also belayed by an abseil instructor as a back-up). Environmental risks and hazards: As the abseil platform is 35 metres high and exposed to the elements, you may be exposed to high winds, cold, driving rain and, in rare cases, lightning. Our abseil instructors are trained to deal with these conditions and will evacuate the abseil platform and close the experience as necessary. The Operator and LFC have clear obligations and responsibilities and we take these very seriously. However we will be expecting participants to contribute to their own and each other’s safety by following the instructions of our staff. Signing this Declaration in no way compromises your legal rights, nor does it release the Operator or LFC from any of its obligations towards you. It is merely to make sure you are fully aware of what the abseil will involve. Acknowledgement
By signing this I do not release the Operator or LFC from any of its obligations towards me, nor does it affect my legal rights. I have however read and understood the risks involved in The Anfield Abseil experience run by Operator or LFC and agree that I would like to participate in the abseil and will abide by the abseil participant terms & conditions that have been identified to me. Video release
By taking part in The Anfield Abseil, I / we consent to my (our) GoPro footage being taken during our participation and to the publication of the GoPro footage by the Operator or LFC. Photo release
By taking part in The Anfield Abseil, I / we consent to my (our) photo being taken during our participation and to the publication of the photos by the Operator or LFC. Today's Date: March 14, 2025 Please rest assured that we will not share your personal data with 3rd parties.