RELEASE OF LIABILITY: I recognize and understand the risks of physical injury inherent to dance and dance training and I fully assume those risks. I hereby release Kinetic Energy Alive Dance Center, its employees and dance teachers from all liability for injuries sustained or illnesses contracted while attending or participating in any dance classes, rehearsals, workshops, or performances. I agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Kinetic Energy Alive Dance Center, event sponsors, employees and dance teachers for liabilities, costs and judgments arising from acts of omissions committed by me or my child which result in injury or damage to any person or property. I acknowledge and represent that I have fully informed myself of the content of the waiver and hold harmless agreement by reading it before I sign it, and I understand that I sign this document as my own free act and deed; no oral representations, statements, or inducements, apart from the written statement, have been made. I further state that I am at least eighteen (18) years of age and am fully competent to sign this agreement; and that I execute this release for full, adequate, and complete consideration fully intending to be bound by the same. I further state that there are no health-related reasons or problems which preclude or restrict me or my child's participation in this activity, and that I will pay any medical costs that may be attendant as a result of injury to me or my child. Photo Release & Social Media Policy: KEA Dance Center reserves the right to use photographs and videos taken during classes, workshops, performances, or other affiliated events for the purposes of instruction, advertising and promoting KEA Dance Center and its programs. KEA Dance Center owns the copyright to all original choreography. March 12, 2025